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Proning covid 19 patients or patients with other respiratory distress syndromes (Concept A) increases (Proposition) oxygenation (Concept B).  Merriam-Webster defines prone as “lying with the chest and stomach positioned downwards”. Lewejohann et al. state that the prone position improves oxygen exchange in the alveoli (1999). Pathak researched that about 5% of total cases with covid 19 diagnoses damages the layers and lining of the alveoli in the lungs, as the body tries to fight the infection the lungs become more inflamed and fill with fluid (2021) which makes oxygenation more difficult. During the pandemic or should I say currently prone position is been widely used to treat patients with respiratory failures cause by diseases and viruses such as Covid-19 and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); most patients improved their oxygenation during prone position (Langer et al., 2021). In ARDS caused by covid 19 blood flow and airflow are imbalanced which caused poor oxygenation, when a patient is prone it causes blood and airflow to be redistributed more evenly which results in decreasing the imbalances and increasing oxygenation (Hadaya & Benharash, 2020).

            Oxygenation is important for human survival MedlinePlus published that oxygen is a type of gas our body needs to function, cells need oxygen for energy, we obtain oxygen when we inhale allowing our lungs to absorb oxygen then transporting it to the blood and from the blood to the organs (2021). Shrestha & Lamsal researched found that oxygen therapy is the backbone of managing covid-19 patients with moderate to severe Covid-19 respiratory symptoms (2021). With respiratory disease oxygen cannot be transferred from lungs to blood efficiently, Pruning helps to increase oxygenation whether patients are intubated or not. Thus, Pruning covid 19 patients or patients with other respiratory distress syndromes (Concept A) increases (Proposition) oxygenation (Concept B).


One of the major issues discussed in Medical-Surgical nursing is patient fall prevention. Patient falls can at times lead to major injuries and may result in a prolonged hospital stay. Every year, it is estimated at 700,000 to 1,000,000 hospitalized patients in the U.S. experience falls; of those falls, 30-50% results in injuries (Grillo et al., 2019). It is also noteworthy that the average cost of each fall is $14,000 (Grillo et al., 2019). Thus, it is not surprising that the role of nurses in fall prevention has always been a focus in the hospitals that I have worked for in the past. One observation that I made is that increasing nursing rounds leads to a decreased likelihood of patient falls. In my experience, many of patient falls occur when patients attempt to use the bathroom unassisted or when they try to reach for something, such as a bedside table, and then lose balance. When I make frequent rounds and make sure that my patients’ needs are met proactively, I have seen that I can prevent any possible falls. On the other hand, when the unit is short-staffed, especially during a shift change when patient rounds are less frequent, I have observed that falls are more likely to occur. Therefore, it is safe to say that an increase in nursing rounds (concept A) leads to (proposition) decreased patient falls (concept B). In their study, Grillo et al. (2019) found that purposeful nursing rounds, in which RNs or CNAs round on each patient every hour during the daytime or every two hours at night, and addressing the five P’s (pain, potty, position, possessions, and plan of care), led to a decrease inpatient falls. Additionally, the use of purposeful nursing rounds resulted in a reduction of call light response times and an increase in patient satisfaction (Grillo et al., 2019). Furthermore, by explaining to patients the expectations for the nursing rounds and safety protocols, patients expressed understanding and felt included in their care (Grillo et al., 2019). Although there are usually numerous factors that cause patient falls in the Medical-Surgical setting, I would like to propose a theory that increased nursing rounds lead to a decrease in inpatient falls.  

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