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Develop your own sampling strategy based upon your PICOT question by responding to the questions below. Make sure you support your answers with the literature. Provide both in-text citations and a reference list.


State your PICOT. Define your target population and proposed sample.


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Discuss your sampling approach in terms of its nature, use, advantages, and disadvantages.


Indicate the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria must be other than “Participants are excluded if they do not meet inclusion criteria.” What else could include and exclude participants from your research study?


Identify the sample size and discuss how the number of participants was determined.


Discuss potential threats to internal and external validity as a source of sampling bias.


What is your Cosmic Question  (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week: Sampling Strategy).

Remember, the aim of the cosmic question you propose should enable others to critique your sampling strategy.
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