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Maria Lazarte

There have been major improvements in life expectancy as there is more attention on the main health concerns that affect people. The positive developments have come about as a result of the focus on socioeconomic progression, which different countries have made a point of emphasizing. Socioeconomic development impacts the well-being of people as it leads to the transformation of society in the relevant dimensions. The development integrates the concerns of the public into the social policies and initiatives for economic advancement (Akimova et al., 2020). The purpose is to enhance the welfare of all people within a community and society at large.

Life expectancy is an indicator of socioeconomic development. At birth, expectancy is affected by the health of the population and socio-economic development. When the health status of a population is great, and the developments are commendable, there is lower mortality rate, and the life expectancy goes up (Lago et al., 2018). The opposite is also true in this case. Over the course of time, the developments have positively impacted the age, while during downtimes, there has been a drop-off. The reason is those wide inequalities that occur between the wealthy and poor, male and female, or among those in urban and rural have negated the socioeconomic progression. This situation affects the gross domestic product (GDP) and, in extension, causes lower life expectancy (Miladinov, 2020).

There is a strong relationship between national wealth and life expectancy and this is because socioeconomic development leads to stability in the social and economic factors. The higher medical standards and accessibility to healthcare services promote life expectancy (Lago et al., 2018). Therefore, policy decisions supported by evidence-based practices promote sustainable public health. The basis is that the stronger the developments, the better the life expectancy and vice versa.

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Akimova, L. М., Khomiuk, N. L., Bezena, I. M., Lytvynchuk, I. L., & Petroye, O. (2020). Planning of socioeconomic development of the territories (experience of European Union). International Journal of Management,



Lago, S., Cantarero, D., Rivera, B., Pascual, M., Blázquez-Fernández, C., Casal, B., & Reyes, F. (2018). Socioeconomic status, health inequalities and non-communicable diseases: a systematic review. Journal of Public Health, 26(1), 1-14.


Miladinov, G. (2020). Socioeconomic development and life expectancy relationship: evidence from the EU accession candidate countries. Genus, 76(1), 1-20.



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Mayelin Ruiz

2 hours ago, at 6:35 PM



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The discussion of the national wealth can be based on the incomes of respective citizens of a country. The wealth is directly tied to the economy, which is supported majorly by the activities of human beings. There are different social classes among the general population which means that some earn more than others. The earning power influences the lifestyle and affordability of basic needs. As such, there is a clear relationship that is discernible between income and life expectancy. The income levels are representative of the national wealth of the nation (Wilkinson, 2018).

           Higher incomes go hand in hand with lengthier life expectancy. Part of living longer lives entails having the proper healthcare services at one’s disposal. It involves sustaining healthier lifestyles which generally includes conducive environments with foods and shelter taking precedence (Hill & Jorgenson, 2018). Individuals who are stable economically are in a better position to integrate these needs into their lives. This translates to a longer life expectancy compared to people who are not in such a position (Hill & Jorgenson, 2018).

           In estimating the national levels of life expectancy, among men and women in the top and bottom one percentile, the difference in expectancy was 15 and 10 years, respectively. The cities that are more affluent have a higher life expectancy. Regions with better environmental and healthcare policies have also seen more longevity. Over the years, life expectancy inequality has increased as social inequality has also increased. The correlations indicate a strong relationship with higher national wealth with more life expectancy (Chetty et al., 2016). The relationship is crucial in promoting more extended life.




Chetty, R., Stepner, M., Abraham, S., Lin, S., Scuderi, B., Turner, N., … & Cutler, D. (2016). The association between income and life expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. Jama, 315(16), 1750-1766.

Hill, T. D., & Jorgenson, A. (2018). Bring out your dead!: A study of income inequality and life expectancy in the United States, 2000–2010. Health & place, 49, 1-6.

Wilkinson, R. G. (2018). The impact of income inequality on life expectancy. In Locating health (pp. 7-28). Routledge.

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