Lupe had to struggle in order to balance her school responsibilities with her duties as a wife and mother. Write an PARAGRAPH in which you identify aspects of your life that you need to juggle along with your responsibilities as a student. They may include a job, a spouse or significant other, children, housekeeping duties, pets, extracurricular activities, a difficult living situation, or anything else that poses a challenge to your academics. Provide vivid, real-life illustrations of how each of those responsibilities sometimes conflicts with your studies. 

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English Composition 1000

Five Paragraph Essay Grading Rubric

Essay Element

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

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1 point

0 points

Introduction Paragraph
Main points

Main points clearly outline the arguments of the essay with a complete sentence for each point. All relate directly to and support the thesis.

Main points clearly outline the arguments of the essay with a complete sentence for each point. All
relate to the thesis.

Main points clearly outline the arguments of the essay with less than one sentence for each point.

Main points vaguely outline the arguments of the essay but do not relate to or support the thesis.

Main points are vague or unclear.

No discernable main points.

The Hook

Hook sentence used as first sentence. Interests, captivates reader, encouraging reader to continue. Uses one of recommended types of hooks (fact or statistic, anecdote or personal experience, rhetorical question, bold pronouncement).

Hook sentence present, but does not draw reader in. Use of recommended type of hook present. Relates to thesis.

Hook sentence present in paragraph, but not as first sentence. Hook relates to thesis

First sentence does not use one of five recommended types of hooks, but sentence relates to the thesis. Sentence is not creative or interesting.

First sentence does not relate to the topic or thesis.

Hook sentence is not present.


Directly answers the
question and ties the main points together.

Must include some thoughtful analysis (i.e., because, as a result).

Directly answers the
question and ties the main points together.

Directly answers the
question but does NOT unify the main points.

Answers the question in a vague or general way with no reference to the main points.

Thesis answers only a portion of the question.

Thesis answers the question incorrectly or no discernable thesis.

Three Body Paragraphs (score is computed for each body paragraph)

Topic sentence

Limits the paragraph to
idea, must directly support the thesis
be one of the main points listed in the introduction.

Limits the paragraph to
idea but does not directly support the thesis and/or in NOT one of the main points.

More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence or the sentence only vaguely supports the thesis.

More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence AND only vaguely supports the thesis.

More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence AND does not support the thesis.

No topic sentence


Specific evidence

Note: The evidence or interpretation of the document must be
in order to receive credit.

than three specific examples given. At
two examples are from the documents if it is a DBQ.

three specific examples given. At least two must be from the documents in a DBQ.

Less than three specific examples stated. At
one must be from the documents in a DBQ.

Three vague generalities stated.

Less than three vague generalities stated

No evidence given.


All evidence directly relates to and supports the topic sentence in an analytical way. (Clearly shows connection between evidence and events)

All evidence directly relates to and supports the topic sentence.

All evidence vaguely related to the topic sentence OR some evidence unrelated

All evidence is only vague generalities.

Evidence has no connection to topic sentence.

Evidence contradicts the thesis or topic sentence.

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points


More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence or the sentence only vaguely supports the thesis.

More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence AND only vaguely supports the thesis.

More than one idea expressed in the topic sentence AND does not support the thesis.

Only vague generalizations are given.

Essay Element



Connects to the next paragraph in a complex manner linking the final sentence of the paragraph and the first sentence of the next.

The paragraphs are smoothly connected with transitional phrases.

The paragraphs are connected with a transitional word.

No transition between paragraphs.

Conclusion Paragraph
Topic sentence

Limits the paragraph to
idea and must directly support the thesis.

Limits the paragraph to
idea but does not directly support the thesis.

No topic sentence

Review of paper

Clearly and succinctly reviews the main points of the essay in a different way from the introduction in one sentence.

Clearly reviews the main points of the essay in a different way from the introduction in one sentence.

Simply repeats the main points as they appear in the introduction

Some man points not mentioned

Review of main points simply implied

No review of the main points

Short term importance

Clearly and analytically states the importance of the topic during its time. Directly links specific events to the importance of the topic

Short-term importance is clearly stated but NO specific examples are given.

Short-term importance is only implied but is illustrated by specific examples

Short-term importance is only implied
NO specific examples are given.

Only vague generalizations are given.

No examination of short term importance

Long term importance

Clearly and analytically states the importance of the topic on subsequent events. Directly links
specific events

to the importance of the topic

Long-term importance is clearly stated but NO specific examples are given

Long-term importance is only implied but is illustrated by specific examples

Long-term importance is only implied
NO specific examples are given.

No examination of long term importance

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