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Theoretical framework

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The most important thing for a researcher is to understand the relationship between concepts in a study. Theoretical framework is a structure that is used to describe how a theory explains a research problem (Green, 2014). It contains conceptsthat are used to explain and understand a phenomenon in a study. In this research the theory that will be applied in theunfreeze and freeze change model. This is a three step change model developed by Kurt Lewin with an aim of making changes to behaviors and processes (Connelly, 2014). This theory involves three high level steps of implementing change. It has been used in various sectors including healthcare by managers to implement change. In my change proposal, the unfreeze and freeze model is very resourceful in curbing cyber bullying. Companies can adopt the model and implement security systems that are reliable and sustainable.

The first step in this theory is to unfreeze that is getting ready for change. The management will therefore help its employees get ready to unlearn the old practices of the company. In this case the organization will reassess the network and identify any loop holes that are ports cyber bulling. This actionsets the motion for change.  Once every employee is aware of the need for change, the company will implement processes that ensure safe online interactions (Connelly, 2014).. This not only minimizes cyber bullying but it also prevents transaction interruption. Finally the new practices are cemented. They make it stick and become a permanent practice. This last process is called freezing.

Conceptual frame work 

Dependent variable

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Independent variables


 Unsafe security systems 

Unethical online interactions 


Unlimited access to a network 

Malicious intentions 


Connelly, L. M. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(3), 187-188.

Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21(6), 34-38.

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