Research +Presentation

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– For the topic (The development of self-driving cars)

The following points are important:

– In the title slide, keep a space to add the university logo, two students’ names, and two instructors’ names.

– Ensure that the report and presentation files contain graphs, charts, and tables (notes under each slide to help me present the information).

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– Make sure that only the most important and clear information will appear in the presentation

  • Your article must be 10 pages at least inclusive of references.
  • You are requested to write a review, survey, or state-of-art article on the topic of (The development of self-driving cars).
  • Your article has to give an overview of existing literature in a field, often identifying specific problems or issues and analyzing information from available published work on the topic with a balanced perspective


The deliverables of the project should include:

– A project report

– Presentation slides of at least 15 slides.

– The deliverables of the project report should include:

1- Abstract: summary of the problem statement presented in the papers.

2- Introduction: discuss the chosen papers proposed solution. These should be illustrated using text and diagrams.

3- Taxonomy: classification of the papers proposed solutions and comparison between them.

4- Discussion: The students have to criticize the proposed solution they also have to propose a possible solution or alternative for some of the weaknesses of the chosen papers wherever that is possible.

5- References: At least, seven of your references must be from journal articles published in well publishers’ databases; IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, and Taylor & Francis and The citation should follow the APA style, just the last 2 years’ publications).

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