Phil Week 5 Ethical Issues

1/30/22, 11:03 AM Week 5 – Ethical Issue Presentation – PHIL200 B006 Winter 2022 – APEI

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Week 5 – Ethical Issue Presentation

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Feb 6, 2022 11:55 PM


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PHIL200 B006 Winter 2022 LE

Assignments Week 5 – Ethical Issue Presentation

Assignment Instructions

Create an 8-10 slide PPT, or some other presentation, that accomplishes the following:

1. Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating

meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear

with your instructor)

2. Present research on the situation being sure to clearly discuss both sides, as much as

possible. Some conundrums will have much more weight on one side than the other such as

climate change.

3. Reiterate the primary theories contained in your moral compass from week 3 and then

explain the position on this issue your compass promotes.

4. Include a proper references/works cited slide (APA or MLA).

For example, say you want to address gender-neutral bathrooms in public buildings. First, present

some research from sources promoting that they should exist and from sources promoting they

should not. Then reiterate the components of your moral compass as stated in the week three

paper. Note, your compass may have evolved and if so, work in the new components. Finally, state

your position clearly (they should or should not exist) and how your compass justifies that position.

Keep in mind these best practices, please:

Proper PPTs have bullets on the slide that are explained in the notes section (see video on

how to do this if you do not know how).

If you intend to narrate the presentation, be sure to include the transcript in the notes section

(see PPT on how to insert audio if you do not know and want to give that a shot).

If, for any reason you are unable to access the notes section, put the transcript/notes in a MS

Word document in a numbered list with the numbers matching the slide.

Keep the viewer in mind (teacher). While you might work hard on a 20-minute presentation,

few faculty members have the time to watch or listen to it.

Just like papers, clear citations must appear on the slide or in the notes to justify listing a

resource as a reference.

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1/30/22, 11:03 AM Week 5 – Ethical Issue Presentation – PHIL200 B006 Winter 2022 – APEI 2/2

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Moral Theories

Liza Escalante



Eric Zacharias


Moral Theories

The question of what is right and wrong has let philosophers design numerous theories that help people make the best moral decisions. These theories conflict, but grasping their fundamental differences is crucial in studying human rights and ethics. For this discussion, I will build my moral compass based on 4 of these theories, but first, below is a documentation of each of the four theories. Utilitarianism is the first theory that holds that the best way to make a moral decision is by looking at the possible consequences of each available choice. When a person is tasked with making a decision, they should choose that gives the most happiness or yields the least suffering (Smart, 2020). Deontology is the second theory that expects society to have rules that people should abide by. A person’s morality is defined by how they comply with these rules (Gawronski et al., 2017). Thirdly, the virtue ethics theory states that the best way to be moral is by constantly seeking to improve oneself. Universal qualities such as honesty, loyalty, and prudence, among others, are acceptable for virtuous people across all cultures. If a person gives it their best to possess these traits, they will be best situated to make a moral judgment (“Types of moral theories,” 2019). Lastly, the common good theory emphasizes actions that benefit society as a whole instead of specific individuals and a section of society.


Utilitarianism Theory: Using this theory in making major life decisions allows me to evaluate the positive and negative consequences of each choice I make. That way, no repercussions get me by surprise.

Deontology Theory: Using this theory in the community ensures that I maintain healthy and productive relationships that foster my personal growth.

Virtue Ethics theory: Using this theory in my love life has been crucial in ensuring that my partner feels safe and assured.

Common Good Theory: I have used this theory to connect individuals to opportunities to sustain their families.

Markkula Framework for Ethical Decision Making

Nonprofit Detention Centers for Migrant Children

Over 14,000 migrant children are being detained by the United States government, unaccompanied, after being separated from their families. The government has outsourced nonprofit organizations to house and care for these children. However, there are public concerns about the mistreatment of these children and engagement in inappropriate activities by these nonprofits. Arguably, nonprofits are best designed and suited to care for and protect migrant children compared to government and for-profit organizations. However, as long as the government policies on detaining migrant children, implemented by Human Health Services (HHS), contradict the missions statements of these nonprofit institutions, these institutions end up giving in to an ethical system. These nonprofit organizations’ dependence on government funding prevents them from enforcing the highest level of ethics in their operations. Secondly, a lack of an effective oversight body causes these nonprofit institutions not to be accountable to the public due to their unscrupulous behavior of questionable dealings, inflated compensation, and sexual assaults on the children by employees. Strengthening the capacity of nonprofits to be financially independent will rid them of government control, allowing them to adhere to their charitable missions. Additionally, a well-constituted oversight body will ensure that these nonprofit organizations are accountable to the public.


Gawronski, B., & Beer, J. S. (2017). What makes moral dilemma judgments “utilitarian” or “deontological”?. Social Neuroscience, 12(6), 626-632.

Smart, J. J. C. (2020). Utilitarianism and its applications. In New Directions in Ethics (pp. 24-41). Routledge.

Types of moral theories. (2019, Feb 09). The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey. Retrieved From

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