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Atleast 300 words for Q1,Q2 AND Q3:

Research Interest is regarding computer science and business both but computer science is my main field right now.Please do right which will fit me in best possible way.

1)What are your current research interests? Describe how your research projects, coursework or other experiences have influenced your interests. What academic, volunteer or work experiences have best prepared you to engage in research? *

2)What are your future educational and career goals, and how does training as a researcher fit with your goals? Describe any contributions you wish to make to your academic discipline and to your community. *

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3)Please explain how you have demonstrated a commitment to diversity in the academic, professional, or civic realm through their work experience, volunteer engagement, or leadership of student or community organizations. Additionally, describe how you will advance diversity in the future. By diversity, we mean efforts to reduce social, educational, or economic disparities based on race, ethnicity, or gender, or to improve race relations in the United States. *

Atleast 150 words for Q4 AND Q5:

4)What are your top 3 personal, professional, and/or academic accomplishments? *

5)We acknowledge that every applicant has unique life experiences that may not be captured in the above essay questions. The selection committee is open to learning more about any extenuating circumstances an applicant has encountered throughout their journey.

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