Research Question: Legal Socialization of Female Juvenile Offenders A researcher must be knowledgeable of the different quantitative research designs and be able to effectively apply the best design as dictated by the research question. For this assignme


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Research Question: Legal Socialization of Female Juvenile Offenders

A researcher must be knowledgeable of the different quantitative research designs and be able to effectively apply the best design as dictated by the research question. For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page document following the directions below.

Part I

Compare Methods

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Compare and contrast two research methods. Give an example of a situation (related to forensic counseling) in which each of the two chosen methods can be applied.

  • Experimental
  • Quasi-experimental
  • Correlational
  • Survey
  • Developmental

Part II

Answer Questions

In reference to one of the two example research scenarios that you discussed above in Part I, further explore by answering the following questions (apply these questions to your own research project):

  • Determine a suitable research goal.
  • Discuss what type of sampling could be used for this study.
  • Identify which types of research designs above (from Part I) would be most appropriate to use.
  • State your hypothesis of the expected results for this proposed study.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 3–4 pages in length and utilize 2–3 scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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