Company Analysis of Burt’s”Bees.Based in Durham, North Carolina, Burt’s Bees is all but synonymous with environmentally friendlypersonal care products. Though many of their product oFerings are not well known by the averageconsumer, their most popular product. Burt’s Bees lip balm can easily be found at the front counter ofany supermarket or local grocery store (Hoovers, 2016).Though currently under ownership by The Clorox Company, (Clorox, 2016) Burt’s Bees’ objec±ve iscurrently de²ned in its annual report as “limi±ng the amount of chemicals absorbed through the skinwhile also providing helpful bene²ts developed by nature.”Though its target demographic isn’t en±rely clear from the annual report, its product lines are verynarrowly de²ned as “high quality personal care products with natural ingredients.” Notably, more thanhalf of its product sales are made between the months of October through March (Emeraldinsight,2016).Clorox Company and Burt’s Bees by extension are currently focused on growing its United Statesmarket and crea±ng new products to meet the challenge of market compe±±veness interna±onally.³or Burt’s Bees speci²cally, this came in the form of facial toile´es and lip crayons. All in all, organicproducts including Burt’s Bees have been on an upward swing, however domes±c sales for many oftheir products have not climbed as rapidly as other companies in the same markets (Clorox, 2016).With this in mind, what is the op±mal target demographic or consumer base that Burt’s Bees shouldbe looking for in its coming strategic plan?³irst we must take into that nature of personal care products. According to a study done at OSU (OhioState University) Department of Consumer Science, appearance of environmentally consciousproducts have a signi²cant posi±ve inµuence on a¶tude toward buying organic personal careproducts (, 2016). Given Burt’s Bees theme behind its products, it would certainly seem to ²tthe environmentally conscious criteria for a¶tude-purchase inten±on as described in the study. Withthat in mind, next look to the op±mal demographic for organic products, which seems to be thestrongest predictor of sales for products in the product categories in which Burt’s Bees is introducingnew lines (Hoover, 2016).In another study by David Pearson which examined the issue that plague marke±ng for organicproducts, the largest base of consumers of organic/natural products are not best de²ned by one givendemographic, but instead are sca´ered throughout communi±es of all incomes, race, gender, etc.(, 2016). It is important to note that of these products are o·en only purchased occasionallyby the largest percentage of individuals within this category: the largest purchasing group. So whatshould Burt’s Bees take away from this?Using the marke±ng mix of product, price, place, and promo±on, Burt’s Bees is currently modeling its“product” accordingly. It has adhered to an environmentally conscious line of personal care products,and expands its line with its core competency. Its prices are higher than the average personal careproduct, but it markets them in a way that indicates they are of higher quality than most other similarproducts (Hoover, 2016). This approach is cri±cal for marke±ng issues for organic products. Th