Political Solutions and Strategies for the Current Climate Crisis


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 Political Solutions and Strategies for the Current Climate Crisis 


Bita Kamizi

Global climate change

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Political Solutions and Strategies for the Current Climate Crisis


Climate change refers to the change in weather distribution patterns lasting for a long
duration of time. Climate change has caused the rise in average global surface temperatures;
climate change has been instigated by human industrial activities and much of the climate change
has occurred in the last three decades (Leggett, 2009). Use of fossil fuels by human beings in the
industries has increased the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases release in the
air which causes a blanket in the atmosphere trapping heat. Most environmental research bodies
such as the environmental protection body and the national aeronautics and space administration
agree that climate change is real, and it is due to human based activities. This paper will assess
the key political strategy that can be put in place to resolve the current climate change problem.

Background of the Problem and Potential Solutions

Scientists use a number of tools to establish records about the climate; these tools include
satellite, historical data and environmental data. Satellite data and instrumental data about the
climate is shorter compared to the earth`s existence scientists, therefore, needs more information
regarding the earth`s climate (Leggett, 2009). With information from satellites and instrumental
records the scientists cannot be able to assess the climate changes and processes that takes
hundreds to thousands of years. To extend these records regarding the global climate scientists
use earth`s natural environmental records hidden in the bottom of oceans, coral reefs, glaciers
and ice caps. Natural recorders are able to provide scientists with information regarding
temperature, precipitation and more and they are able to deduce what has been happening over
the years (Leggett, 2009). Environmental policies should not be segregated but instead should be
created from a common base; creation of an interstate environmental council can help assess the
environmental problems and also increase the ability to implement the environmental policies
that will serve the whole nation and continent at large. The public should be involved in decision
making regarding environmental problems and policies to increase the conservation outcomes
through better public engagement in the implementation of environmental policies (Leggett,
2009). Also, important, there is need to increase funding for environmental research facilities
which are central to the creation of environmental solutions through innovation and invention.

The greenhouse effect refers to the natural process through which the atmosphere is able
to trap sun energy to warm the earth which makes it able to support life. However, increased
release of greenhouse gases from human based activities has resulted into an artificial effect that
is causing global increase in temperatures which cause El-Nino rains and rise in oceanic levels.
Greenhouse gases are as a result of increased use of chemicals in agriculture as well as emissions


from industries. Increased greenhouses emissions are responsible for the global warming and
increased climate changes that are threatening the same life greenhouse effect purport to support.
Failure to control the artificial caused increase in greenhouse effect the climate is going to get
worse with the increased temperatures and rise in oceanic levels which are affecting ocean
navigation and habitants living along the shores and islands. Rojas-Downing et al. (2017) argue
on the importance of authorities to formulate improved policies about livestock production. It
may also push readers to change their diets away from meat-based foods in a bid to curb climate

Policy Situation in Addressing Climate Change

Public policies which are still yet to be designed and offered which could ameliorate the
state of the global warming effects present on Earth and enhance the entire environmental quality
in a geographic or geopolitical region. This policy aims at reducing the use of non-degradable
plastic bags in the wake of growing environmental concern (Leggett, 2009). Global warming
effects have only become more real in the recent years causing legislators and policy makers to
engage aggressively with the aim of salvaging the little that is left of our planet. The policy that
requires large and small stores to sell reusable carry bags for their consumers is one example of
policy initiatives to mitigate negative implications of climate change (Fosado Centeno, 2020).
Policies are the only resort for the planet; there is need for extreme measures like the ban on the
plastic bags. Countries are increasingly creating policies that aims at controlling the use of
plastic bags as an environmental hazard (Leggett, 2009). Recycling plastic bags will greatly
reduce the amount of plastic waste in our environment. Recycling programs provides the public
and customers the ability to return the plastic bags they use for recycling.

The solution on global warming as a result of environmental pollution lies in the actions
of men. Policy makers are central to laying out frameworks and procedures that can help aid the
protection of environment. However, policies alone are not enough to win the battle for better
climate and environment. There is need for the involvement of the people in decision making;
involving the people in decision making regarding measures to protect the environment will
greatly influence positively the implementation of the policies (Fosado Centeno, 2020).
Government initiatives can help create more education and climate problems awareness to the
general public. Most irresponsible human activities are as a result of ignorance and poor policy
implementation. Despite the creation of environmental policies their implementation continues to
be erratic. Due to the growing corruption in public offices implementation of environmental
policies has been futile over the years. Ethical education and creation of climate plight awareness
can increase the engagement of both the public and environmental policy regulators. Rojas-
Downing et al. (2017) determined that livestock production needs to be sustainable for its impact
on climate change to be positive. Livestock production is critical in enhancing food security.
Policies should be formulated and implemented to prevent its excessive impact on GHG


Climate change presents an ethical challenge to our moral framework when making
environmental decisions. Addressing the concepts of equity, fairness, and justice in tackling
atmosphere hazards is necessary. Human and food insecurity, mass migration violent conflict
and risks related to freshwater are foremost concerns in susceptible developing countries.


Environmentalist should avoid egocentric view when conceptualizing the global threat. The
effects on plant and animal life should be a consideration as well as other parties such as the less
developed countries. Human beings should conceptualize the bigger picture of global warming
on climate change and their influences. Environmental problems like global warming are
universal and require a universal approach and not politically divided policies. State
governments should establish common ground in the creation of environmental policies to ensure
universal suffrage and better results.

Annotated Bibliography

Fosado Centeno, E. (2020). The Socio-Political Construction of Climate Change:
Looking for Paths to Sustainability and Gender Justice. Sustainability, 12(8),

Fosado (2020) conducts a research on the social political elements that shape the climate
change agenda and the potential policy solutions. Through a systematic review the research
examines the history of climate change policy and its importance in addressing the overall
situation. The research which was based on policy documents spanning from 1994 to 2015
which covers a period before the Paris Agreement shows that there is need for more fair and
sustainable political concessions to address the problem of climate change. More
importantly, the study identifies the need for women inclusion in the fight against climate
change which can help create a holistic solution to the problem.
Leggett, J. A. (2009). Climate change: current issues and policy tools. DIANE

The study by Leggett (2009) seek to assess the current policy issues affecting the

policy intervention towards the problem of climate change. The study through a literature
review provides a stock of policy initiatives aimed at addressing the problem of climate
change. The study found out that there is political will to create policies which can be used to
address the problem of climate change. Policies are directed towards the development of
technology which can be used to address the issue. What important to note from this study is
that policy initiatives present the most effective avenue for reducing the cost of alleviating
climate change. This article will be used to show the policy alternatives as a solution towards
climate change.

Rojas-Downing, M. M., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Harrigan, T., & Woznicki, S. A. (2017).
Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Climate Risk
Management, 16(1), 145-163.

The study conducted by Rojas-Downing et al. (2017) perceive livestock farming as a
significant contributor to climate change. The study which uses a systematic review of literature
involving the analysis of close to 200 articles, books, journals, and other publications by
professional bodies dated from as early as 1980 to 2017 provides conclusive evidence on how
livestock farming is a contributor to climate change. The study calls on the importance of policy
to promote sustainable livestock farming which will not only help the climate to heal but also
affects the ability to create a sustainable source of food to address the problem of food insecurity.



Fosado Centeno, E. (2020). The Socio-Political Construction of Climate Change: Looking
for Paths to Sustainability and Gender Justice. Sustainability, 12(8), 3382.

Leggett, J. A. (2009). Climate change: current issues and policy tools. DIANE Publishing.
Rojas-Downing, M. M., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Harrigan, T., & Woznicki, S. A. (2017).

Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Climate Risk
Management, 16(1), 145-163. doi:10.1016/j.crm.2017.02.001

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