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Case study:

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Sandra is a 27-year-old female admitted with a possible Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). She smokes one pack per day and is on birth control. She has a history of hypertension and obesity. She is admitted to the hospital and placed on bedrest. Heparin drip is started per protocol. The Provider is anticipating on sending her home with Coumadin.

  1. Can Sandra be placed on Coumadin and Heparin at the same time? What is the reason she is on both medications at the same time? Use critical thinking skills and rationale along with data from your resource to support the reason.
  2. Develop 3 teaching points important for Sandra to know about her medications regimen.
  3. What 3 questions would you ask Sandra to verify that she understand the 3 teaching points?
  4. Please include at least 1 reference and provide appropriate citation of your reference(s), only time frame of 2019-2021 is to be used for your references

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