Reflective Journal


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Students will reflect on the topics of the week, their role in the case consultation group and any emotions or questions that are arising for them as a future clinician at this point in the course (fears, concerns, hopes, barriers, learning curves to becoming a clinician).  This will be a cumulative, reflective, critical analysis journal with the focus on your experience in this course exploring concepts, interventions, and readings that evoked a response from you. What rubbed you the wrong way? What surprised you? What aligned with your values?  What was Challenging? How might you overcome these Challenges? What do you think triggered these reactions? 


Journal Entries should be 2-3 pages in length. 

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Learning Topics

This week we will cover:

  • Children and Families Affected by Illness and Death
  • Child Victims and Witnesses Violence
  • Immigrant and Refugee Children
  • Impact of Changing World On Practice with and for Children
  • Vicarious Trauma


  • Webb (2018) Social Work Practice With Children, Chs 14, 16 and 17
  • Cardoso, J. B. & Lane, L. B. (2016). Chapter 13: Practice with immigrant and refugee children and families in the mental health system. In Dettlaff, A. J., & Fong, R. (Eds.). Immigrant and refugee children and families: Culturally responsive practice (pp. 392–427). Columbia University Press.

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