Post University Faced with A Moral Dilemma Discussion

In the classic trolley problem, you are faced with a moral dilemma. Imagine that a trolley is barreling down the tracks uncontrollably. It is headed directly towards a crew of five workers and will undoubtedly crash into them. You realize you are standing by a switch that could push the trolley onto a different track, but on that track is one person working. Do you flip the switch to save five workers at the expense of one? In answering the question and deciding what you would do, consider:

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Different moral philosophies (utilitarianism, duty-based, virtue, etc.) and how each would factor into your decision.

Also discuss your ethical, moral, and legal obligations and how they may differ as well as the consequences of your decision from each perspective.

  • Be sure to include a discussion of moral relativism and the potential dangers of claiming nothing is absolutely right or wrong.
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