Project Mineral

GA1 Group Assignment #1: Project Proposal –. Prepare a termproject proposal, which includes: a) introduction, b) statement of need, c) project definition, andd) high level approach to developing the plan

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The proposal should be in the form of a single, comprehensive, professional, business like report.

All project proposals should be submitted in the assignment area of the designated group leader.Length is 5 or more single spaced pages (10 double spaced) . It should clearly demonstrate thatyour team has thought through your project and is working well as a project group. Theassignment should be uploaded to the project leaders’ assignment folder.

GA2 Group Assignment #2: Project Plan — Due at the End of Week 5. Each group submits afull project plan that includes: A table that shows team member roles and responsibilities for the project as well as anestimate of how many hours that will be spent on each part of the plan (this ishypothetical, the team resources you WOULD NEED to actually implement the project). Other anticipated resources (equipment, facilities, monetary investments, etc.) A schedule of internal deadlines that your team plans to complete the project. An analysis of any risks the team perceives in accomplishing the project planning. A bibliography of any literature used to inform decisions.Submit a comprehensive final project plan, including narrative text, describing the project, scopeof work, plans, financials and conclusions, with appropriate MS Excel worksheets and Projectscheduling files attached as one professional report for grading.

GA3 Group Assignment #3: Client Presentation — Due at the End of Week 8.Using your GA2 project plan as a basis, you are to create a 20-minute slide show presentation foryour clients, as if you were ‘selling’ your product/service. Assume your clients are project-management-savvy, so include details, but remember that you may need to reformat from yourPart 2 deliverable to make your sell in 20 minutes. *Note, you do not actually need to give thepresentation, just prepare the file as if you were going to present it.At a minimum, the presentation submitted by your group should include the following items: Project task statement [goals & performance objectives including measurableorganizational value (MOV)]. Project organization. Work breakdown structure (WBS). Project network diagram. Task project schedule charted with milestones, deliverables/products. Estimated laborrequirements by weeks or months, showing specific types of labor to be employed in theproject. Estimated project costs by month or year with data analysis to support the estimates. Methods and techniques for effective monitoring, the progress, and controlling theproject. Any assumptions, constraints and dependencies.

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 Any risk reduction and obsolescence considerations

Alphabet Inc. (Google): Mineral
Alphabet Inc. (Google): Mineral
The world population is incessantly growing, and consequently, there is increased demand for
food. However, in the same vein, the issue of climate change is a real one, where environmental
degradation is threatening the quantity and quality of food produced to meet the demand.
Alphabet Inc. has created a project known as Mineral, which brings together plant breeders and
growers from Canada, the United States, Argentina, and South Africa to test novel models for
sustainable farming through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). In
particular, this is a project that uses the aforementioned countries as only samples, whereby if the
results from the project are positive, the whole idea will be implemented in countries throughout
the world to ensure enough food is produced using sustainable processes, especially through the
use of technology. This document is a project proposal intended to present points, insights, and
ideas that can help manage the Mineral project throughout its lifecycle. This project proposal
includes a statement of need that highlights the reasoning, defines important deliverables, and
gives full information about the actual plan, or what must be done for Project Mineral to be
successful throughout its life cycle.
Statement of Need
Alphabet Inc.’s moonshot factory X in 2020 came up with an innovation aimed at transforming
how the world produces food, where there would be higher yields but less harm to the
environment. This innovation culminated into a project known as Mineral, which brings together
plant breeders and growers in the United States, Argentina, Canada, and South Africa that tries
out novel models for sustainable farming through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) (PMI, n.d). This innovation is prompted by the realization that the
number of individuals suffering from the pangs of hunger has almost doubled since the
pandemic, and could hit almost 840 million by 2030 (PMI, n.d). The project leaders state that in
the next 50 years, the world may need as much food as was grown in the past 10,000 years (PMI,
n.d). However, achieving this goal and need requires reimagining how food is grown; it requires
almost a total paradigm shift where new tools may be needed to manage the complexity of
farming and ensure the increasing population is not adversely affected by the hunger problem.
At the center of the Mineral project is an electric-powered rover that gathers granular data about
soil health and crop development. The electric rover basically is controlled by a remote
technology as it moves through rows of plantations. The rover has special software installed in it
which collects the intended data which is at the end analyzed by experts for insights such as soil
moisture and fertility, plant health, and so on. The rationale for devising the electric rovers is that
there is a need for plants to be analyzed individually and not collectively as has been the case in
the past. Leaders of the project reasoned that if they focused on plantations collectively, they
would miss out on the seemingly minute but important details. For instance, by focusing on
collecting data on individual crops in a farm, the rovers can present a disease affecting a single
plant in a farm. The users of the data, and more so, the farmer and crop experts can analyze the
plant to identify the cause of the disease. In this way, timely interventions can be applied before
the disease can spread to other crops on the farm. Huge plantations can be saved based on
findings of analysis conducted on individual crops. Consequently, there will be more quality
food to meet the global demand.
Lastly, the Mineral project responds to a vital issue that borders on food security. Due to a
problem like climate change, the soil may not be as productive as it used to be but the population
is also rising, and if timely and necessary interventions are not put in place, there could be a
crisis in the near future. Again, currently, the world is relying on fewer crops such as maize and
wheat for food because other diverse food crops have been lost. Project Mineral also intends to
encourage the growing of diverse food crops by providing data, and subsequently insights about
which food crops are best suited for different areas. Project Mineral aims to present and suggest
that from now on, the production of food needs to incorporate novel forms of technology to
avoid a hunger crisis. The world cannot continue operating like it has been if it intends to provide
more food to its growing population. Therefore, through the use of innovative technology such as
the electric-rovers which are controlled by remote technology, plant breeders and growers
throughout the world can produce more food sustainably.
Project Definition
From the onset, it is important to state that this document is not the actual project Mineral; rather,
it is a proposal or plan on what it takes or is required for the actual project to be successful. It is
akin to a project management method. According to Font (2013), a project management method
gives or stipulates detailed instructions for the purpose of planning, controlling, organizing,
reporting, and managing project resources to accomplish the project goals and objectives
successfully. Therefore, just like any other proposal, this document highlights some of the
activities or steps that need to be taken to ensure project Mineral is successful throughout its
lifecycle starting from initiation to closing (Virginia Tech., n.d). Again, this proposal is written
with the assumption that the actual project has not started and that it is only in its conception
stage, therefore, this document is written with the aim of providing ideas and insights for
managing the actual project effectively and successfully. As such, this document is mainly
descriptive in nature and does not go into actual details such as how much money should be used
to ensure Project Mineral is a success or how many people should be hired. It is mainly about the
management aspect of the project and not the implementation of details conceived by the leaders
who came up with the innovation.
Project Mineral is a technology project, which aims to apply IT or tech concepts and ideas to
solve a world problem, which is hunger. Though it revolves around farming, most farmers
cannot fully understand how it works unless they have some background knowledge in IT or are
taught about some of the ideas and concepts. Secondly, the project is only in trial because once
positive results are achieved in countries such as Argentina, Canada, the United States, and
South Africa, the ideas can be implemented throughout the world. Therefore, project Mineral can
be thought of as an experiment to try out an idea that can have major implications for the whole
world, especially as far as food production is concerned. Out of project Mineral, the leaders
foresee that through technology-based interventions such as the electric rovers, plant breeders
and growers will be enabled to apply timely and necessary interventions to ensure quality and
sustainable food production. Consequently, the world could meet the Sustainable Development
Goals set by the UN in terms of solving world hunger and at the same time, ensuring the
preservation of the environment.
According to Reiling (2017), a project definition needs to include aspects such as vision,
objectives, scope, and deliverables. In this project proposal, the main vision is a successful
project Mineral that sails through the different life cycles without hitches or problems. The first
objective is to outline the major components or aspects that constitute a project and how crucial
they are. The second objective is to state the activities that should be performed to ensure the
successful completion of the project throughout its lifecycle. The third objective is to highlight
some of the key management tips or insights that will ensure the success of the project
throughout its lifecycle. In regard to scope, certainly, the project will require collaboration efforts
from various professionals such as those in IT, scientists, farmers, and even government officials
for the project to succeed. Additionally, technology will play a major part in the success of the
project. The key deliverables of this document are first to state the major components of the
project that should be taken into great consideration for the success of the project, and secondly,
to highlight the activities or steps that should be taken to ensure the project is a success
throughout its lifecycle.
The Plan
Understanding the Major Components of the Project
For the project to be successful throughout its lifecycle, critical components must be in order and
must be conceived from the start. According to Saylor (n.d), some of the critical components of
any project include the project goal, the budget, the timeline, and certainly the personnel. Saylor
(n.d) states that any project’s goal(s) should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Accurate,
Relevant, and Time-bound). Therefore, this plan proposes that the Mineral project should have a
clear goal(s) from the onset. Clear goals will ensure that the leaders of the project focus on the
specifics and ensure they attain what they intend to achieve. For instance, since the main aim of
Project Mineral is to provide sustainable solutions inspired by technology to produce food to
meet the increasing demand by testing AI and ML models, there should be a clear goal. For
example, the leaders could state that the goal of the project is to help farmers in the selected
countries improve food production by perhaps 70% in a period of one or two years. Or better yet,
the leaders can state that they intend to get a certain number of bags of grains per acre in a
certain period of time. In this way, such goals are measurable as it will be possible to measure
whether a goal has been attained or not.
Secondly, this plan proposes setting a budget estimate from the start. The budget estimate covers
the equipment to be bought, the technology to be developed and assembled, and how the
individuals involved in the project will be facilitated to perform on the project. The budget could
also determine the scale of the project, and in this case, since the project is to take place on about
three continents, it is important to acknowledge and appreciate the kind of funding that will be
needed to ensure it sails through each lifecycle. At this step of budgeting, the leaders can identify
sources of funding for the project when they are clear about the number of finances that could be
needed. For instance, the leaders can engage governments and global organizations like the
United Nations because they are certainly interested parties. After the overall budget estimate has
been conceived, it is also vital to break it down into finer components and details, especially for
each stage. Budgeting experts can be consulted and references can also be made to similar
projects that have been done previously.
Project Mineral should have a clear timeline. According to Saylor (n.d), all projects are
temporary, meaning that they expire or end within particular times. For a project like Mineral, it
is massive in nature and could have a long timeline. Each of the phases should have ample time
to ensure the project’s success. The initiation phase may not take a very long time because it is
basically a phase where the conception of the project is done. However, phases such as planning
and execution may take considerable periods of time. In the planning phase, the leaders will need
to discuss the type of equipment to be used in the different places, the technology, as well as the
individuals. The execution phase is where the real project is implemented. For the case of the
Mineral project, this is where crops are grown and the electric-rovers which are installed with
specific software are operated to capture the desired data. The data is analyzed and used either
immediately to intervene or in the subsequent years to improve the crop yield. In the monitoring
phase, the leaders and relevant experts follow to see whether the crops planted using the
technology interventions are performing as expected or not. The monitoring and closing phases
may not require considerable timelines compared to the planning and execution stages. However,
Project Mineral should have an initiation and closing phase so that when the project runs beyond
the estimated timelines, one can measure or determine whether it is indeed successful or not.
Finding the right personnel to run the project is key to ensuring its success. Since it is an IT
project, people with proficient and sufficient knowledge in IT will go a long way in ensuring it is
successful through the entire lifecycle. For example, software designers, data analysts, and IT
experts competent in monitoring and even repairing the various systems will be needed. IT
experts will especially be needed in the execution and monitoring phases. They will create
software and install it in the electric-rovers. They will then need to operate the devices, analyze
the data recorded on the devices, and interpret it in ways that will help other people, such as
farmers, scientists, and even government officials, make sense of the data.
Table I: Project Stakeholders
Visionary directing and delivering our projects goals to
investors and the public sector. The head of strategic planning
and decision making.
Manages financial actions and how the budget will be
distributed to different areas of the project according to
analysis and projections.
FP&A and Accountants
Create quarterly budgets to mimic project timeline and
concerns. Maintain balance sheet, finances and monitor
Financially back the project and indicate financial health and
performance of the company overall.
CTO (IT Director)
Specializes in building software structures and appoints skilled
engineers to sectors of DevOps, Security, Back-End, Machine
learning and software integration.
IT Project Manager
Lead the project team to determine the goal and how we will
achieve it and how achievable the result will be with an
expected timeframe set in place.
Software Engineers
Skilled engineers appointed under the IT director. To build out
the software application and all its components.
Hardware and software components.
CIO (Cybersecurity
Make sure intellectual property is protected, along with
preventing data breaches. Creates adaptability for encryption
System Administrators
Support, troubleshoot, and maintain computer servers and
Data Scientist
Interpret and analyze complex digital data received from the
mineral rover and project effectiveness.
Agricultural and Food
Study and research production capability and market
expansion diversity.
Farmers and Agriculture
Farmers, ranchers, environmental engineers, feed mill
managers, research scientists and crop managers.
Robotic Technicians &
Test, install, operate and maintain robotic systems and
AI Programmers
Machine learning and algorithms to make predictions, and
operation recommendations.
Environmental Compliance Determine waste reduction and recycling opportunities. Advise
on state and federal regulations. Pesticide use and policies.
Government Burecraptics
Help support and aid the project with press conferences,
funding, global alliance and compliance.
Global Agencies
International organizations fighting environmental destruction
to back and aid this multinational project.
Risk Compliance
Inspections, assessing documentation surrounding facility and
company compliance according to government laws and
Legal aid.
Regulatory Authorities
Make sure all patients are set in place and all global
regulations are followed, stamped, and approved to avoid legal
Important Activities to be Performed
Firstly, the project leaders must set aside funds to hire the required personnel to ensure the
project is performed satisfactorily from the start. Since the project is to be conducted in three
continents, it is preferable that the IT personnel hired come from the three continents (should be
locals of the selected regions). This will help cut down on costs and reduce inconveniences that
could arise from incompatible cultures or language barriers. Secondly, training should also be
done, preferably at a central location to decrease costs. Training should concentrate on how to
use the IT infrastructure that will be employed on the project. The rationale for this training is
that IT expertise may differ across geographies. The technology used should be uniform
regardless of the continent to make tabulation and comparison of findings or results easier.
Therefore, training is to ensure the transfer and sharing of knowledge as well as the compatibility
of various IT operations. Although some resources may be allocated to this training, it will be
beneficial in the long term. Thirdly, before the project begins, project leaders must ensure that
they meet the applicable regulatory criteria in each country, particularly in terms of technology.
Issues relating to taxation and even the security of data need to be met and considered for the
project to take off.
IT Project Management
The Chief Technology Officer manages the project related to Big Data and Cloud-computing
involving data collection, analytics, and data synthesis. Which is then structured into defined
organized information distributed by tasks and segments created for each group to begin their
processing phases. Once collected and migrated properly the CTO assigns tasks to all the other
experts. Such as data scientists, software engineers, the Chief Information Officer (Cybersecurity
Director), system administrator, and AI Programmers. The CTO, in collaboration with the CIO,
utilizes the team of IT experts to ultimately synthesize a quantitative estimate of the overall
effects of specific variables used to present outcomes. Meanwhile, the agricultural and food
scientists, farmers, and agricultural experts help decide on what aspects the software
development should capture. The software engineers led by the scrum master capture the
proposed specifications. Data analysts then convert this information into easily read data charts
and findings. Once the reports are created the CTO and Project Manager can complete a
thorough presentation to the board members of Mineral. Which include the CEO, CFO,
Investors/Stockholders, Legal aid, Risk compliance lead, and environmental compliance lead.
Once the mineral project’s goal to produce food sustainability with innovative technologies by
increasing agricultural production by 40 percent while decreasing the environmental footprint by
half by 2050 is approved and deemed possible by all those involved. Contractual agreements for
all four nations are then finalized and signed by the appropriate government officials according
to all compliance and regulation measures. The plan is set into action. The CFO, FP&A team and
Financial directors establish a budget for each stage of the project implementation according to
approved governmental funding and private investments.
Deliverables: Table 2 shows each phase and incremental steps to project completion.
Strategic Planning and Due Diligence Phase

Agricultural and food scientists enable enhanced crop breeding production. They identify
the desired genetic changes specific to each environment’s climate and condition for
optimal benefits of increasing the agricultural system productivity.

Suppliers and growers will work together to install economical biosensors which will
provide real time data for crop production, carbon levels, weather, soil conditions and

Data scientists will be able to use a self-installable application on their personal smart
devices to track and monitor progression and delays to validate economic effects.

AI programmers enhance software to create automation in methods of reporting daily,
monthly, quarterly and annually to monitor project progression.

Employ IBM operational decision manager to analyze, automate and govern complex
decision making with predictions to improve productivity or reduce environmental

A cloud-based farming solution to help manage inventory and accounting. Including
tracking production and pricing.
Design, Research & Development Phase

Agriculture workers work together to create a comprehensive farming wide-scale
initiative to accredit a diverse array of crop selection and management practices.

Open workshops and listening sessions will provide a platform to experts to offer new
innovative ideas for future expansions in the project.

As the project has progressed before the electronic rover can be implemented,
environmental compliance specialists and risk compliance investigators must complete
inspections, audits and recommendations.

Electronic-rover design and testing – low level design for testing completed by robotic
technicians and mechanical engineers.

The R & D phase includes a significant amount of investments to fully scale the final
mineral rover and produce 50 models of the first version to be tested in the US. Once
these models have been tested, passed required measures and adjusted.
Construction & Evaluation Phase

Mineral Rover implementation full scale in US, AR, SA and CAD.

Mineral Rover data collection of crop production, carbon levels, weather, soil conditions
and water. Also used to collect samples that can be analyzed and tested via mineral app.

Project stakeholders will evaluate mineral rover data to optimize crop production.

Increased agricultural production capabilities and greenhouse gas reduction.

Research and beta testing opportunities open up to the public sector to increase market
diversity and expansion.

Goals to improve animal health and reduce methane emissions in beef and range
innovation strategies.

Goal to develop new tree varieties to optimize forest production. Target to gain
investments in furthered innovation solutions globally.
Monetary Investment Strategy
Based on the services, technologies, and innovations outlined in the first year of the
project plan with a target end date of August 19, 2024. Mineral will incur a project fee of $27
million USD. Fifty percent of the cost will be provided by government funding from each
country that is involved in the project. The remaining fifty percent will be provided by global
investors and stockholders. The estimated cost for project stakeholders’ salaries totals five
million dollars for the initial contract of 12 months. Staff training has an allocated cost of one
million to create and maintain uniform operations across regions. Travel expenses will be one
million for expected training, conferences, and meetings. Including reimbursements for federal
and private contractors. Supplies, equipment, and software will be seven million dollars in
dividends across each project location according to supply chain demands. Mineral rover
research, development, and manufacturing cost four million. Agricultural location cost and
maintenance including repairs and insurance six million. Lastly, compliance, regulatory, and
legal aid are three million dollars.
Schedule of Internal Deadlines
Table III: Schedule of Internal Deadlines – See attached spreadsheet.
Project Risk Analysis
Table IV: Alphabet Inc Internal Project Risk Analysis
Risk Category
of risk
project if
Plan to mitigate the
$15, 000$30,000
The project manager
will establish a proper
schedule for the project
The project scope
may change
to communicate with
stakeholders. There
will be a change
management plan
analysis of
project needs
Lack of qualified
personnel in
countries of
The project manager will
constantly evaluate
project needs and
Regular continuing
education sessions for
technical and
administrative staff to
ensure proper use of
electric rovers and
growing and storage of
Security and
Privacy risk
The cybersecurity
specialist will establish
security controls to
protect the software and
prevent data breaches
The accountant will
constantly track the
timelines, project
expenses and budget and
make modifications as
Ensure the roles and
responsibilities of all
stakeholders and staff are
clearly described in the
project charter
Lack of storage
for equipment
Loss of
data/cyber attacks
Complexity Risk
of budget by the
Roles and
not clearly
The organization will
establish adequate
storage facilities for
equipment and supplies
Legal aid will
ensure compliance
with global contractual
obligations, and sign
and seal every contract
related to the project.
drought, fire,
and wastage
The environmental
compliance specialists
will work with
community partners in
countries of operation to
plan for response to
natural disasters and to
comply with
Priority Measurement of Project Risk Analysis and Classification of Project Risk
In the planning stage of the project, the project risk analysis involves categorizing and estimating
the probability of the project risks using certain percentages. The impact on the project, if any of
the risks occur, is categorized in a certain range in dollar amounts. For example, the impact on
the project if there is a change in the project scope is estimated at $60,000- $80,000. In order to
approximate the risk exposure, the probability of the risk is determined by multiplying the
probability of risk percentage with the lower and upper limits or ranges on the estimated impact
on the project if the risk occurs. For example, to determine the approximated risk exposure and
risk level for lack of qualified personnel in the countries of operations, you must multiply it
probability of risk (25%) by the lower and upper limits of the impact on the project if the risk
occurs which amounts to $15,000 and $40,000 respectively. This will give us an approximate
risk exposure of $3,000-$6,000 which falls within the low-risk level and is categorized as low
risk. Risk exposure levels are determined using the following scale;
(1) Risk exposures with lower and upper limits falling between $1,000- $6,000 are categorized as
Low (L) risk.
(2) Risk exposures with lower and upper limits falling between $6,001- $16,000 are categorized
as Medium (M) risk
(3) Risk exposures with lower and upper limits ranging from 16,000 and above are categorized
as High (H) risk
Mineral is a project intended to use innovative technological applications to enhance the
production of adequate food in a sustainable way. In this project, electric experts are fitted with
software that can read and analyze various issues relating to soil fertility and plant health. This
document is a proposal providing insights into how the project can be successful throughout its
lifecycle. The key insights include understanding various project components such as the budget,
goal, timeline, and personnel involved. Secondly, activities revolving around hiring and training
personnel are also important to the successful implementation of the project. Lastly, sound
management of the project should be considered especially in having a central system of
managing the data by an IT administrator and delegation of tasks to the different professionals.
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