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Interview Outline

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· Description of interviewee

· List of interview questions

· Permission of interviewee for the interview


Interview Outline

Your Name Here

Axia College of the University of Phoenix

BEH 225

Instructor, Name Here

Month and Day, 2010

Description of interviewee

As my candidate possesses a Masters Degree in Psychology, I discern that my interview candidate is both interested in the study and erudition of behavioral sciences the concerns of learning, memorization, comprehension of human behavior and personality development. He holds an executive position at our place of employment. Furthermore, the described interviewee is direct, intelligent, and honest. Thusly, I deduce that my interviewee is an ideal candidate for my research project.

Interview Questions

1. What mode of learning are you aware of and what is your preferred learning form?

2. Do you process and commit information to memory readily?

3. Do you memorize information without difficulty?

4. Can you describe the cognitive learning process?

5. What learning strategies you use so the information learned enters the long-term memory?

6. When studying, reading or writing, do you prefer to do so in a quiet or noisy environment?

7. Upon completion of the Myers-Briggs Test [Jung Word Test] at:

, what personality types were you assigned or categorized as possessing?

8. In your opinion, do you feel the result of the Myers-Briggs Test [Jung Word Test] describes you? Why or why not?

9. Do you believe that self-monitoring influences your behavior and attitude?

10. What do you believe is the chief facet that influences your attitude?

11. How do you consider the indications that a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity may contribute to formation of an individual’s personality and attitudes?

12. When solving a problem, addressing an issue or an assigned tasks what type of motivation do you prefer to deploy – intrinsic or extrinsic?

13. Have you ever experienced or employed a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic methods of motivation during an activity?

Permission of interviewee for the interview

Earlier on, I had contacted the individual (above) asking that he participate as “subject” in my study. In an email, my subject has accepted to participate and granted all permissions outlined in my consent. Among the textual content in the Participant form of Release are areas that state: his name, my intent, and a grant of permission to use and quote his responses in my scholarly report paper. The interviewee understands that when composed, this report paper will be submitted directly and solely to Axia College of the University of Phoenix and wholly to satisfy a portion of my BEH 225 course of study. Moreover, a decree of anonymity is present in this consent. I have guaranteed that the name of my interviewee will remain guarded and confidential; whereas his true identified will not be released before, during or at the conclusion of my study. The Participant form of Release has been completed [electronically signed and dated].

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