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1) a.) The company’s board of directors blame the Chinese poor standards on quality production. Through their board’s sentiments, it is clear that, until China amends their lefty standards, the toy industry will continually recall. The board needs to take some blame here because they should know what type of products the organization produces and how they are produced.

b.) The CEO should get the a lot of the blame, because as the person responsible for guiding the operations of the company he should have known what hazards using the lead paint could cause.

c) The divisional leader should get the least amount of blame.

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d) According to the acting consumer product manager, though numerous toys were recalled, no injuries had been reported whatsoever. Various sources indicate that, the recall might not be the last as there is a problem with quality standards. The quality manager should get the same amount of blame as the CEO because he is the person closest to production and also in charge of quality, but given the suicide undertaken by one of the key exporters and a ban to another company for two days, it is prudent to indicate that the blame squarely lies on the manufacturers in my opinion.

2) Break down barriers between departments, management should learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership and finally have products tested for any defects or anomalies before sending products out.

3) Mattel as a corporation requires investing in tendering process that will avail appropriate results. This implies that, the company needs to source quality compliant manufacturers to mitigate the recalling process.

Since the company’s manufacturing hub is in China, the compliance in American standards seems to poise a worthy challenge. The Chinese manufacturers have been blamed a number of times by other American based toy manufacturers who claim that the Chinese do not comply with the quality requirements. The inalienable challenge ailing the toy industry is the paradigm shift where manufacturers seek to rely on China for manufacturing abilities given the high profit margin.

a.)Mattel as an organization needs to own the test data. This will ensure that the company has sufficient ability to conclusively test the products before ordering. Mattel should inculcate a workable mix governing the human resource team.

a. The staff that should be in China should include the quality manager because he is the one that should be responsible for the products first hand, while the divisional leader should be stationed in the US, because he/she is the liaison between the quality manager and board of directors.

b. Yes, the company should embark on testing all products to ensure that the meet the required standards

5) Through the recalls, Mattel’s share price considerable lost value. The organization through combined effort of all stakeholders sought to alleviate the condition. This was through enacting appropriate checks to ensure that only quality products were distributed to the end user.

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