Sharon Goodman
Concisely describe the process for the IRB prescreening review at Chamberlain University? What barriers could you face as you progress through the IRB prescreening process?
The goal of the IRB process is to protect the rights of subjects participating in research or project activity conducted with the support of the affiliated institution (Harris et al., 2020). An IRB prescreening is performed first. The purpose of IRB prescreening is to determine if a full IRB review is required. For most students in the DNP program at Chamberlain University, a full IRB review is not as the implementation of primary research is not being conducted. The IRB prescreening review at Chamberlain University occurs in NR705. Preparation for the IRB prescreening review is done in NR702, with several of the necessary submission items prepared (Chamberlain University, 2022). The prepared documents are submitted in week one of NR 705 and consist of the following:
1. DNP Practicum Form
2. Prescreening form for the IRB
3. A letter from the project site stating permission to conduct the project and stating there is no IRB necessary, or an IRB site letter if the IRB approval is needed and obtained
4. A copy of the tools used in the project
5. Letters of permission for the tools of the project, if required
6. Informed consent or project information sheet, as applicable
Barriers I could face as I process through the IRB prescreening process may be a delay if I have missed a vital piece of information. This is my first time going through the IRB process at Chamberlain. I may have missed a piece of information necessary for the review. To prevent this from happening, I have reviewed the forms multiple times to ensure all of the content is present. Additional peers and colleagues have reviewed the required documents for missing information. Allowing for opportunities to receive feedback is a critical component of scholarly writing that can enhance the writing process (Tornwall & McDanile, 2022). Hopefully, this additional oversight will mitigate any delays in the IRB prescreening process.
Will you need to gain IRB approval from your organization? If so, what is the schedule for the organization’s IRB meetings? What is the process you will expect? If you do not need site IRB review, have you arranged to get a letter from your organization that confirms you do not need IRB approval? Please attach the letter to your post.
I will not need IRB approval from my organization as I am conducting a case study and not implementing the project at the practicum site.
Chamberlain University. (2022). NR702: Week 8: The IRB prescreen process at Chamberlain University. [Online lesson] Adtalem Global Education.
Harris, J. L., Roussel, L., Dearman, C. & Thomas, T. (2020). Project planning and management: A guide for nurses and interprofessional teams (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett
Tornwall, J., & McDaniel, J. (2022). Key strategies in scholarly writing instruction for doctor of nursing practice students: A Q-methodology study. Nurse education today, 108, 105192.
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