Plagiarism Free Guarantee

How it works

Do you want to maintain a fabulous academic performance throughout your academic life? Place your trust in us and witness academic excellence right away. We will nail your paper with original thoughts and ideas while ensuring all sources used are referenced. Contact us and let us help build your reputation and make you the best in your class.

The following are tips used by our professional essay writers to deliver plagiarism-free essays.

Our software utilizes advanced algorithms that can see through all tricks that can be used to hide plagiarism in an essay. Although we trust our writers to deliver high-quality and original content, we always take the necessary precautions to ensure nothing goes unnoticed. All our papers are checked for plagiarism before they are delivered to our clients. The following are steps used by our writers to ensure they deliver original content.  

  • Everything is written from scratch. At Achiever Essays we do not have a database for pre-written essays. This means that all our papers are written upon request and as per the instructions of the client. Even in a case where instructions are repeated the paper is written independently of the previously written paper.
  • All sources used are cited accurately and as per the formatting style of your choice. Every time we quote or paraphrase, an in-text citation or footnote citation is included. This identifies the original author and also includes the publication year and a page number. Each in-text correspond to a reference in the reference list at the end of your paper.
  • Paraphrasing and quotations are used. When sharing ideas or information from a certain source, the information must be paraphrased or quotation marks must be used instead. Quoting means copying a piece of text word for word. The copied text is then enclosed in quotation marks followed by attributions to the original author. On the other hand, paraphrasing is using your own words to explain something from the original source. 
  • Plagiarism detectors are used. In most cases, your tutor will use a plagiarism detector to check your paper for plagiarism. If you order a paper from us, it will be scanned through a plagiarism detector before it is delivered to you. This helps us eliminate any traces of plagiarism by identifying parts where a citation was forgotten, left out quotation marks, or a paraphrase that is too close to the original text. 
  • Presentation of own ideas. Brainstorming is the strength when it comes to essay writing and coming up with original content. Our professional writers are good at understanding and following instructions. Once a writer has understood assignment instructions, they are in a better position of making an original contribution to the topic and subject of your assignment. They can easily give their personal opinions, views, and interpretations making your content more original.  
  • Only relevant and credible information is used. Our writers have access to the world’s database for the best sources of credible information such as online libraries. Only credible online sources will be used in writing and referencing your paper.
  • All structuring and formatting guidelines are used. All our writers have been trained on different citation styles such as MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago. They are aware of all structuring and formatting guidelines of each style and thus your paper will be cited and referenced to the citation style of your choice.

Advantages of using our free plagiarism detectors

Our free plagiarism detector will help you identify intentional and non-intentional plagiarism in your essay free of charge. The following are some advantages of using our free plagiarism detector.

  • You can easily identify and eliminate similarities between your assignment and millions of internet sources. Our free plagiarism detector can identify any traces of plagiarism and you will be reminded to cite your sources to make your essay original.
  • You do not have to waste time searching for similarities. The plagiarism detector will point out all similarities and will also mention the original document that the plagiarized content came from. This means that you will not have to waste time searching for your sources. 
  • You get help with grammar check and spelling. Our free plagiarism detector has the ability to check your essay for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. This will ensure that you come up with a plagiarism-free essay that is free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  • It will save you from the trouble of delivering plagiarized content. With our free plagiarism detector, you can deliver plagiarism and error-free essay which will earn you better grades. Unlike other students who are likely to get punished for delivering plagiarized contentment, you are free from any punishments. 

NB: Our free plagiarism detector can identify the use of synonyms in an attempt to hide plagiarized content, identify changes to sentence structure or word order, and can also identify plagiarism in sentences whose voice has been changed. Enjoy using our free plagiarism detector and be in a better position to deliver 100% original content.

Originality related hazard causing plagiarism

  • Copyright information that is not cited
  • Reusing texts you had used in your previous writings
  • Rewriting an original text using synonymization and altered sentence structure

Importance of submitting plagiarism free materials.

Our essay services are the best in the world as our papers are prepared by professional academic writers who have been employed by our company. The papers are passed to our editing department where they ensure that assignment instructions have been fulfilled. All errors are eliminated in this department and the paper is also checked for originality. Enjoy the following advantages any time you use our essay help services for your assignments.

  • You get better grades. Any time you deliver authentic materials to your learning institution, you can be sure to get the best grades. Plagiarized content will give you a poor grade and it can even have a worse outcome such as expulsion.
  • You can express your personal views, opinions, and interpretations freely. Whenever a paper is written from scratch and not copied directly from the original source, the writer is able to express their personal opinion, views, and interpretations.  
  • You get a well-referenced essay with a reference page with all sources used. Every authentic paper must have in-text citations and a reference list at the end of the paper which contains information about all sources used in writing the paper.
  • You get credibility for the materials you submit. Any time you submit original materials you eliminate all chances of losing credibility or getting punished for submitting materials that are unoriginal and that goes against the rules and regulations that have been set by your institution.

If you have trouble researching and writing an original and error-free paper, feel free to contact us any time for the best assignment help services. Our papers are scanned through a plagiarism detector and thus you do not have to worry about receiving plagiarized content from us. 

Consequences of delivering plagiarized materials 

The following are the major consequences of plagiarized content to a student.

  • You can be suspended or expelled from your learning institution. You can be suspended if it’s the first time plagiarism is detected in your paper and you do not have any other disciplinary cases with your institution. In the worst-case scenario, you can be expelled. This leaves you with no opportunity to make the institution trust you in the future. If you are expelled, the money, effort, and time spent in your studies can be lost as you might be forced to start afresh in another institution if you are lucky enough to get admission. 
  • Your research paper can be canceled. In some institutions, if plagiarism is found in your research paper, your paper can be canceled or you can be failed. This depends on the rules and regulations of your institutions concerning plagiarism. In some institutions, you might be allowed to submit another paper while in others you might be forced to redo the whole course or unit.
  • You can be forced to redo the whole course at an additional cost. Although you might have worked hard on other tasks and assignments, one serious case of plagiarism could disregard your success. You might be denied the opportunity to take your final exam. In this case, you will be requested to restart the course due to a simple mistake that could have been avoided. Always check your papers for plagiarism every time before submitting it for grading.
  •  It might be hard to get admission to another institution once you have been expelled. Once you have been expelled due to plagiarism, your academic record can reflect the ethics offense which can make it hard for you to get admission into other learning institutions. 

Popular questions asked by students about plagiarism.

1. What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is considered an academic fraud as it involves using, stealing, or publication of thoughts, languages, or ideas of other authors without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism can have highly negative consequences such as paper retractions and loss of author credibility and reputation.

2.Do you offer non-plagiarized essays?

Yes. All our essays are plagiarism-free thanks to our team of professional academic writers who are dedicated to providing original and high-quality content.

3. If you write my essay for me, will I be assured of original content?

We despise plagiarism and that’s why all our essays are passed through a plagiarism detector to ensure they are 100% original before being delivered to our clients. We care about our clients’ grades and academic achievements and we will never do anything that can affect their performance negatively.

4. How do you commit plagiarism?

You can commit plagiarism when writing an essay if you copy directly from journeys, articles, books, or other materials written by different authors. You can use other people’s ideas but they must be paraphrased. The content must also be cited to the original content.

5. Is plagiarism a crime?

Plagiarism is considered an academic fraud in most learning institutions. You should learn your institution’s description of plagiarism and use of source materials to understand how you can avoid plagiarism in all your academic works.

Found plagiarism? Get a free revision.

We value the opinion held by our customers about us and will do anything to keep it positive. We are proud of the services we deliver to our clients as they have earned us a positive reputation in the academic writing industry. Due to this, we have more return than new customers as most of our clients are happy with the services delivered to them.

In some very rare cases, you might discover traces of plagiarism in your paper. If this happens, feel free to contact us and your paper will be revised free of charge. Your paper will be revised until you are fully satisfied at no cost. We also deliver plagiarism reports free of charge with your essay upon request.

Do you need world-class assignment help services? Contact us and we will start working on your custom paper immediately. 

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