Professor Winaski
Susie Wills
PSY 217
The chosen topic of study is about gender roles. The group that I do not belong to is that
of women. Two theories on this topic that I will explore are evolutionary perspective theory and
social learning perspective. From this topic, one of the research questions is what roles does
gender has on parenting? From these it would be more interesting to analyze how the roles of
each parent affect the raising of a child. This can involve issues like morals that can be taught as
the result of the “gender” parent. Another research question from this selected topic is why does
feminism in the society have a dismissive implication? The research question can cover issues
like reasons as to why is bad to be “gendered” as a girl. From gender roles another research
question is what role does religion play regarding the gender? With this the role gender plays in
who is permitted to act what within the religious practices and jobs within the specific culture.
Another research question interesting from this topic is how do you think living in a household
where aloft of gender roles are true have an impact on self-esteem to teenagers? (Eisend,
M.2019). This can portray how equality to a child provides freedom to choose who they are and
display how support has an impact on gender roles.
The assumptions on gender roles are always based on stereotypes concept on how women and
men should behave, what is right for another gender and what the other gender is able to do or
best at. Many men and women encounter daily interconnection in which gender responsibilities
and gender conduct are manifested. Frequently other people appreciate that a person is drifting
and attempt to act in a way that it makes it open that you are drifting far away from what is
considered to be masculine or feminine. Another assumption is that when a woman is having an
Choose either a culture or a nationality.
The focus will be on the perspective of the nationality or culture on gender role – not on religion.
out dinner with a man, the man has a responsibility for taking care of all the bills. The origin of
these assumptions was from an occasion where men came up to provide advice on how to mow a
lawn properly. The men gave a suggestion of wearing other suitable shoes and the second one
suggested wearing of googles to prevent the eyes from rocks that could be propelled by the
blade. Despite there were no rocks in front of the yard and the tennis shoes being in good
condition to wear, men needed to give opinions because the gender was a female performer. The
advice made the female gender feel infantilized (Cascella, C.2020)
Evolutionary prospectively, it is believed that the sex difference ultimately produces inheritable
traits rather than non-genetic processes. This is observed in genetic behavior, where almost all
human beings’ structural and behavioral features show the impact of genetics. It is, however,
noted that there is a sexual selection difference that is as a result of sex-differentiated
reproductive rate and costs in both male and female, i.e., in the sapiosexuality heritability study
have found that it is higher in the female compared to the male thus making us conclude the
genetic factors more influence than female due to the greater sexual restrictedness. There has
been a tremendous controversy that digenetic effects are habitually baffled with inherited holism,
which has always led to confusion in the evolutionary psychology and evolutionary account of
gender. Evolutionary psychologists have denied genetic essentialism by acknowledging the non-
genetic, environmental inputs and phenotypic plasticity in the lives of humans. The sex
difference in mating could result from strategies adapted by every gender to the different
environmental challenges. Recently, evolutionary accounts on the sex difference and variation
have considered sex ratio operation, the pressure of pathogens, availability of resources, and the
cultural context. Another crisis has holder our minds back that our inheritance cannot hold on to
information and encode the mind making it assume different models. It is observed that human
beings share a significant percentage of epigenome regarding other species and relate to genome
sequences and that the rest of the genes must contain instructions. Therefore, the mind is
composed of cognitive modules that are special to carry out a specific task. Social learning
theory holds on to four significant concepts: motivating, attention, reproduction, and retention.
Through observation, children are more likely to be educated on behavior they see from adults.
According to the social learning theory regarding gender identity and roles as a set of behaviors
usually learned from the environment. Gender behaviors are mainly learned from the
observational learning process. Children will always observe how people around them behave in
different ways, which connect to gender. One observed is a model; many influential models like
the parents’ surround children. The models will play a significant role in providing examples of
masculine and feminine behaviors that the child needs to observe and copy. A child will always
pay attention to the model’s behavior, and in the later time, they will try to immolate the behavior
they had seen.
Evolutionary perspectives attempt to explain the differences between females and
males in terms of biological adaptations. This perspective claim that males are more
aggressive than females because they can gain greater access to females through violent
competition with other males. The idea on males is that they are thought to be more
engaging and willing in casual sex because they have opportunities to greatly increase
their reproduction. Females tend to be beneficiaries due to their choosy behavior because
of demands o pregnancy and breastfeeding. Social learning perspectives emphasizes on
the benefits of modelling, observing and the imitating behaviors together with emotional
Not part of the Worksheet assignment. See the instructions for the Worksheet.
reactions towards others. This theory examines how characteristic of a person effects
learning in an environment and how these factors interact. Social learning perspective has
a mediation stage that involves attention which is the degree that a behavior is noticed.
Behavior intends to grab the attention before it is imitated while in evolutionary
perspective base more on comparison of male and female behavior whereby females
prefer a partner who is taller and is of high level (D’acunto.F.2020). Evolutionary
perspective on gender role has a background set on genetic differences between men and
women while social learning perspective regards the identity gender and role as a set of
characters learned from the environment. From evolutionary perspective and social
learning perspective in both children are surrounded with role models that include parents
with these models providing examples of feminine and masculine behavior that is
observed and imitated. In both perspectives the behavior plays a greater role among men
and women affecting how they interact. One of the weakness from evolutionary
perspective is rising disputes on testability of the evolutionary theory. Another weakness
from this theory is alternatives to cognitive assumptions like mass modularity. The
strength of evolutionary perspective is that it makes the society live better because of its
support s men become more beneficiaries from justification of traditional gender roles.
Another strength from evolutionary perspective is that it shares some common insights
that regard gender relation. Regarding the social learning perspective on of its strength is
that it is flexible in explaining differences in a person learning or behavior. Another
strength of this theory is that people learn through observation through learners merely
copying role models (Kowalski B.M 2020). Social learning perspective has a weakness
on inner conflicts resulting from new behaviours.it also entails less authenticity whereby
in most cases it would take a long time for one to adopt to imitation of a new behavior.
From my research I got challenged with the information that made me to reexamine
assumptions surrounding gender roles. The major assumptions about gender roles that was
misleading was that roles are observed differences between genders are portrayed in biological
sex variations and that variations between sexes are more significant than similarities. I argue
that this is not the case and we need to have a better understanding to our evolutionary history in
order to get better of gender inequality. Insight gained is that gender roles help in shaping
individual behavior not only by showing how people of each gender need to behave but also by
providing rise in penalties to people who do not hold to norms. I personally belief that gender
roles can never be eliminated because of biologic variances between men and women and
traditional gender behaviors simply exists in our nature. My thinking on the topic children
development has eventually shifted. Shift in thinking might impact my perception on children in
future. I will have a mind that beliefs children typically develop in different stages at around the
age of two. Children will be aware of their physical differences between girls and boys. Before
celebrating their third birthdays most of the children will easily label themselves as a boy or a
girl. I will bear in mind that gender development is a necessary normal process for all the
children. Some children will tend to possess some characters that have similarities to all areas of
behavior and human health. This will make me be aware that all children as they grow will
require support, care from family, love, education, and the society that provides makes the
background of a child happy and healthy (Schneider M.C.2019). Gender roles that will be
encountered in childhood will be expected to play a greater role in influencing relationships
personally later on in life. I will expect children to understand gender roles and impact how they
socialize with friends and form relationships.
Despite existing reasons of people still believing relevancy of gender roles are present,
there is a lot of proof that controvert them. In regarding religion there are different religious
groups globally as well as believers who do not belief in any religion at all. Religion itself is
regarded as a belief and taken as a way of living by an individual. Because of various facts,
religion cannot determine gender basis roles because it is also a form of social establishment that
is certain to an individual. For those who have a belief that gender roles are inherent and
transpire naturally, it is commented that gender roles develop when a person grows up. Children
acquire values, behaviors and motives in different ways appropriately for male and female within
a culture. Children evolve gender-based beliefs which with time are reflected in gender roles
latter. Tan early age children acquire gender identify enabling them to develop gender roles and
gender differences. From this manner people will not have a pressure of conforming the societal
levels providing an opportunity to freedom of expression and prevent them from that something
is not well with them.
Eisend, M. (2019). Gender roles. Journal of Advertising, 48(1), 72-80.
Cascella, C., & Pampaka, M. (2020). Attitudes towards gender roles in family: A Rasch-based
validation study. Journal of applied measurement.
D’Acunto, F., Malmendier, U., & Weber, M. (2020). Gender roles and the gender expectations
gap (No. w26837). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Kowalski, B. M., & Scheitle, C. P. (2020). Sexual identity and attitudes about gender
roles. Sexuality & Culture, 24(3), 671-691.
Schneider, M. C., & Bos, A. L. (2019). The application of social role theory to the study of
gender in politics. Political Psychology, 40, 173-213.
Psy 217 Writing Assignment Worksheet
This interactive worksheet is designed to assist you in completing your writing assignment. It will assist you in identifying assumptions and opinions in relation to the topic you have selected.
Please answer the following questions. You are required to complete and submit this worksheet before beginning your writing assignment.
Submit your completed worksheet in the appropriate folder at the Assignments tab on our D2L site.
I will review your worksheet and let you know if any changes are needed.
If you have any questions, contact me at william.winaski@ppcc.edu.
1. What topic have you chosen? (See the instructions for the Writing Assignment to see the accepted areas for your choice of a topic.)
2. What two psychological perspectives/theories have you chosen to research and report their perspectives on your topic? (See the Instructions for the Writing Assignment for a list of the possible psychological perspectives for each topic area.)
3. What group, country, or culture to which you do not belong will you research and report concerning their views on your chosen topic?
4. Before you do any research: What do you know now about this group/country/culture in regard to your chosen topic? What issues or challenges are you aware of surrounding this topic?
5. Create a list of 3-4 research questions that will allow you to explore your chosen group’s perspectives on your chosen topic?
6. List one source from a peer-reviewed journal you can use for a source in your paper. List it as you would on a References page using APA style.
7. Identify and explore assumptions around this topic (your own and others).
Assumption |
What contributed to the assumption? |
Psy 217 Writing Assignment
The aim of this assignment is to explore questions you have about a topic, including how it relates to a group, culture, or country different from yours. You will build your awareness of diversity and the importance of inclusivity, which are key components of this Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways course.
The focus of the Writing Assignment is to research and report three perspectives on a chosen topic. The object is not to provide your personal perspective on the topic but to objectively present three other perspectives. Two of the perspectives you will research and report will be those of two distinct psychological perspectives/theories. The other perspective you will research and report will be that of a group you do not belong to.
Be sure to read all of the instructions carefully.
If you have any questions contact me at
I. Preparation
1. Choose a topic from one of these sections of our course:
a. Gender Roles (Chapter 4)
b. Origins of Love (Chapter 7)
c. Sexual Preference (Chapter 11)
d. Sexual Paraphilias (Chapter 16)
e. Theories of Sexual Violence (Chapter 17)
2. Choose two relevant psychological perspectives/theories for your topic:
· Gender roles
a. Evolutionary Perspective
b. Social Learning Perspective
c. Cognitive Development Perspective
d. Gender Schema Theory
· Origins of Love
a. Behavioral Reinforcement Perspective
b. Cognitive Perspective
c. Evolutionary Perspective
d. Physiological Arousal Theory
· Sexual Preference
a. Psychoanalytic Perspective
b. Behaviorist Perspective
c. Sociological Perspective
d. Interactional Theory
· Sexual Paraphilias
a. Biological Perspective
b. Psychoanalytic Perspective
c. Behavioral Perspective
d. Sociological Perspective
· Theories of Sexual Violence
a. Feminist Theory
b. Sociological Perspective
c. Evolutionary Perspective
d. Rapist Psychopathology Theory
3. Choose a group, country, or culture that you do not belong to. Part of your research will focus on this group’s perspective of your chosen topic.
4. To complete your paper, you will need to use a minimum 4 sources (you can use more). One of your sources must be from a peer-reviewed journal. The other(s) must also be scholarly sources (i.e., from a website ending in .edu or .gov). Additional sources, such as books, documentaries, newspaper articles, etc., may be used. Do not use Wikipedia, a blog, or an encyclopedia as one of your cited scholarly sources.
5. Complete and return the provided Writing Assignment Worksheet. Please note this worksheet must be completed before this Writing Assignment can be submitted.
6. You will need to use American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. The elements of APA format needed for the assignment include 1-inch margins, 12-point font, double spacing, in-text citations, and a reference page. Please note an abstract and running header are not necessary.
· In-text citations are required every time you share information learned from a source (i.e., journal article, website, book, peer, instructor, etc.). Your own original ideas do not require in-text citations.
See the APA handout on our Content tab for more information on APA style.
You can also use the
Purdue Owl Website
to understand how to properly use APA format in your in-text citations and reference page.
If you have any questions contact me at william.winaski@ppcc.edu.
II. Type your content and responses to the following prompts in the provided template without altering or removing any section headings. (See the Template at the end of these instructions.)
Sections and prompts for the Writing Assignment:
Explain the Issue (200-300 words):
· State the topic you have chosen.
· What is the group you do not belong to whose perspective on the topic you will explore?
· What two psychological perspectives/theories will you research for their views on your topic?
· Share your research questions (3-4 research questions).
Examine Assumptions (200-300 words): Review your Writing Assignment Worksheet. What assumptions were identified about the topic? What was the origin of these assumptions? In other words, what helped to shape them?
Examine Perspectives (400-500 words):
· Explain the views of each of the two psychological perspectives/theories on the topic you chose.
· Compare and contrast the two perspectives’ views. (Describe, do not choose which is better).
· Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective.
Research Summary (400-500 words):
· Provide a summary of what you have learned regarding the views of the group you chose on the topic.
· Specifically address what you have learned.
Self-Awareness (300-400 words):
· During your research, were you confronted with information that caused you to reexamine assumptions surrounding your topic? Please elaborate.
· What insights have you gained about your thinking, behavior, attitudes, or beliefs?
· How has your thinking about the topic on child development shifted?
· Describe how your shift in thinking may impact you in the future.
Establish a Conclusion (200-300 words):
· What conclusions have you made from your research?
· What new questions have emerged as a result of your research?
· What future research is needed on this topic, and why?
III. Important Considerations
A. Use proper mechanics (grammar) and spelling. Do not use 2nd person (you/your).
B. Type your content for each section in the provided template without altering or removing any sections headings.
C. Attach the paper as a , x, .rtf, or to the designated Assignment Submission Folder in D2L (under Assignments in D2L).
D. Papers turned in late will be penalized 20% per class that they are late.
· I selected a topic that is directly tied to material covered in this course.
· I submitted the Writing Assignment Worksheet before beginning this assignment.
· I conducted the research necessary to fully answer all prompts.
· I reviewed the relevant perspectives in psychology.
· I used the minimum number of approved sources.
· I met the word count guidelines for each section.
· If needed, I sought help via the
PPCC Library
with my research.
· If needed, I sought help via the
PPCC Writing Center
· I used the Purdue Owl Website to understand how to properly use APA format in my in-text citations and reference page.
· I asked someone to review my paper and provide me with feedback.
· I reviewed the assignment instructions, checklist, and grading guidelines before turning in my paper.
· I contacted my instructor for clarification if I had questions about this assignment william.winaski@ppcc.edu).
The following rubric will used to grade your Writing Assignment:
Psy 217 Psychology Writing Assignment – Grading Rubric
Below Standard Expectations |
Meets Standard Expectations |
Exceeds Standard Expectations |
Explain the Issue Clearly states the chosen topic. Identified the group/country/culture explored. Clearly stated the two psychological perspectives explored. Share your research questions. |
0 -1 Points Fails to adequately deal with questions of this section. |
2-18 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
20 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
Examine Assumptions Clearly tated what assumptions were identified about the topic? What was the origin of these assumptions? In other words, what helped to shape them? |
0 -1 Points Fails to adequately deal with the questions of this section. |
2-18 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
20 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
Examine Perspectives Explained the views of each psychological perspective/theory. Compare and contrast the two Psychological perspectives/theories. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective/theory. |
0-1 Points Fails to adequately deal with the questions of this section. |
2-38 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
40 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
Research Summary Provide a summary of what you have learned regarding the views of child development for the age group you chose of the group/country/culture your chose. Specifically address what you have learned about your research question(s). |
0-1 Points Fails to adequately deal with the questions of this section. |
2-28 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
30 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
Self-Awareness Were you confronted with information that caused you to reexamine assumptions surrounding your topic? Please elaborate. What insights have you gained about your thinking, behavior, attitudes, or beliefs? How has your thinking about this topic shifted? Describe how your shift in thinking may impact you in the future. |
0-1 Points Fails to adequately deal with the questions of this section. |
2-18 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
20 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
Establish a Conclusion What conclusions have you made? What new questions have emerged as a result of your research? What future research is needed on this topic, and why? |
0-1 Points Fails to adequately deal with the questions of this section. |
2-18 Points Adequately deals with the questions of this section. |
20 Points Clearly deals with the questions of this section. |
APA Format 1. Use of in-text citations in APA format. 2. Reference page is in APA format. |
0-1 Points Most features of APA style are ignored. |
2-18 Points Several features of APA style are ignored. |
20 Points APA style employed in a proficient manner. |
Grammar And Mechanics |
0-1 0-1 Points 1. Errors in spelling, punctuation and/or typos are numerous. 2. Grammatical errors are substantial. 3. Overuse of first & second person. 4. Heavy reliance on quotations 5. Writing is “choppy” with many awkward phrases and/or paragraphs. |
2-28 Points 1. Errors in spelling and punctuation are minimal as are typos. 2. Grammatical errors are minimal. 3. Appropriate use of third person. 4. Original writing supported with occasional quotations paraphrasing. 5. Writing generally flows well with some awkward phrases and/or paragraphs. |
30 Points 1. The document is basically free of spelling and punctuation errors, and typos. 2. The document is free of grammatical errors. 3. The document is free of use of first and second person and uses third person. 4. Limited quotations 5. Writing consistently flows. Sentences and paragraphs are well developed. |
S Number: