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Before starting this activity, make sure you read the following:

  1. CORE Chapter 3-Print Awarness
  2. CORE Chapter 4-Letter Knowledge

Watch and analyze the following content:

  • 3-years old child reading a book – Video (Links to an external site.)
  • 4-years old child creating a drawing/letter – Video (Links to an external site.)
  • 4-years old child – drawing #1Actions
  • 4-years old child – drawing #2Actions

While observing the videos and drawings:

  1. List the behaviors you can recognize that are consistent with Print Awareness and/or Letter Knowledge, and 
  2. Explain and justify why you think the evidence relates to Print Awareness and/or letter Knowledge.

In your discussion of 1 and 2 above, make sure to include specific references to what the children are doing and saying.

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