
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

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Learning Objectives:

1. Familiarize students with quantitative analysis

2. Familiarize with qualitative analysis

3. Discuss the importance of quantitative and qualitative analysis in business decision-making

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4. Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to a real world scenario


In a three page paper excluding reference page using academic citations (see paper guidelines) discuss the differences between quantitative and qualitative analysis in the business context. In at least one page but not more than two, define and discuss quantitative and qualitative analysis and the differences between them. In the space remaining approximately 1.5 to 2 pages, apply quantitative and qualitative concept to analyze your decision to attend Texas A&M University- Commerce. After your analysis, rank the top quantitative and qualitative reason for why you selected TAMUC. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer since this is your opinion, but your analysis should be thorough, well thought out and well written.

Your paper should have the four following headings:

Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Importance of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, and TAMUC Decision, References (separate page not counted toward 3 pages)

Your paper should start with Quantitative Analysis (Bolded & Centered) with no underlines. For each successive heading, follow the same format. DO NOT write anything before the first heading such as your name and my class.

Keyword: Quant Your file name should be LastnameQuant (e.g. RankinQuant)

General paper guidelines

Please find general paper guidelines. Failure to follow these instructions will result in a reduction of points f


your paper. As accountants you are expected to pay attention to detail.

Timeliness of submission:

Late papers will not be accepted under any circumstances. Students were given appropriate time to complete papers. If you wait until the last minute to submit and there is a technology


other issue, it is your responsibility. Please plan accordingly.

File naming convention:

Your file should be named last name followed by the instructor provided keyword. For example if your name is Mary Kay Jones and the key word is ANALYSIS your file name will be JONESANALYSIS.DOC.

Do not put anything at the top of your paper such as:

Jane Smith

Dr. Rankin

Analysis Paper

You should simply start writing your paper. Do not include a cover page, run headers, footer or page numbers.

File format:

Files are required to be in MS word. No PDF files.

Font, spacing and paper length:

1. Times New Roman 12 point

2. The body of your paper should be double spaced with standard one inch margins.

3. Reference list should be single spaced with the second line indented and a blank line between references. Do not use bibliography or works cited.

4. Point will be deducted for papers not conforming to the page length requirement. References and appendices do not count towards the page length requirement.

Grammar and spelling:

Use Grammarly to scan your paper for misspelled words and make suggestions for word choice. As a general rule, any word with squiggly underlines is either misspelled or you have another issue. Be certain that if you use a registered trademark such as QuickBooks®, Microsoft® or Excel® that you include the ® registered trademark symbol and superscript the text.


1. Paper should be written in third person unless specifically stated in the assignment. In other words we or I should not be used unless the paper requires an opinion.

2. Use of direct quotes is prohibited.

3. Paper should be written in active voice. For example: John did the painting. (active voice- correct) The painting was done by John. (passive voice- incorrect)

4. APA formatting should be used for all references. In a reference list you should indent the second line and all references should be single spaced.

5. Follow APA formatting for numbers. Words should be used to refer to any numbers ten and below and numbers for anything above ten.

6. Headers should be bold, centered and not underlined.

7. Be careful of capitalization issues. Follow the appropriate grammar for capitalization.

8. Do not add Texas after Dallas, Fort Worth, Tyler or any city that it is obviously in Texas.

9. Only scholarly references. Wikipedia, a dictionary, Investopedia or textbooks should not be used for references. The university library should be used to identify scholarly publications. All references should be in alphabetical order.

10. Only the year should be used in the references in APA format. Be certain that the font of your reference page conforms to requirements.

11. Anything reference included in your reference page, needs to be included in as an in text citation in your paper.

12. Do not put the name of the journal in your paper.

13. Your Turnitin® score (percent) should be no greater than 25 percent.

14. When doing an abbreviation, you start with the expression spelled out and then abbreviate after that. For example, Texas A&M University- Commerce (TAMUC). Each successive time you should use TAMUC.

15. Do not use colloquialisms such as “Bless his heart.” “Climbing the ladder.” “Boiled down.” “All in all.” “Right off the bat.” “Working your way up the ladder.” “Fresh out of college.” “Had my eye on the ball.” “Meets the mark.” “As it stands.” “Foot in the door.” We all know what this means, but it should not be included in scholarly writing.

16. Prohibited words and phrases: look, like, view, see, saw, viewing, looking at, that being said, as previously stated, on the other hand, speaking, believe or not, walk away, telling, first of all, in other words, when all is said and done, finally, first, second, third.

17. Good words: analysis, analyzing, evaluating

APA Website:

In-Text Citations:

Personal interview:

Narrative citation: R. Rankin (personal communication, March 17, 2020) when you want to use the interviewee as the subject of the sentence


Parenthetical citation: (R. Rankin personal communication, March 17, 2020) when you are discussing something the interviewee said

More than one author, but less than four:

Narrative citation: Rankin and Jones (2020)


Parenthetical citation: (Rankin & Jones, 2020)

More than three authors:

Narrative citation: Rankin et al. (2020) List only the first author followed by et al.


Parenthetical citation: (Rankin et al., 2020) List only the first author followed by et al.,

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