100-word response 1 reference
The time is finally here, to write my final research paper till I receive my bachelor’s degree. While the excitement is rising, there are some issues that I have ran into along the way as I slowly chip away at my research paper this week. The first issue that I have been having is deciding when and where to put in my citations. While I have searched and created and annotated bibliography, it is important that I put these inquiries in the right spots of my paper as to not overuse citations but incorporate my own ideology into my paper. As I write my paper, it has become a little easier using my outline as a go-by, but I still find times where I feel like I am using too many sources.
A second problem that I am having is maintaining an adequate flow of my paper. I think this is due to me taking small parts of each day to work on my paper, vice trying to sit down and make it all happen at once or over a course of only a couple days. I have tried minimizing this issue by ensuring that each paragraph I write supports my original thesis statement and I have not trailed off into writing something obscure. (University of Minnesota) This has helped me ensure I am keeping to the original thought and purpose of my research.
The last thing, and most important issue that I am having, is the issue of time management. This is key when writing and developing a strong research paper. Between my job as active-duty military, as well as juggling all of my children’s sports and maintaining a healthy household, I must find time to stay on top of my paper. I have been doing this by setting aside at least a couple of hours a day to work on my research paper and ensure that I am chipping away at it little by little. This will give me plenty of time to write the essay as well as give me time to reread it and make adjustments before submitting.