Risks are best handled by developing a risk matrix, which is a plan for identifying and managing potential risks. Develop and post a risk matrix for the project you proposed in Week 4 or for the
Hard Rock hotel under construction collapses: Buildings around Canal Street site evacuated
. In your risk matrix, state the risk, describe it and what might cause it, and note the risk of occurrence (probability) as high, medium, or low. Describe the impact of the risk occurring and discuss how it could be prevented, mitigated, or recovered from if it happens.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
In my matrix, the risk in the bathroom remodel would be a delay. A delay can cause multiple problems. But, it can also loose customers or future business. A good eample of what might cause this risk is plumbing issues. This could be a leaking pipe, a bad fitting, or a faulty faucet. Anything is possible with plumbing. I would say the risk occurance in this matrix is medium. I say medium because some of this risk you have control over, while some you do not. The impact of this risk could be evrything from a time delay to a loss money or a customer. While this can easily happen, it also easily be prevented. I always double and triple check all my fittings and connections. I also do a thorough inspection of any plumbing I work on or is exposed. Doing this inspection can save you headaches down the road. Should this happen, working swiftly to rectify the problem could also save you time and money.
Week 6 Assignment 2 – Social Structure and Social Interaction
You’ve learned how important groups, roles, statuses, and social networks are in the structure of society. In this assignment, you will complete a short answer activity in which you’ll demonstrate what you’ve learned by identifying and describing examples from your own life. Use the Assignment 2 template to complete this assignment.
Your Status Set, Roles, and Role Problems
Use The Research
Use the research information presented in the article to answer the questions below. You should write four paragraphs, one for each step listed in bold. Use the
Assignment 2 template
to complete this assignment. Refer to Chapter 2 of the webtext as necessary.
1. Status Set:
a. List five statuses that you currently have.
1. Remember: A status is simply a position you fill in society. It may be a job title, but it could also include a position you fill within a family or a community. For more information, review Section 4.3 in your webtext.
1. Label each status as either ascribed, achieved, or master.
2. Remember: An ascribed status is one you’re born with and have no control over. An achieved status is reached through your own efforts or simply good or bad luck. A master status is so important that it overrides your other statuses. For more information, review Section 4.3 in your webtext.
1. Roles:
2. Choose one status from your list.
2. Describe the role that is associated with the status.
2. Describe how you learned that role.
3. Remember: A role is a behavior expected of someone with a certain status. For more information, review Section 4.4 in your webtext.
1. Role Conflict:
3. Describe a time when you experienced a conflict because of the demands of two different roles associated with any of your statuses.
3. How did you resolve the conflict? (Discuss any conversation or social interactions you had.)
3. List any active listening skills you used to resolve the conflict. If you didn’t use the active listening skills, then list the skills you could have used to resolve the conflict.
3. Remember: Refer to the active listening skills checklist in page 2.10 inyour webtext.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· Use the
Assignment 2 template
to complete this assignment.
· References are not required for this assignment as you will use the assigned article and your webtext.
· Be sure to include your name and the date on the cover page of the template.
Assignment 2 Social Structure and Social Interaction
(Your name)
Introduction to Sociology
(Your professor’s name)
Status Set
· List 5 statuses that you currently have.
· Label each status as either ascribed, achieved, or master.
(Write a paragraph of at least 5 to 7 sentences answering the following questions.)
· Choose 1 status from your list.
· Describe the role that is associated with the status.
· Describe how you learned that role.
Role Conflict
(Write 1 to 2 paragraphs of at least 5 to 7 sentences each answering the following questions.)
· Describe a time when you experienced a conflict because of the demands of two different roles associated with any of your statuses.
· How did you resolve the conflict? (Discuss any conversations or social interactions that you had.)
· List any active listening skills you used to resolve the conflict. If you didn’t use active listening skills, then list the skills you could have used to resolve the conflict.