Paper on Personality (800-1000 words)

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Review the Big 5 Personality Traits test results and define where you are on the scale for each one. Engage in self-reflection and discuss how your personality profile might influence your relationships with others and what if any trait might you have to modify your behavior to be more effective with others. Also discuss which personality trait rated low and which you would like to change and why? Describe how you might modify your behavior to make this change.

Writing style and format requirements:

Writing should be proofread and free of spelling or mechanical errors.

Explain the concepts in your own words and use proper citations and references. Use personal voice e.g. I agree, I feel, I believe, etc. and real-life examples from your experience. Suggested format requirements: 800-1000 words +/-10%. Times New Roman, 12 font size, double space. Use references and in-text citations in APA format. This paper should have a minimum of 3 references, which includes the assigned case study and two other outside sources which further inform your understanding of personality.

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Critical analysis:

Organize your paper in sections and provide your reflection on the Big 5 Personality Traits in section 1. Explain where you are on the scale for each one. Engage in self-reflection and discuss how your personality profile might influence your relationships with others and what if any trait might you have to modify your behavior to be more effective with others. Also discuss which personality trait rated low and which you would like to change and why? Describe how you might modify your behavior to make this change.

Make sure not to plagiarize. Plagiarism will result in a grade 0.

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