QSEN Competency

The six files below are from the QSEN work that has been done and they represent the competencies that exist for QSEN:

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  1. Evidence-Based Practice Competency
  2. Health Informatics Competency
  3. Patient-Centered Care Competency
  4. Quality Improvement Competency
  5. Safety Competency
  6. Teamwork and Collaboration Competency


  1. Read one (1) of the competency summaries above.
  2. Discuss how QSEN is dealing with the problems that were originally identified in the book, ‘To err is human’. Summarize what catches your eye as a good idea and what you want to share with your colleagues.
  3. Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible. 

    Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions (Be sure that references are in APA format).

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