professional letter


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Professional letters are required in all business situations, whether they are sent by snail mail, email attachment, or written directly into an email.  In any professional situation, no matter the channel of communication, clear, succinct writing is key.  For this assignment one typical business letter has  been chosen because of how common it is, even outside of the professional workplace.  In life, most of us have, or will have, a problem that we would like or need to have resolved. A key to satisfactory resolution is the ability to express clearly the problem and potential amends in a letter. Individuals in positions of authority tend to respond to those who represent themselves intelligently and persuasively.  So, for this assignment, you will write a claim letter asking for some kind of amends.  This is a persuasive letter.  

To Do:

Students will write one professional letter: a claim letter.  The purpose of a claim letter is to explain a problem and ask for amends. Students are free to use personal topics or professional ones, and they may be “real” or fictional.  The purpose is effective, professional communication.  Format is critical, so…

  • Review a sample letter in our textbook on p. 238.
  • Review a detailed example here: Letter, Claim Example Download Letter, Claim Example Minimize File Preview.   

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  • Review the examples and recommendations  regarding language choice and preferred phrasing found within Chapter 7.
  • Letter format:  350+words.

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