Researching Community Partnerships Review the “Preview of Your Final Project” criteria sheet to help you focus your work this week. Before engaging in your research, make sure you have decided on the organization you would like to research in this class s


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Researching Community Partnerships

Review the “

Preview of Your Final Project

” criteria sheet to help you focus your work this week. Before engaging in your research, make sure you have decided on the organization you would like to research in this class so you can apply the work you do this week to your final project.

*Note: As you gather your sources, make sure the ones you choose are no more than five (5) years old. This is part of the requirements for your Final Project.

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Six-Article Annotated Bibliography

  • Find and summarize the Grow, Hamm, & Lee’s “The Debate over Doing Good” (in EBSCO).
  • Use your key terms that you generated through your Wikipedia search to search Grantham Library’s EBSCOhostand/or Google Scholar to find at least five additional, reputable articles to review as background information on community partnerships and community organizations.
  • Review each of the six articles you found and summarize them based on the following criteria:

    The name of the author and article,
    The purpose of the article,
    The problem addressed,
    The population addressed, and,
    The results of the article.

Your review should include all six articles. You should provide a 100-150 word paragraph for each source addressing the each of the four key ideas in your summary. Each article should also include a reference citation in APA format.


Remen, R. N. (1999 Jan.1). Helping, fixing or serving? University of Cincinnati.Retrieved from:

In the article, “Helping, Fixing, or Serving” (1999), Remen asserts that people see the world in three
different ways broken, weak or whole.

These viewpoints results in how a person connect to their world. Remen views serving as a way to moves beyond the expertise and incorporates both their serves strengthens as well as the strengths of others.

Many times people seek to help or fix rather than service. Remen uses examples of an emergency physician sees delivering a baby as a service rather than fixing the problem. She shares how a nurse moved past professional protocols to serve her by removing her ileostomy. In these examples, she explains how experiences shorten the distance between the humans. Remen shows how serving rather than fixing or helping benefits all parties and impacts humanity.

Preview of Your Final Project

Over the next several weeks you will be learning about service learning and also investigating a community organization. You will be reading about service learning, as well as completing a research project about a community organization of your choosing in order to evaluate their role in the community and the impact they have. This project may be submitted as a paper, a presentation, or a speech.

You will be evaluated over the following five soft skills throughout the course:

  • Communication

  • Critical Thinking

  • Respect for Diversity

  • Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility

  • Lifelong Learning
  • The expectations for each of the skill areas are:

    Communication – For this skill demonstrate the following criteria for proficiency as you develop your final project:

    • Your writing is clear and concise and is free of errors, demonstrating proficiency in using citations, and following style guidelines in terms of formatting, conventions, and grammar, and is structured in a way that readers can easily follow. Appropriate tools and graphics are used.
    • Approaches the analysis of the research project purposefully and critically, fully exploring the learning experience. Demonstrate a full comprehension of Service Learning, showing an ability to blend the learning experience each week.
    • Capture a clear tone in your writing. Your paper must demonstrates an awareness of your target audience, seeking to meet their needs and expectations.

    Critical Thinking – For this skill demonstrate the following criteria for proficiency as you develop your final project:

    • Your information is drawn from source(s) and through experience and observation. Thoroughly applying a comprehensive analysis or synthesis of the materials you review and apply to support your paper.
    • Identify and evaluates relevant points of view. Use questions to determine accuracy, relevance, and completeness of information.
    • Your evaluation of solutions considered in important factors in problem-solving, such as the context of the problem or challenges, applying logic and reasoning, and the feasibility and potential impact of your solutions. Your discussion is well documented and comprehensive
    • Examines all issues with a full, thorough understanding in your formulation of ideas, the decision-making process, and in presenting a position in your paper

    Respect for Diversity – For this skill demonstrate the following criteria for proficiency as you develop your final project:

    • Demonstrate an ability to suspend judgment of culturally challenging ideas and awareness of the benefits of multiple perspectives (variety of sources) as they apply to your understanding and problem-solving strategies.
    • Ask questions as you move along with the developing your papers. The weekly reflections assignment are a good springboard to keep your traction as you develop your paper and assignments and move through the assigned books for the course.

    Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility – For this skill demonstrate the following criteria for proficiency as you develop your final project:

    • Demonstrate the ability to recognize and understand complex professional, social, and ethical issues and their complexities as encountered through your project. 
    • Be able to identify and adapt to relationships among ideas beyond those presented within the issue itself.
    • Ensure your work matches assignment requirements, is thorough and comprehensive, and advances the issue being examined.
    • Demonstrate your willingness to embrace your role within and your responsibilities to a community, and keep those elements central to the decision-making process in an effort to better the community.
    • Demonstrate an understanding that success is reliant on the engagement of all members within the community, and actively seek ways to mutually benefit the group. 

    Lifelong Learning – For this skill demonstrate the following criteria for proficiency as you develop your final project:

    • Review prior learning, both inside and outside of the classroom, and note connections between formal and informal learning experiences, drawing connections between life-learning and formal learning, and show an understanding of how each can inform the other as they apply to new situations.
    • Demonstrate that you see academic learning as a process of examining ideas addressed in one discipline and be able to apply those ideas to another situation. 
    • Demonstrate that you see learning, both inside and outside of the classroom, as valuable and interconnected. 
    • Show an ability apply learning from different sources to develop a broader, more comprehensive perspective about the implications of individual learning experiences. 

    You have three options in how you can present your final project:

    As a Paper
    Your paper should be creative and interesting, and demonstrate what you have learned. It should be a minimum of 5-7 pages in length and you will use APA style formatting with a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-space your lines, and set your page up with one inch margins (See the APA Template included in the Course Resources folder)

    As a Presentation
    Like the paper option, your presentation should be creative, interesting, and demonstrate what you have learned throughout the project. Your presentation should be 8 to 10 minutes in length, include visual elements (graphics, pictures, etc.), be presented using a program such as PowerPoint or Prezi, and you should record yourself giving the presentation (consider using screen capture programs such as JING or Eyejot to record your voice—be aware, you may need to create more than one file).

    As a Speech
    As it is in the other two options, your speech should be creative, interesting, and demonstrate what you have learned throughout the project. Your speech should be 8 to 10 minutes in length and include a typed handout. 

    For All Assignment Types
    Your assignment should be well-organized and demonstrate an orderly flow of information that clearly addresses the subject chosen. In addition to the above criteria, your final project should include the following elements:
    The Community Organization: Clearly indicate the focus of the organization and the community needs that the organization. A brief historical background of the organization should also be included.

    • Discuss any community partnerships that they have. Suggest additional partnerships that you feel they should have.
    • Explore how the cross-cultural challenges and humanitarian considerations are involved.
    • Demonstrate how the organization uses volunteers and the economic benefits associated with this (not just “free labor”).
    • Illustrate any roadblocks that the organization has faced or potential could face and how they did or might find solutions.
    • Describe the organization’s vision for the future.
    • Indicate what areas in which you feel the organization could improve. What challenges (technological, political, economic, laws and regulations, community-based initiatives, educational, etc.) will they need to overcome?
    • Discuss potential ways you might be able to contribute to the organization. How could your own interests, talents, and skills benefit this organization?


    • You will need to include aminimum of ten (10) sourcesto support your project claims.
    • Additionally, you will need to ensure the sources you choose areno more than five (5) years old.


    • Title your Project
    • Introduction: Begin with the attention-getter, tie in the background information, and end the introduction with your thesis. 
    • Body:

      Clearly identify the topic of each section. The topic must be a statement, not a question, and should begin with your own ideas and your own words.
      After identifying your topic, use quotations or paraphrase from your sources to help illustrate the point you are making (be sure to identify the author(s) and source(s)).
      After you have given support, spend a sentence or two explaining how the example(s) support the section topic.
      A compilation of your research, your literature review, your methods, (how the data was collected or generated and analyzed), and your results should be included in the body of your project.

    • Conclusion:

      Restate your thesis. This means that you say about the same thing as you did in your thesis, but you say it differently. 
      After stating your thesis, restate the topics from each of your body sections and emphasize what is important for your audience/readers to remember.
      End your conclusion with a call to action that illustrates what your audience/readers should do with the information you presented.

    Please note: You will have the opportunity to revise and perfect this project, but you should do your best to make each step as complete as possible so you can receive more relevant and constructive feedback from your instructor and your peers.

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