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Social Work

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N A S W S t a n d a r d s f o r

Social Work
i n H e a l t h C a r e S e t t i n g s

National Association of Social Workers

Darrell P. Wheeler, PhD, ACSW, MPH


Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW

Chief Executive Officer

Health Care Standards Expert Panel

Lisa E. Cox, PhD, LCSW, MSW

Terrie Fritz, LCSW

Virna Little, PsyD, LCSW-R

Shirley Otis-Green, MSW, ACSW, LCSW

Anthony Yamamoto, LCSW

NASW Staff

Stacy Collins, MSW

©2016 National Association of Social Workers.
All Rights Reserved.









Guiding Principles

16 Standard 1. Ethics and Values

17 Standard 2. Qualifications

18 Standard 3. Knowledge


Standard 4. Cultural and Linguistic Competence

24 Standard 5. Screening and Assessment


Standard 6. Care Planning and Intervention

29 Standard 7. Advocacy

31 Standard 8. Interdisciplinary and Interorganizational


33 Standard 9. Practice Evaluation and Quality



Standard 10. Record Keeping and Confidentiality

37 Standard 11. Workload Sustainability

39 Standard 12. Professional Development


Standard 13. Supervision and Leadership



45 Acknowledgments



Since the early 20th century, social work has
been an integral component of the U.S. health
care system, and the profession continues to
play a leadership role in the psychosocial
aspects of health care. Today, social workers
are present in settings across the health care
continuum, including prevention and public
health, primary and acute care, specialty care,
rehabilitation, home health, long-term care,
and hospice. Professional social workers
provide services to individuals and families
throughout the life span, addressing the full
range of biopsychosocial–spiritual and
environmental issues that affect well-being.
Social work’s strengths-based, person-in-
environment perspective provides the
contextual focus necessary for client- and
family-centered care and is unique among
the health professions.

A hallmark of social work’s commitment to
health and well-being is the profession’s
continued focus on the issue of health care
inequality in the United States. People living
in poverty and communities of color continue
to experience disproportionately higher rates
of acute and chronic illness, due to unequal
access to

health care

services, lack of health
insurance coverage, poverty, discrimination,
and other social determinants of health. Social
workers recognize that reducing health
disparities can only be accomplished by
addressing the biopsychosocial–spiritual needs
of individuals and families, as well as the
systemic issues that contribute to poor
health outcomes.


The Evolving U.S. Health Care System

The U.S. health care system is in an era of
unprecedented change. In recent years, the
nation has witnessed continuing high rates of
uninsurance (13 percent of the U.S.
population, or 42 million people, were
uninsured in 2013 [U.S. Census Bureau,
2014]), inadequate coverage, escalating health
care costs, erosion of employer-based health
insurance, and increasing demand for health
care services as the baby boom generation
enters retirement. The Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (ACA) (2010) was
designed to address these issues. The goal of
the ACA is to expand access to affordable and
comprehensive health coverage, improve
patient outcomes, and increase the efficiency
and cost-effectiveness of the health care
delivery system. The ACA invests heavily in
care delivery models that promote
coordination of acute and postacute care and
greater integration of primary and behavioral
health services.

Challenges for the Profession

Their long-standing role in the health system
notwithstanding, social workers practicing in
health care settings today face significant
challenges. Ongoing changes in the financing
and delivery of health care and a shortage of
social work effectiveness data have contributed
to the reduction of social work services in
certain health care settings. Increasingly,
health care social workers are supervised by
individuals without social work degrees, and
tasks previously performed by social workers
are often assigned to other personnel,
including nurses, paraprofessionals, and
volunteers, in an effort to reduce costs.


Opportunities for Social Work in the ACA Era

Despite these challenges, health care social
work is poised to experience a resurgence in
the ACA era. With its emphasis on the “triple
aim”—improving the patient experience of
care (including quality and satisfaction),
improving the health of populations, and
reducing the per capita cost of health care
(Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
2014)—the ACA strengthens social work’s
traditional role in health care and offers new
opportunities for the profession.

The ACA promotes care delivery models, such
as the patient-centered medical home
(PCMH) and accountable care organization
(ACO), which are designed to improve health
outcomes and control health care costs. To
succeed, these models will rely on social
workers skilled and competent in health care
navigation, behavioral and mental health
integration, chronic care management, and
care coordination, among other skills. The
aging of the population will necessitate a need
for social workers skilled in transitioning
patients between different settings and levels
of care and managing complex discharges.

The anticipated influx of patients into the
health care system resulting from the ACA
insurance coverage expansion will increase the
need for social workers who are educated and
trained in working with diverse populations
and with clients who have challenging
physical, behavioral, and mental health needs.
Greater emphasis on community-based care
will require social workers skilled in reducing
nonmedical barriers to health care access. As
important, expanded social work involvement


in these roles and settings presents an
opportunity to advance the evidence base for
the profession.

Prevention and public health, traditional social
work roles, have gained renewed importance
under the ACA. With its ecological viewpoint,
the social work profession is well-positioned to
take a leadership role in new ACA prevention
initiatives, including workplace wellness, home
visiting, and smoking cessation programs. Social
workers are also well positioned to participate
in macro-level prevention efforts, such as policy
change to reduce obesity, which can improve
population outcomes more efficiently than
individual-actions at the clinical care level.
Furthermore, new research fields, particularly
patient-centered outcomes research and
community-based participatory research, offer an
opportunity for social workers to contribute to
the prevention and public health research base.

Purpose of the Standards for Social Work
Practice in Health Care Settings

These standards articulate the necessary
knowledge and skills health care social workers
should possess to deliver competent and ethical
services in today’s health care environment;
provide benchmarks for quality social work
practice for use by health care employers; and
assist policymakers, other health professionals,
and the public in understanding the role of
professional social workers in health care
settings. These standards are intended to
guide social work practice and may be applied
differently, as appropriate, to different health
care settings.



The specific goals of the standards are to

� Ensure that social work practice in health
care settings is guided by the NASW Code
of Ethics (NASW, 2008)

� Enhance the quality of social work services
provided to clients and families in health
care settings

� Advocate for clients’ rights to self-
determination, confidentiality, access to
supportive services and resources, and
appropriate inclusion in decision making
that affects their health and well-being

� Encourage social work participation in the
development, refinement, and integration of
best practices in health care and health care
social work

� Promote social work participation in
systemwide quality improvement and
research efforts within health care

� Provide a basis for the development of
continuing education materials and
programs related to social work in health
care settings

� Promote social work participation in the
development and refinement of public
policy at the local, state, federal, and tribal
levels to support the well-being of clients,
families, and communities served by the
rapidly evolving U.S. health care system

� Inform policymakers, employers, and the
public about the essential role of social
workers across the health care continuum.



Social Worker

Within the United States, a social worker is an
individual who possesses a baccalaureate or
master’s degree in social work from a school or
program accredited by the Council on Social
Work Education. Although all 50 states and
the District of Columbia license or certify
social workers, licensure and certification laws
vary by state. Each social worker should be
licensed or certified, as applicable and required,
at the level appropriate to her or his scope of
practice in the practitioner’s jurisdiction(s).


Client refers to the “individual, group, family,
or community that seeks or is provided with
professional services” (Barker, 2013, p. 73).
For purposes of these standards, the term
“client” refers to an individual. The term
“patient” is more commonly used by social
workers employed in health care settings.

Biopsychosocial–Spiritual Perspective

A biopsychosocial–spiritual perspective
recognizes the importance of whole person
care and takes into account a client’s physical
or medical condition; emotional or
psychological state; socioeconomic,
sociocultural, and sociopolitical status; and
spiritual needs and concerns.


Bioethics is “the analysis and study of legal,
moral, social, and ethical considerations
involving the biological and medical sciences”
(Barker, 2013, p. 41).


Case Management

Case management is a collaborative process to
plan, seek, advocate for, and monitor services,
resources, and supports on behalf of a client.
Case management enables a health care social
worker to serve clients who may require the
services of various health care providers and
facilities, community-based organizations,
social services agencies, and other programs.
Case management limits problems arising
from fragmentation of services, staff turnover,
and inadequate coordination among providers.
“Care coordination,” “care management,” and
“patient navigation” are sometimes used
interchangeably with “case management”
(Barker, 2013).

Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is “the process by which
individuals and systems respond respectfully and
effectively to people of all cultures, languages,
classes, races, ethnic backgrounds, religions,
and other diversity factors [including, but not
limited to, sexual orientation; gender, gender
expression, and gender identity; and family
status] in a manner that recognizes, affirms,
and values the worth of individuals, families,
and communities and protects and preserves
the dignity of each” (NASW, 2007, pp. 12–13).

Health Disparities

Health disparities are preventable differences
in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and
disease burden that are closely linked with
social, economic, and environmental
disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect
groups of people who have systematically
experienced greater obstacles to health based
on their race or ethnicity; religion;


socioeconomic status; sexual orientation;
gender, gender expression, and gender
identity; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory,
or physical disability; geographic location; or
other characteristics historically linked to
discrimination or exclusion (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.).

Social Determinants of Health

The social determinants of health are factors
that affect a wide range of health and quality-
of-life outcomes and are responsible for most
health disparities. These factors include income,
housing, education, employment, and access to
health services, among others. Social determinants
of health are shaped by the distribution of
money, power, and resources (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.).

National Standards for Culturally and

Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health

Care (CLAS Standards)

The National Standards for Culturally and
Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health
and Health Care (the CLAS Standards),
developed by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS), are intended to
advance health equity, improve quality, and
help eliminate health care disparities by
providing guidance to health care
organizations for implementing culturally and
linguistically appropriate services (HHS,
Office of Minority Health, 2013).

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

(ACA) (2010)

The ACA is a broad-based federal law that
seeks to reform the U.S. health care delivery
system by expanding health insurance


coverage, enhancing quality of care, improving
health outcomes, regulating the health insurance
industry, and reducing health care spending.

Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)

The PCMH is a health care delivery model
accountable for meeting the large majority of a
person’s physical and mental health care needs,
including primary, acute, and chronic care.
Within a PCMH, an individual has an
ongoing relationship with a primary care
provider who directs and coordinates his or
her care across all elements of the broader
health care system, including physician
specialty services, hospitals, home health care,
and community services and supports (Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.-a).

Integrated Care

Integrated care is a health care delivery
approach in which primary care, mental
health, and behavioral health care services are
systematically coordinated and available in one
location (Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration & HHS, Health
Resources and Services Administration, Center
for Integrated Health Solutions, n.d.).

Chronic Care Model

The chronic care model is a widely used
approach to chronic illness management that
adapts the acute care delivery system to more
appropriately meet the needs of individuals
with chronic illness (Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, n.d.-b).

Accountable Care Organization (ACO)

An ACO is a group of physicians, hospitals,
and other health care providers who share


responsibility for providing coordinated care
to patients. Within an ACO, providers are
financially incentivized for meeting specific
quality and utilization benchmarks for a
defined patient population (Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, n.d.).

Evidence-Informed Practice

Evidence-informed practice is practice based
on the best available research, practice
expertise, and available resources.

Guiding Principles

The NASW Standards for Social Work Practice
in Health Care Settings reflect the following
guiding principles of the social work profession:

� Self-determination: Social workers respect
and promote the right of clients to self-
determination and assist clients in their
efforts to identify and clarify their goals.

� Cultural competency and affirmation of the
dignity and worth of all people: Social
workers treat each person in a caring and
respectful fashion. With skills in cultural
awareness and cultural competence, social
workers affirm the worth and dignity of
people of all cultures.

� Person-in-environment framework: Social
workers understand that each individual
experiences a mutually influential
relationship with her or his physical and
social environment and cannot be
understood outside of that context. This
ecological perspective recognizes that
systemic injustice and oppression underlie
many challenges faced by clients.


� Strengths perspective: Rather than focus on
pathology, social workers elicit, support, and
build on the resilience and potential for
growth and development inherent in each

� Primacy of the client–social worker
relationship: The therapeutic relationship
between the social worker and the client is
integral to helping the client achieve her or
his goals.

� Social justice: At all levels, from local to
global, social workers promote and advocate
for social, economic, political, and cultural
values and institutions that are compatible
with the realization of social justice.

� Importance of social work research: Social
workers promote the value of research as a
means of improving the well-being of
individuals, families, and society;
strengthening the current workforce; and
maintaining the social work profession’s role
in health care settings.



Standard 1. Ethics and Values

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall adhere to and promote the ethics
and values of the social work profession, using
the NASW Code of Ethics as a guide to ethical
decision making (NASW, 2015a).


The primary mission of the social work
profession is to enhance human well-being and
help meet the basic human needs, with special
attention to the needs of people and
communities who are vulnerable, oppressed,
or living in poverty. Social workers have an
ethical obligation to address the health care
needs of these groups and advocate for change
to ensure access to quality care.

The profession’s mission is rooted in core
values that have been embraced by social
workers throughout the profession’s history
and highlight social work’s distinct purpose
and perspective. These values—service, social
justice, dignity and worth of the person,
importance of human relationships, compassion,
integrity and competence—constitute the
foundation of social work and underlie the
practice of social work in health care settings.

The NASW Code of Ethics establishes the
ethical responsibilities of all social workers
with respect to their own practice, clients,
colleagues, employees and employing
organizations, the social work profession, and
society. Acceptance of these responsibilities—
which include upholding a client’s right to
privacy and confidentiality and promoting


client self-determination—fosters competent
social work practice in health care settings.

In a health care system characterized by
technological advancement and rapid change
in care delivery and financing of health care
services, ethical dilemmas among and between
clients, families, health care professionals, and
organizations are potentially numerous and
complex. The NASW Code of Ethics and
prevailing clinical bioethics provide a
foundation for social workers to manage such
dilemmas. Health care social workers have the
responsibility to know and comply with local,
state, federal, and tribal legislation,
regulations, and policies, addressing topics
such as guardianship; parental rights; advance
directives; and reporting requirements for
abuse, neglect, exploitation, suicide, and threat
of harm to others.

When an ethical dilemma or conflict occurs,
the health care social worker is expected to
employ available mechanisms, including social
work supervision, peer review, institutional
ethics committees, and external consultation,
to resolve the dilemma.

Standard 2. Qualifications

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall possess a baccalaureate or
master’s degree in social work from a school or
program accredited by the Council on Social
Work Education, shall comply with the
licensing and certification requirements of the
state(s) or jurisdiction(s) in which she or he
practices, and shall possess the skills and
professional experience necessary to practice
social work in health care settings.



Social work degree programs provide the
fundamental education and training required
for all social work practice specialties. As an
area of specialization within the social work
profession, health care social work requires a
distinct skill set and knowledge base, as
outlined in these standards. Ideally,
prospective health care social workers should
have prior health care–related educational or
employment experience. At a minimum, it is a
health care social worker’s responsibility to

� Acquire and maintain social work licensure
or certification, as available, for the social
worker’s educational level and professional

� Abide by a defined scope of practice, as
required by state law or regulation

� Adhere to supervision requirements
� Pursue ongoing professional development

activities, to acquire the competence
necessary to perform job responsibilities.

A health care social worker whose responsibilities
include the diagnosis of mental and behavioral
health conditions and/or the provision of
psychotherapy must have a master’s degree in
social work and should either be licensed at
the clinical level or, if the licensing jurisdiction
allows, perform clinical tasks under supervision.

Standard 3. Knowledge

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall acquire and maintain a working
knowledge of current theory and evidence-
informed practice, and shall use such
information to ensure the quality of social
work practice.



As health care professionals, social workers
require specialized knowledge and skills. This
knowledge and skill base can be obtained
through multiple approaches, including
coursework and field practice in a social work
degree program, specialty practice credentials
earned after graduation, health care–related
employment experience, and ongoing
continuing education. Developing a knowledge
and skill base is a cumulative process that
requires a commitment to career-long learning.

Given the growing complexity of services
delivery systems and client needs, even
experienced health care social workers may
encounter situations requiring knowledge and
skills beyond the scope of their usual practice
setting. In such situations, the health care
social worker seeks supervision, consultation,
and continuing professional development, as
described elsewhere in these standards, to ensure
she or he has both the requisite knowledge of
health care delivery systems and the skills to
serve clients effectively. In addition, the social
worker may need to collaborate with health
care and other services providers on behalf of a
client, or refer a client to other social workers
whose expertise is more suitable to the client’s
needs and circumstances.

Knowledge and skills that are essential to social
work practice in health care settings include,
but are not limited to, the following areas:

Physical and mental/behavioral health

� The interplay between the physiological
elements of acute, chronic, and life-limiting
illness and biopsychosocial–spiritual health
and well-being


� Concepts and theories associated with life-
span development, neurobiology, and
behavioral change

� Grief, loss, and bereavement
� Depression, anxiety, and other mental

health conditions
� Addiction and other behavioral health

� Sexual health
� Concerns related to sexual orientation, gender

identity and expression, and gender roles
� Basic medical terminology
� Knowledge of common health conditions
� Counseling and behavioral change


Health care delivery system issues

� The health care continuum
� The unique needs of marginalized,

oppressed, and diverse populations
� Health disparities and the social

determinants of health
� Evidence-informed approaches to health

care, including the PCMH, integrated
primary and behavioral health care, ACOs,
and the chronic care model

� New health care policies and delivery
system changes resulting from the ACA

� Basics of health insurance coverage,
including Medicare, Medicaid, the
Children’s Health Insurance Program, and
commercial insurance plans

� Health care system trends, including
ongoing health care infrastructure changes

� Accreditation and regulatory standards

health care settings

� Thorough knowledge of community resources
� Micro-, mezzo-, and macro-level preventive

health care


Roles and responsibilities of social workers in

health care settings

� Understanding of common ethical and legal
issues in social work practice in health care

� Biopsychosocial–spiritual assessment
� Use of the strengths perspective
� Client and family engagement in all aspects

of social work intervention
� Case management/care management/care

coordination/health care navigation
� Discharge and transition planning
� Client concordance with and adherence to

the plan of care
� Advance care planning
� Palliative care, including pain and symptom

� Hospice and end-of-life care
� Identification of child/elder/vulnerable adult

abuse, trauma, neglect, and exploitation
� Crisis intervention
� Facilitation of benefits and resource

acquisition to assist clients and families,
including an understanding of related
policies, eligibility requirements, and
financial and legal issues

� Advocacy with other members of the
interdisciplinary team and within the health
care institution to promote clients’ and
families’ decision making and quality of life

� Client, family, interdisciplinary, and
community education

� Family systems issues, including the impact
of health care concerns, illness, and disease
on family relationships; life cycles; and
caregiving roles and support needs

Research and evaluation

� Research and evaluation methodology


� Social work outcome/practice evaluation

� Opportunities for social work participation
in institutional quality improvement
programs and research projects

� Client and family education regarding
opportunities for clinical trial participation

� Ability to analyze research results and
incorporate findings into practice,
organizational quality improvement
initiatives, and advancement of the social
work profession

Standard 4. Cultural and Linguistic Competence

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall provide and facilitate access to
culturally and linguistically appropriate
services, consistent with the NASW Standards
and Indicators for Cultural Competence in Social
Work Practice (NASW, 2015b).


The increasing racial, ethnic, and linguistic
diversity of the United States requires health
care social workers to strive continuously for
cultural competence. Recognition and
affirmation of cultural and linguistic diversity
are critical to both therapeutic alliances with
clients and cooperative working relationships
with colleagues. Given the many facets of
culture, every interaction between a health
care social worker and a client is potentially a
cross-cultural exchange, as two individuals are
unlikely to be identical in every aspect of
cultural identity.

The practice of health care social work requires
an understanding of the broad scope of
diversity in the United States. Client diversity


is expressed in many ways, including race,
ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sexual
orientation; gender, gender expression, and
gender identity; religion, age, health and
family status; cognitive, physical, or psychiatric
ability; and sensory differences, preferred
language, immigration status, degree of
acculturation, level of formal education, and
literacy, among others. Health care social
workers must also recognize that cultural self-
awareness is an integral component of cultural
competence. Such awareness entails
understanding how one’s own cultural values,
beliefs, biases, experiences, and perceptions
affect interactions with clients and colleagues.

Health care social workers must acquire a
cross-cultural knowledge base to provide
effective, culturally competent practice. In
particular, social workers must develop and
maintain an understanding of the history,
traditions, rituals, values, family systems, and
communication patterns of major client
groups served, as well as an understanding of
the influence of culture on help-seeking
behaviors and perceptions of health, illness,
health care treatments, disability, caregiving
roles, and death and dying among client/patient
groups served. Social workers should also
recognize how societal oppression and privilege
related to cultural and linguistic diversity (such
as racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, or
xenophobia) affect clients’ biopsychosocial–
spiritual well-being, access to and use of
supports and services, and health outcomes.

Health care social workers should advocate for
organizational practices and policies that
promote and support cultural diversity among


staff and throughout the health care
organization. These may include hiring and
retention policies that ensure various client
groups are represented among personnel and
institutionwide education and training programs
to develop specialized expertise (such as
bilingual and bicultural skills) among staff.

There is no endpoint in the achievement of
cultural competence; rather, developing and
maintaining cultural competence is a lifelong
process of learning and self-reflection. To
develop and promote cultural competence at
the individual, institutional, or societal level,
social workers should be guided by the NASW
Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence
in Social Work Practice (NASW, 2015b). HHS’s
National Standards for Culturally and
Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and
Health Care (HHS, 2013) may also serve as a
guide for social workers.

Standard 5. Screening and Assessment

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall engage clients and, when
appropriate, members of client support
systems, in screening and assessment, by
gathering information for use in developing
evidence-informed care plans.


Screening for psychosocial issues is now common
in health care settings. Within emergency
departments, clinics, and other points of entry,
individuals are often screened for pain, mental
health disorders, domestic violence, substance
use disorders, self-harm, and distress, among
other concerns. Screening can also occur
throughout a disease trajectory. The presence


of psychosocial screening programs has
become a criterion for institutional
accreditation in certain health care settings.

Early identification of psychosocial issues can
assist health care social work staff in effectively
prioritizing situations that may affect client
safety or indicate a high need for social work
services. Preventive screening results can also
inform a comprehensive client assessment.
Social workers should be trained and
demonstrate competency in the use of
psychosocial screening tools used within their
institutions and organizations. Social workers
should also participate on institutional
committees that implement and monitor
psychosocial screening programs.

Biopsychosocial–spiritual assessment is a
fundamental process of social work practice in
health care settings. The foundation of client
care planning is the comprehensive assessment,
which requires social workers to engage clients
in identifying their needs and strengths and
supporting clients in establishing priorities and
goals. In conducting an assessment, the health
care social worker must use empathy, client-
centered interviewing skills, and methods
appropriate to clients’ capacity. In the
assessment process, social workers may find
standardized instruments helpful in identifying
and responding to client concerns. Such
instruments are viewed as starting points in
the development and refinement of an
individualized, comprehensive assessment.

Assessment is an ongoing activity, not a
onetime event. During the reassessment
process, the social worker and client (and, if


appropriate, members of the client support
system) revisit the needs, assets, and priorities
identified in the initial assessment and discuss
the client’s emerging concerns.

A comprehensive assessment may include the
� Behavioral and mental health status, including

current level of functioning, coping style,
crisis management skills, substance use
history, and risk of suicide or homicide

� Physical and cognitive functioning
� Psychosocial–spiritual well-being, including

ability to fulfill social roles
� Cultural values, beliefs, and practices
� Client strengths, protective factors, and

points of resilience
� Employment, educational, or vocational

history, including challenges, goals, and

� Living arrangements, including suitability
and safety of the home environment

� Family composition, structure, and roles
� Language preferences and proficiency levels
� Degrees of literacy, including health,

behavioral health, and financial literacy
� Risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of or

by the client, and underlying causes for such

� Social supports, including formal and
informal support systems

� Need for economic or other psychosocial
resources, supports, and services

� Ability to navigate relevant service systems
(such as educational, employment, health
care, housing, legal, nutritional, social
services, or transportation systems)

� Life-span planning (which may include
advance care planning, anticipation of


caregiving responsibilities, permanency
planning for minor children, retirement
planning, or other domains)

� Client’s perceptions of changes needed to
improve her or his situation

� Identification of barriers to adherence to the
plan of care.

Assessment processes should, to the extent
possible, be customized for vulnerable
populations, including children, people with
severe and persistent mental illness,
immigrants and refugees, people with
substance use disorders, survivors of violence
or trauma, people who are homeless, and
people with physical or cognitive disabilities.

Standard 6. Care Planning and Intervention

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall develop and implement
evidence-informed care plans that promote
client well-being and ensure a client- and
family-centered continuum of care.


Care plans outline the necessary steps—
identified collaboratively by the social worker,
the client, the client support system (at the
competent client’s discretion), and other
members of the health care team—to achieve
the goals and objectives identified in a
comprehensive biopsychosocial–spiritual
assessment. Implementing care plans with
individuals across the life span, and with
different health conditions and cultures,
requires health care social workers to tailor
practice techniques to best meet client needs.


Case management—a historical function of
the social work profession—remains an
efficient and cost-effective approach to care
plan implementation that can optimize client
functioning. Health care institutions have
multiple titles for social workers who engage
in case management functions. “Case manager,”
“care manager,” “care transition manager,”
“discharge planner,” “patient navigator,” and
“care coordinator” describe work that resembles,
to varying degrees, case management. Through
case management, health care social workers
engage clients in the collaborative process of
identifying, planning, accessing, coordinating,
monitoring, evaluating, and advocating for
resources, supports, and services.

Clinical social workers who are employed or
contracted to provide mental or behavioral
health services should use evidence-informed
treatment interventions with clients. These
interventions may include cognitive–behavioral
therapy, motivational interviewing, chronic
disease self-management, psychoeducational
services, brief intervention/brief therapy, and
trauma-informed care, among other modalities.

When implementing care plans, social workers
should strive to
� Develop and maintain a therapeutic

relationship with the client and the client
support system

� Engage the client in a culturally responsive
manner and with a strengths-based approach
that facilitates, supports, and recognizes the
client’s capabilities, resources, and resiliency

� Apply evidence-informed practice models to
facilitate the client’s accomplishment of
goals and objectives


� Facilitate access to a range of financial,
housing, health, mental and behavioral
health, education, and community resources

� Ensure care continuity through safe
discharge, appropriate transition between
different levels of care, and client follow-up

� Seek consultation from health care team
members and social work supervisors, as
necessary, to facilitate plan implementation

� Safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of
client information.

Standard 7. Advocacy

Social workers practicing in health care settings
shall advocate for the needs and interests of
clients and client support systems and promote
system-level change to improve outcomes,
access to care, and delivery of services,
particularly for marginalized, medically
complex, or disadvantaged populations.


Social workers have a responsibility to advocate
for the needs and interests of clients and client
support systems. Social workers in health care
settings serve as client advocates by promoting
client access to health care, identifying and
removing barriers to services delivery, and
helping clients navigate between and among
complex health and social services systems.
Social workers also strive to promote clients’
self-advocacy skills and to enhance the
capacity of communities to support clients’
biopsychosocial–spiritual quality of life.

To strengthen services and enhance client
outcomes, social workers should promote and
participate in quality improvement initiatives


within their health care institutions. Quality
improvement programs offer an opportunity for
health social workers to advocate for the
expansion of the profession’s role in health care
settings. These programs can also build social
work capacity for institutional leadership roles.

Social workers should play an active role in
community education efforts, speaking on
behalf of their health care institutions about
disease prevention, health promotion, access
to care, and other timely health-related topics.

Health social workers must understand the
concept of health disparities—the
disproportionate burden of preventable disease,
death, and disability experienced by many
minority communities, people living in poverty,
and other disenfranchised groups. Health
disparities are closely linked with the social
determinants of health, that is, the social,
economic, and environmental conditions that
strongly influence heath status. Population
health requires minimizing health disparities
and promoting health equity among all
socioeconomic groups. Social workers have an
ethical obligation to address health disparities
by educating colleagues, the media, allied
professionals, decision makers and policymakers,
and other stakeholders on the impact of health
disparities and unequal access to health
services and by engaging in social and political
action to reduce health disparities.


Standard 8. Interdisciplinary and

Interorganizational Collaboration

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall promote collaboration among
health care team members, other colleagues,
and organizations to support, enhance, and
deliver effective services to clients and client
support systems.


Collaboration between the social worker and
the client is the foundation of health care social
work practice. Therefore, the client (and when
appropriate members of the client support
system) is at the center of the health care team.
Within health care settings, multiple practitioners
are often involved in a client’s care, making
teamwork and collaboration essential.
Teamwork and good communication among
health care practitioners can improve health
care delivery, resulting in better client outcomes.

Social workers should be competent in different
teamwork models that are common in health
care settings, including multidisciplinary models
(different disciplines working together, each
drawing on their own knowledge);
interdisciplinary models (different disciplines
working in a coordinated fashion toward a
common goal for the client); and transdisciplinary
models (a team of health care professionals
cooperating across disciplines to improve patient
care through practice or research). Working
effectively as members of a health care team
also requires health care professionals, including
social workers, to engage in interdisciplinary
education programs. These efforts allow team
members to learn about each other’s
contributions to improving client outcomes.


The health care social worker plays an integral
role in fostering, maintaining, and
strengthening collaborative partnerships on
behalf of clients, families, and communities
and should demonstrate the ability to
� Articulate and fulfill the mission and functions

of the employing health care organization
� Differentiate social work perspectives,

values, and interventions from those of
other health care disciplines

� Ensure that the social work roles and
responsibilities are clearly delineated and
communicated to other members of the team

� Provide psychosocial insight, guidance, and
recommendations to other members of the
health care team regarding client and family

� Describe the roles of other health care
practitioners and organizations involved in
supporting the client

� Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of
each collaborating organization are clearly
delineated and communicated

� Communicate effectively with all
professionals, paraprofessionals, and
volunteers involved in supporting social
work clientele in the health care setting

� Advocate for the client’s or, when
appropriate, the client support system’s
integral role in team communications and
care planning, delivery, and monitoring

� Communicate the client’s information in a
respectful and objective manner while
protecting the client’s confidentiality and

� Foster an organizational culture that
promotes effective, coordinated services for
clients, families, and communities

� Develop and maintain partnerships across


disciplines and organizations to enhance
access to and continuity of care for social
work clientele

� Share and, where appropriate, team
leadership in planning and improving
services to clients.

Standard 9. Practice Evaluation and Quality


Social workers practicing in health care settings
shall participate in ongoing formal evaluation
of their practice to advance client health and
well-being, assess the appropriateness and
effectiveness of services and supports, ensure
competence, and strengthen practice.


Evaluation of social work practice is an essential
component of social work services delivery.
Evaluation entails soliciting and integrating
internal and external feedback on the process
and outcomes of social work practice in health
care settings. Ongoing formal practice evaluation
is vital to ensure that services provided to
clients are appropriate, effective, and timely in
helping clients achieve their goals. Moreover,
practice evaluation outcomes are increasingly
used for position justification, performance
review, practice standards, goal setting, risk
management, utilization review, and research
efforts. Social work evaluation methods may
include peer review, self-evaluation,
supervision, and other research methods.

Evaluation practices may include the following
� Application of appropriate tools such as

clinical indicators, practice guidelines,
satisfaction surveys, and standardized


performance assessments to evaluate client
progress and satisfaction

� Solicitation and incorporation of feedback
from clients regarding the extent to which
social work services have helped them
identify and achieve their goals

� Solicitation and incorporation of feedback
from the interdisciplinary treatment team
regarding the effectiveness of social work
services and opportunities for increased or
improved interdisciplinary collaboration

� Measurement of both process and outcome

� Practitioner, program, and organizational

� Participation in qualitative and quantitative
social work research to strengthen the
evidence base for social work services in
health care settings

� Dissemination of evaluative data to clients,
payers, and other health care providers on
request, and with consideration for clients’
rights to privacy and confidentiality

� Use of internal and external practice,
program, or organizational evaluators

� Application of evaluation and research
findings, including evidence-informed
practice, to facilitate client goal setting and
to enhance practice and program quality
and outcomes

� Use of peer review, supervision, and
consultation with other social workers and
across disciplines.

Standard 10. Record Keeping and Confidentiality

Social workers practicing in health care settings
shall maintain timely documentation that
includes pertinent information regarding client
assessment, and intervention, and outcomes,


and shall safeguard the privacy and
confidentiality of client information.


Clear, concise, and ongoing documentation of
social work services in health care settings
facilitates effective communication with other
health care providers and organizations,
thereby promoting continuity of services.
Documentation serves as a foundation for care
planning and for practice and program
evaluation. In addition, professional
documentation is often required for services
reimbursement, utilization or legal review, and
demonstration of organizational accountability
to payers or funding sources. The purpose of
documentation is to foster strong working
relationships with, and services for, clients in
health care settings.

Documentation of social work services should
be recorded on paper or electronically and
must be prepared, secured, and disclosed in
accordance with regulatory, legislative,
statutory, and organizational requirements.

High-quality social work documentation includes
� The client’s identifying information
� Screening results
� Initial and subsequent biopsychosocial–

spiritual assessments
� A client care plan, with procedures for

monitoring and quantifying progress toward
accomplishment of client goals, services
provided, and other information about plan

� Referrals to or from other practitioners,
organizations, or resources, including
rationale for referrals, and other


collaboration on behalf of the client
� Dates, times, and descriptions of contact with

the client, the client’s support system, and
other health care providers or organizations

� Quantifiable service outcomes
� Supervision or consultation sought or

provided to enhance social work services
� Transfer or termination of services
� When indicated, written permission from

the client to release and obtain information
� Documentation of compliance with

confidentiality and privacy rights and

� Accounting of receipts and disbursements
related to client services provision.

Health care social workers must safeguard all
client information and adhere strictly to local,
state, federal, and tribal requirements
regarding confidentiality. They should inform
clients both verbally and in writing of
confidentiality requirements and limitations
before services are initiated. This is necessary
to ensure that the client has the information
needed to provide informed consent and to
facilitate the client’s understanding of how the
social worker discloses client information to
other health care professionals and how the
health care organization responds to external
requests for confidential information.

Technology, including e-mail, text messaging,
videoconferences, and other mechanisms, may
increase the efficiency of social work services,
but must always be used in a professionally
appropriate manner that ensures client
confidentiality in all venues. Disclosure of
identifying information should be avoided
whenever possible. In particular, social


workers should refrain from disclosure of
client information on social media.

Health care social workers should be
knowledgeable about the confidentiality
implications of electronic record keeping
specific to health care settings. Social workers
should receive training on and demonstrate
competence in the health care organization’s
electronic medical record (EMR) system and
should demonstrate competency in its use,
including an understanding of the EMR’s
unique confidentiality and privacy implications.
Health care social workers should also be
knowledgeable about the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,
and the Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health Act (2009).

Standard 11. Workload Sustainability

Social workers practicing in health care settings
shall responsibly advocate for workloads and
scope of work that permit efficient and high-
quality social work services delivery.


Health care organizations, social work managers,
and social work staff have joint responsibility
for establishing and maintaining a workload
that allows for adequate and appropriate
interventions and monitoring of services and
outcomes. A workload consists of any social
work function, including direct contact with or
on behalf of clients and administrative, policy,
research, or educational functions performed
in accordance with a health care social work
position. The workload reflects the needs and
goals of the clientele and the health care
organization and may include social work
coverage outside of regular office hours.


A caseload, in contrast, refers to the number of
clients served at a given point in time. Client
caseload size directly affects a social worker’s
capacity to establish relationships with and
provide services to clients. Consequently,
caseload size should allow for meaningful
opportunities for client contact. The number
of clients a health care social worker can serve
effectively is limited by the degree to which
health care organizations serve clients in acute,
high-risk situations or other circumstances
requiring intensive, frequent contact with
clients. The workload also reflects the
demands of the population served.

Multiple factors affect both caseload size and
workload manageability within health care
settings, including but not limited to
� Complexity of client needs, including

patient acuity and requirements for care
transitions and follow-up services

� Availability of institutional, community, and
family resources to meet client needs and goals

� Number of clients the health care
organization serves

� Administrative support and access to

For maximum effectiveness, the size of the
social work staff reflects the mission of the
health care organization, the scope of the
social work program, and the number and
complexity of clients served. On behalf of
health care social workers and their clientele,
social workers should advocate for and support
research to determine reasonable caseloads
with diverse populations and within different
health care practice settings, to provide
ethical, quality-based services.


Standard 12. Professional Development

Social workers practicing in health care settings
shall assume personal responsibility for their
own continued professional development, in
accordance with the NASW Standards for
Continuing Professional Education (NASW, 2003)
and the licensure or certification requirements
of the state(s) or jurisdiction(s) in which she or
he practices.


Social workers must engage in ongoing
professional development to maintain
competence within their fields of practice.
Professional development activities relevant to
social work practice in health care settings may
include developments in clinical care, research
or technology, health care policy and legislation,
community resources and services, ethics, and
leadership and administration, among other
topics. Numerous opportunities for professional
development exist within NASW, allied
professional organizations, schools of social
work, health care institutions, and organizations
providing services to or on behalf of various
constituencies (such as children, older adults,
or people with disabilities) at the local, state,
national, and international levels.

Employing organizations should encourage
and support social workers’ participation in
professional development activities. This can be
accomplished through organizational sponsorship
of multidisciplinary and social work–specific
continuing education programming; promotion
of supervision and mentorship opportunities
for social workers; and support for social work
involvement in peer review, research,
publication, and volunteer activities. To


advance the field, social workers must take an
active role in opportunities, both within their
employing institutions and within the larger
social work community.

Standard 13. Supervision and Leadership

Social workers practicing in health care
settings shall strive for leadership roles in
educational, supervisory, administrative, and
research efforts within their institutions and
shall mentor others within the social work
profession, to develop and maintain a robust
health care social work workforce.


The purpose of social work supervision in
health care settings is to enhance the professional
skills and knowledge of a supervisee to
increase her or his competence in providing
quality services to clients and families.
Supervision facilitates professional growth and
development and improves clinical outcomes.

Best practice dictates that within health care
settings, social work departments be directed
by a master’s-level social worker with experience
and expertise in health care practice. A licensed
clinical social worker—be it the supervisor or
another individual—should be available to
provide clinical supervision for licensure, in
accordance with state licensing laws.
Qualifications for social work supervisors
should be consistent with the Best Practice
Standards in Social Work Supervision (NASW &
Association of Social Work Boards, 2013).

Supervisors play a key role in the professional
development of their supervisees. The actions
and advice of the supervisor are keenly


observed by supervisees and, consequently,
influence much of the supervisees’ thinking and
behavior. Teaching is an important function of
the supervisor, who models the behavior the
supervisees will emulate. Supervisors should
create a supportive educational environment in
which supervisees learn about the health care
systems in which they work and the clients and
communities they serve.

To sustain and nurture the practice of health
care social work, all experienced social workers,
regardless of their supervisory status, should
offer guidance, mentoring, and consultation to
students, interns, and their less experienced
peers. Social workers in senior management
roles should provide mentorship to other social
workers aspiring to leadership positions within
health care settings.

In addition, social workers should play an active
role in all types of clinical research, as well as in
health services and quality improvement research.
Such involvement not only demonstrates the
leadership capability of the social work
profession, but also advances recognition among
interdisciplinary colleagues of the essential
role of biopsychosocial–spiritual intervention
in quality care to clients and families.

In addition, social workers should play an active
role in clinical, health services, and quality
improvement research, to demonstrate the
leadership capability of the social work
profession and to advance recognition among
colleagues in other disciplines of the essential
role of biopsychosocial-spiritual intervention
in quality services to clients and families.


Experienced social workers should promote
relationships with schools of social work in
their states and communities to encourage
interest in health care practice through field
placement arrangements, joint research
initiatives, and collaborative continuing
education activities.

Social workers should initiate and participate
in qualitative and quantitative social work
research to strengthen the evidence base for
social work services in health care settings and
improve the broader health care system.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(n.d.-a). Patient-centered medical home resource
center. Retrieved from

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(n.d.-b). Toolkit for implementing the chronic care
model in an academic environment. Retrieved
curriculum-tools/chronic caremodel/

Barker, R. L. (2013). The social work dictionary
(6th ed.). Washington, DC: NASW Press.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(n.d.). Social determinants of health. Retrieved


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(n.d.). Accountable care organizations (ACO).
Retrieved from

Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health Act, P.L. 111-5, div. A,
title XIII, div. B, title IV, 123 Stat. 226, 467
(42 U.S.C. 300jj et seq.; 17901 et seq.)
(February 17, 2009).

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936
(August 21, 1996).

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2014).
The IHI Triple Aim initiative. Retrieved from

National Association of Social Workers.
(2003). NASW standards for continuing
professional education. Washington, DC: Author.

National Association of Social Workers.
(2015a). Code of ethics of the National Association
of Social Workers. Washington, DC: Author.

National Association of Social Workers.
(2015b). Standards and indicators for cultural
competence in social work practice. Washington,
DC: Author.

National Association of Social Workers &
Association of Social Work Boards. (2013). Best
practice standards in social work supervision.
Washington, DC: NASW Press.


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
P.L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 1025 (2010).

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration & U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Health Resources and
Services Administration, Center for
Integrated Health Solutions. (n.d.). What
is integrated care. Retrieved from

U.S. Census Bureau. (2014). Health insurance
coverage in the United States: 2013 (Current
Population Reports, P60-240). Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. (2013). Report of the Secretary’s
Advisory Committee on national health promotion
and disease prevention objectives for 2020.
Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of Minority Health. (2013).
The national culturally and linguistically
appropriate services standards. Retrieved from
NationalCLASStandards FactSheet



NASW gratefully acknowledges the work of
the social work expert panelists for their
contributions to the NASW Standards for Social
Work Practice in Health Care Settings. NASW
also thanks its health care specialty credential
holders, Specialty Practice Section committees
and members, and other members for their
input in the standards development process.



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Washington, DC 20002-4241


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An Uninvited Guest: Addressing Students’ Death
Anxiety in Oncology Social Work Field
Meuche, Glenn . Field Educator ; Boston  Vol. 7, Iss. 1,  (Spring 2017).

ProQuest document link


Field placements present a wide breadth of challenges that afford students fertile ground to refine their clinical

skills of active listening, engagement, and relationship. The inclusion of a curriculum that encourages self-

reflection and centers on students’ attitudes and beliefs surrounding end-of-life care has a positive influence and

direct correlation to their comfort level and openness to speaking with their clients about death and dying. The

supervisory relationship has been heralded as the cornerstone in the development of effective clinicians and as

the quintessential learning experience for the clinician, the foundation of students’ educational growth and

development, and the therapeutic alliance in which supervisees develop their own style. (Sormanti, 1994, p. 75)

Death anxiety and unfamiliarity with regard to skills that are solicited in oncology social work and end-of-life care

may account for students’ difficulty in recognizing the clinical dimension of these field placements. The clinical

skills employed in oncology social work placements are unique and often different from interventions used for

instance, in mental health venues. Students discover themselves struggling with the clinical skills of the capacity

to sit with the silence and offer the gift of presence in end-of-life care. “Curricula that include discussions about

the psychology of illness, including defenses and their usefulness in helping people adapt to the many anxieties

raised by severe and life-threatening illnesses, would prepare students better for oncology placements” (Sormanti,

1994, p. 84). Bridging the academic component with the affective dimension of social work practice is integral to

the development of clinical acuity…

Social work student internships are an indispensable ingredient in the formation of students’ professional identity.

Field placements present a wide breadth of challenges that afford students fertile ground to refine their clinical

skills of active listening, engagement, and relationship. The issues that are addressed by students specializing in

psychosocial oncology and end-of-life care are unique. Students in these field placements are not only confronted

by their clients’ dying and death, but forced simultaneously to reconcile themselves to their own mortality as well.

Why, you may ask, take on this unpleasant, frightening subject? Why stare into the sun? Why grapple with the most

terrible, the darkest and most unchangeable aspect of life? […] Death […] is always with us, scratching at some

inner door, whirring softly, barely audibly, just under the membrane of consciousness. (Yalom, 2008, p. 9)

Death is an inescapable mortal wound that everyone experiences. Engaging with those who are dying is not an

isolated event, but instead, a collective experience. “Dying is a relational event, and the clinician cannot be neutral,

absent, or objective” (Berzoff, 2008, p. 182). The realization of death can become a wellspring, therefore, for

opportunity and growth. Its inevitability provides the impetus for us to engage with others in personal and intimate


Although the universality of death has the potential to connect human beings to one another on a deeper level, it

can lend itself to an existential crisis and heightened experience of death anxiety. Anxiety surrounding death

references “the perceived amount of emotional distress provoked by the anticipated total nonexistence of the self”

(Hui, Bond, &Ng, 2007, p. 200). Fear of death repeatedly is the “pink elephant in the room.” Its presence is palpable


and yet it often remains unspoken. Death anxiety can range from a fear of ego-dissolution and annihilation to fear

of the dead. It may reveal itself in anxiety over the process of dying and fear of the unknown. Field instructors can

help students embrace these fears, reframe them, and understand how death anxiety can enhance the therapeutic

relationship and their capacity to share in the suffering of the other.

Clinically, the experience of death anxiety may contribute to students’ difficulty in establishing alliances and

facilitating rapport with their clients. The fear of death for instance, can manifest itself in students’ reticence in

initiating dialogue with their clients and sharing in meaningful conversation pertinent to death and dying. Students

may attempt to change the subject because of concern over upsetting their clients or engage in positive thinking

or reframing of their clients’ experience. In its worse scenario, death anxiety may translate to an avoidance of the

person who is at the end-of-life.

Professionals in end-of-life care have directed their attention to social work education and criticized the absence of

adequate training at times within the arena of death, dying, and loss. “Social work educators and clinicians have

repeatedly pointed out the need for social work curricula to place more emphasis on social workers’ attitudes

toward death, dying and bereavement” (McClatchey &King, 2015, p. 347). The inclusion of a curriculum that

encourages self-reflection and centers on students’ attitudes and beliefs surrounding end-of-life care has a

positive influence and direct correlation to their comfort level and openness to speaking with their clients about

death and dying.

The importance of death education to impart content knowledge about the death process and gaining insight into

the death attitudes of helping professionals has been emphasized by students, practitioners, educators, and

ethicists. It is clear there is a near universal agreement on the need for the inclusion of death education in the

training of helping professionals. (McClatchey &King, 2015, p. 346)

Therefore, it is critical that field placements situate emphasis on the experiential as well as the academic and

clinical component. Supervisors can encourage introspection and help student interns begin the process of

examining their insecurities and vulnerabilities pertaining to death, dying, and loss. This, however, would also

require field instructors to exhibit a willingness to recognize and connect with their own death anxiety and the

manner in which this impacts and directs their clinical work. Students not only model the clinical skills we impart

to them, but also with their clients they mirror the supervisory experience.

The supervisory relationship has been heralded as the cornerstone in the development of effective clinicians and

as the quintessential learning experience for the clinician, the foundation of students’ educational growth and

development, and the therapeutic alliance in which supervisees develop their own style. (Sormanti, 1994, p. 75)

Death anxiety and unfamiliarity with regard to skills that are solicited in oncology social work and end-of-life care

may account for students’ difficulty in recognizing the clinical dimension of these field placements. “Students

sometimes expressed concern that an oncology setting is ‘not clinical enough’ and that they feel they cannot apply

what they are learning in social work classes to their fieldwork” (Sormanti, 1994, p. 80). The clinical skills employed

in oncology social work placements are unique and often different from interventions used for instance, in mental

health venues. “Students describe clinical work as treatments with patients who can be labeled with a […]

diagnosis and as work that can be done in an office setting in 50-minute hours under a mutually agreed-on client-

worker contract” (Sormanti, 1994, p. 80). Students discover themselves struggling with the clinical skills of the

capacity to sit with the silence and offer the gift of presence in end-of-life care. “Many students are uncomfortable

with emotionality, in part related to their own histories, but also because they may not know ‘how to sit with it’ or

what to ‘do with it’ professionally” (Urdang, 2010, p. 531). Students’ discomfort with these skills may preclude their

ability to establish and foster therapeutic relationships with those who are dying. Beginning where the person is

entails the recognition of the innateness of suffering in the human condition and readiness, therefore, to begin

where death and dying are. “Being present means tolerating one’s own anxiety about death in order to be able to

help clients and families to tolerate their own” (Berzoff, 2008, p.179).

The following excerpt illustrates the discomfort that students experience. S was a student intern working with a

woman whose husband was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic pancreatic cancer. Her husband’s prognosis was

poor and although death was present, it nonetheless remained the “pink elephant” as the student was reticent in

opening the door. In addition to feeling confused and frightened by the prospect of her husband’s dying and death,

S’s client also articulated struggling with anger over which she subsequently experienced guilt.

Student: I see. It’s good that you’re reaching out to us. We’re here to listen. So I understand that he’s receiving

treatment for his pneumonia? How did that go?

Client: He’s doing well. He’s already back at home. Next month I’m going to meet with the oncologist. They said he

still has a 4mm tumor left. They shrank it down from 6mm. They’re talking about putting him on additional

chemotherapy to shrink the rest. He may even undergo a clinical trial. But my husband, he doesn’t want to. He said

his body is not able to handle it right now. And I don’t blame him. I won’t force him to go back. But I’m sure he will

change his mind once he talks to the doctor.

Student: Chemo must have been rough for him.

Client: Yeah it was. You know, he lost all of his hair. When it first started, he would just put his hand through his

hair and a bunch of hair could come out. He decided to shave it all off. Now he wants to wear hats. I always joke

with him and use humor to keep me positive.

Student: That’s admirable. Using humor is a very creative and effective way to cope. I’m glad you’re able to stay

positive through all this.

Client: But, you know, I also get angry over all this as well. It just isn’t fair what is happening to him. And then I feel

guilty for feeling this way. It’s hard sometimes.

Student: I understand that you and your husband moved recently?

Client: Yeah, I mean our families are here so there are always people checking in on us.

Student: I’m glad to hear that you have supportive people around you to help you cope with your husband’s


Client: I won’t give up. I always know that God is out there looking out for me and my mother in heaven is looking

down on me.

In reflecting upon what transpired in the session, S was uncertain as to whether or not attention should center on

anticipatory loss or, instead, the client’s anger and guilt. The student writes, “It seems like the client wanted a place

to vent her worries that she cannot share with her husband. She mentioned feeling angry and that this might

perhaps be a goal for her to work on. I did not dwell on it further as our time was up and I was not sure if the anger

has anything to do with the cancer. However, this is a topic that can be clarified and possibly pursued if it

surrounds her husband’s cancer. Maybe I should go over goal setting with her instead of letting her vent? Even

though her initial request for counseling was simply to ‘have someone to talk to’ how do I shape this into a more

structured and organized discussion?”

The establishment of the therapeutic relationship is an integral aspect of oncology social work and end-of-life care.

Students discover themselves struggling at times with use of self and what they should disclose and reveal to

clients within the session. Many students, for instance, who herald from mental health settings, are dissuaded

from engaging in self-disclosure.

Several supervisors shared stories about students who were afraid to acknowledge that they used interventions

such as physical contact and sharing of personal information, which the supervisors believed was appropriate to

use, but students were discouraged from doing so in class. (Sormanti, 1994, p. 80)

Field instructors can respond to students’ concerns by helping them feel more comfortable with the clinical skills

that are encompassed in their work with the dying. Helping students develop the art of presence and encouraging

deep listening will enable them to interact with their clients in rich and profoundly empathic ways. In attempting to

transcend narratives that have been solely reduced to clinical technique, Frank (1998) suggests that:

The deeply ill person is the immediately needy one, and this person’s story deserves primary attention. Clinicians

may share parts of their own stories, but they do so in response to the ill person’s story. Reciprocity is sustained in

the appreciation with which the clinician receives the patient’s stories. To give the gift of listening is to appreciate

receiving the gift of a story. Not just understanding this reciprocity but embracing it seems to me to be the

beginning of clinical work. (p. 200)

Oncology social work and end-of-life care are emotionally laden field placements and students may feel

overwhelmed and stressed by continually witnessing their clients suffering. The intensity and range of emotions

that are articulated by clients can instill feelings of impotency in students. Field instructors have indicated an array

of challenges oncology social work presents to students and have underscored several factors that can contribute

to the complexity of supervising interns in these settings. The most notable influences on students are:

[…] constant confrontation with loss, dying, and death; exposure to physical mutilation and pain; negotiation

between social worker and clients of intense affective responses over a long period; immediate and strong

countertransference reactions; helplessness and frustration at ultimately being unable to save patients; and use of

a less restricted, unconventional set of boundaries. (Sormanti, 1994, p. 78)

Students may discover they are unprepared for this work and field placements sometimes lack the support that is

necessary to assuage the risk of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue. Supervision, therefore, becomes more

complicated and field instructors may assume greater responsibility with regards to addressing their students’


Encouraging self-reflection among students can prove beneficial in promoting professional growth and

competency. The creation of a secure environment where students are able to engage in introspection is

paramount to developing insight into their beliefs and values surrounding death, dying, and end-of-life care.

“Students need educational support and direction to deepen their capacity to develop a professional self, including

an ability to recognize, understand, and utilize their feelings and insights on behalf of their clients” (Urdang, 2010,

p. 532). Working in oncology social work can become a potential battleground. A venue where students can

process the clinical work and address countertransference may help to mitigate the risk for burnout.

CancerCare’s student internship program acknowledges the significance of individual supervision and student

peer support groups as crucial in strengthening students’ resilience and enabling them to address the needs and

concerns of their clients who are living with cancer or may be at the end-of-life. Social work professionals have

emphasized the role of intersubjectivity in the therapeutic relationship, especially as it pertains to transference and

countertransference. Urdang (2010) has issued a call for process oriented clinical work and states that:

Students need to understand the interactional nature of work with clients, how to process this internally, and, when

appropriate, directly with clients; they first must learn how to process basic interview crunches before they can

move on to more intense crunches […] from clients. (p. 532)

Utilizing process recordings, for instance, not only serves as a vital tool in promoting self-reflection but elucidates

conscious as well as unconscious interpersonal dynamics between the student and client.

Recognizing the importance of death education in abating the impact of death anxiety, CancerCare has

established “Let’s Talk about Death” round-table discussions.

Helping those coping with death, dying, and bereavement can provoke confusing and frightening existential

questions and painful feelings of personal loss. Coming to terms with death involves both internal and

interpersonal processes that are influenced by individual and societal death attitudes. These attitudes profoundly

influence how one copes with death on an ‘up close and personal’ level as well as an abstract and complex

concept. (McClatchey &King, 2015, p. 345)

In these discussions, students are afforded an opportunity to share and process feelings and fears they may

harbor surrounding death and dying. In addition, CancerCare offers a variety of in-service programs that are

designed to expand students’ comprehension of cancer, treatment, and loss. “Curricula that include discussions

about the psychology of illness, including defenses and their usefulness in helping people adapt to the many

anxieties raised by severe and life-threatening illnesses, would prepare students better for oncology placements”

(Sormanti, 1994, p. 84). Bridging the academic component with the affective dimension of social work practice is

integral to the development of clinical acuity in oncology social work and end-of-life care. “It is imperative that

[students] are not only knowledgeable about the dying process but also feel a certain comfort level working with

this population and have increased insight into their personal attitudes and feelings about death, dying, and

bereavement” (McClatchey &King, 2015, p. 358).

Although death is an uninvited guest and is often depicted metaphorically as the Grim Reaper, it also has the

potential of opening doors to greater interiority and increasing the depth of human relationships. R, a second-year

student in CancerCare’s internship program, reflects:

The internship definitely guided me to raising self-awareness and comfort when having the conversation of death

and dying with others. There seemed to have been emphasis on meeting the clients where they are in their journey

– which I think is unique as CancerCare encourages this. I felt that the topic of death is very abstract and looking

back at my experience, CancerCare seems to be open-minded and supportive in this area.

Students working in oncology social work field placements may find their clinical skills challenged by death

anxiety. Supportive field instructors who are sensitive to the impact of death anxiety on students can help

ameliorate their fear of dying. Students will then become empowered and can begin the process of embracing the

challenge in order to enhance their connection to clients who may be at the end-of-life.


Berzoff, J. (2008). Working at the end of life: Providing clinically based psychosocial care. Clinical Social Work

Journal, 36(2), 177-184. doi:10.1007/s10615-007-0119-z

Frank, A. W. (1998). Just listening: Narrative and deep illness. Families, Systems &Health, 16(3), 197-212.


Hui, V. K., Bond, M. H., &Ng, T. S. W. (2007). General beliefs about the world as defense mechanisms against death

anxiety. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 54(3), 199-214. doi:10.2190/8NQ6-1420-4347-H1G1

McClatchey, I. S., &King, S. (2015). The impact of death education on fear of death and death anxiety among

human services students. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 71(4), 343-361. doi:10.1177/0030222815572606

Sormanti, M. (1994). Fieldwork instruction in oncology social work: Supervisory issues. Journal of Psychosocial

Oncology, 12(3), 73-87. doi:10.1300/J077V12N03_05

Urdang, E. (2010). Awareness of self-A critical tool. Social Work Education, 29(5), 523-538. doi:


Yalom, I. D. (2008). Staring at the sun: Overcoming the terror of death. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Subject: Internships; Students; Fear &phobias; Curricula; Palliative care; Anxieties; Oncology;

Social work; Professionals; Attitudes; Education; Learning; Field study; Death &dying

Publication title: Field Educator; Boston

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Publication year: 2017

Publication date: Spring 2017

Publisher: Simmons College

Place of publication: Boston

Country of publication: United States, Boston

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e-ISSN: 21653038

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Copyright: Copyright Simmons College Spring 2017

Last updated: 2017-07-31

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  • An Uninvited Guest: Addressing Students’ Death Anxiety in Oncology Social Work Field Placements


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Associations between caregiving worries and psychophysical well-being. An investigation on home-cared cancer patients family caregivers

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Associations between caregiving worries and psychophysical well-being. An investigation on home-cared cancer patients family caregivers.


Zavagli, Veronica; Miglietta, Elisabetta; Varani, Silvia; Pannuti, Raffaella; Brighetti, Gianni; Pannuti, Franco

ANT Italia Foundation, via Jacopo di Paolo 36 Bologna Italy
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 5 Bologna Italy

Supportive Care in Cancer (SUPPORT CARE CANCER), Feb2016; 24(2): 857-863. (7p)
Publication Type:
journal article – research, tables/charts
Major Subjects:

Family — Psychosocial Factors
Stress, Psychological — Psychosocial Factors
Caregivers — Psychosocial Factors
Anxiety — Psychosocial Factors
Neoplasms — Nursing

Minor Subjects:

Psychological Tests; Female; Male; Middle Age; Depression — Psychosocial Factors; Questionnaires; Human

Purpose: Caregiving to a family member with cancer might have health implications. However, limited research has investigated the psychophysical health of home-cared cancer patients family caregivers. In a previous study, we have found that a prolonged worry in daily life is a crucial variable compared to caregivers’ psychophysical symptomatology. This investigation was designed to further examine the well-being of family caregivers, explore the domains of worry, and assess to what extent “content-dependent” worry could be associated with the caregivers’ healthMethods: The sample consisted of 100 family caregivers of oncological patients assisted at home. Participants completed a battery of self-report questionnaires (Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Worry Domain Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Family Strain Questionnaire Short Form, and Psychophysiological Questionnaire of the Battery CBA 2.0).Results: The level of worry was medium-high among participants, and caregivers worry more about their occupation and future. Depression, anxiety, and somatic symptomatology levels resulted mild, while strain level resulted high. Statistical analyses confirm the conclusions of the previous study, revealing a significant positive correlation between worry levels and caregivers’ psychophysical health. Innovatively, it has been highlighted that who has higher scores of content-dependent worry shows also higher levels of strain, somatic symptoms, anxiety, and depressionConclusions: Not only trait-worry (“content-free” measure) but also content-dependent worry is associated with strain and negative health outcomes. People may worry about different targets, and it might be useful to further investigate what are the specific worriers of family caregivers in order to promote their physical and emotional well-being.
Journal Subset:
Biomedical; Continental Europe; Double Blind Peer Reviewed; Editorial Board Reviewed; Europe; Expert Peer Reviewed; Peer Reviewed
Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ)
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
Worry Domain Questionnaire
PMID: NLM26201751 NLM UID: 9302957
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[dir=”RTL”] .eptoast.error-message .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title::before { right: 12px; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; }
[dir=”RTL”] .eptoast.error-message .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title::before { right: -12px; margin-right: -10px; margin-left: 0px; }
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#guidedFindFieldControl .guestLogin { position: relative; right: auto; margin: 10px 0px 0px; }
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#guestLoginDialog p, .guest .result-disabled p { padding: 5px; }
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Price of Cancer Care and Its Tax on Quality of Life

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Detailed Record


Price of Cancer Care and Its Tax on Quality of Life.


Tran, George1,2,3
Zafar, S. Yousuf1,2,3

Journal of Oncology Practice. Feb2018, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p69-71. 4p.
Document Type:
Subject Terms:
*TUMOR treatment
*CANCER patient medical care
*CANCER patient psychology
*HEALTH insurance
*MEDICAL care costs
*MEDICAL screening
*MEDICAL practice
*QUALITY of life
*SERIAL publications
*FINANCIAL management
*SOCIAL support
MORTALITY risk factors

NAICS/Industry Codes:

622310 Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals
524111 Direct individual life, health and medical insurance carriers
524112 Direct group life, health and medical insurance carriers
621999 All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services
921130 Public Finance Activities
523920 Portfolio Management
624190 Other Individual and Family Services
An editorial is presented on a study which examines the association among the objective measures of financial burden, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and psychological health of cancer patients in the U.S. Topics discussed include the relationship between HRQOL and financial hardship, the need for further study about the interaction between the economic impact of cancer care and quality of life, and the solution related to the problem depends on patient-physician relationship.
Author Affiliations:
1Duke University School of Medicine
2Duke Cancer Institute
3Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Durham, NC
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a:focus input { text-decoration: none; }
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.dd .transport > .bottom { margin-bottom: 2px; margin-top: -2px; border-top-width: 4px; border-right-width: 4px; border-left-width: 4px; }
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#optionsControls button.collapse-toggle { font-weight: normal; }
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[dir=”RTL”] .eptoast.error-message .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title::before { right: 12px; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; }
[dir=”RTL”] .eptoast.error-message .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title::before { right: -12px; margin-right: -10px; margin-left: 0px; }
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#guidedFindFieldControl .guestLogin { position: relative; right: auto; margin: 10px 0px 0px; }
#integratedSearchControl .guestLogin { position: static; width: 160px; }
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#guestLoginDialog p, .guest .result-disabled p { padding: 5px; }
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viewer .article-tool { margin: 0px 0px 8px -10px; } { background: url(“../../ehost/sprites/bg-footer “) 0px 100% repeat-x transparent; }
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.delivery-control .addthis_toolbox a:hover span { text-decoration: underline; }
.delivery-control .addthis_toolbox a:hover, .delivery-control .addthis_toolbox a:hover .at300bs { text-decoration: none !important; }
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.whiteout .confirm .button { margin: 20px 0px 0px 100px; }
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.guided-find-fields { display: table; }
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.find-field-position, .guided-row-col { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; }
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.dd.operator .dd-active { width: auto; }
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.dd.operator .dd-active .txt { overflow: visible; }
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
#guidedfindfieldRows textarea { width: 430px !important; }
.guided-find-fields li:first-child input[type=”text”].textbox { width: 272px; }
.dd.operator .dd-active { width: auto; }
.guided-add-row { position: absolute; left: 10px; bottom: 9px; }
@media not all {
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.guided-row-col { position: static; }
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#AddRow:focus, #RemoveRow:focus { border: 1px dotted rgb(153, 153, 153); }
#AddRow.disabled { background-position: left bottom; cursor: default; }
#RemoveRow { background-position: right top; }
#RemoveRow.disabled { background-position: right bottom; cursor: default; }
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.landing .find-field-controls { max-width: 680px; }
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.searching .selected-databases-caption { font-weight: normal; display: inline; }
.basic .searching { max-width: 500px; }
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a.choose-db-link { margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px; text-decoration: underline; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); } { text-decoration: underline; }
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textarea.textbox { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; width: 350px !important; max-width: 350px !important; }
.find-field-inputs textarea:focus, .find-field-inputs select:focus { box-shadow: none; }
.find-field-submit { padding-left: 5px; }
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.search-radio-selectors label { padding-right: 0.75em; }
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.clear-button.visible { display: inline-block; }
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.folder-edit-share-list-display-none { display: none; }
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