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When it comes to writing this large paper research that will consist of 15-20 pages I have ran into a few problems while completing my draft. 

I will admit that this will be my first research paper that has required 15-20 pages; I had gotten use to 8-10 pages research paper. With that being said the problem that I am encountering is providing enough content within paper without sounding repetitive throughout the paper. Secondly, some of the feedback that I have received in past about my research papers is that I get off track. Meaning I stray away from the research and input my personal experiences and thoughts into the paper. I know I tend to do that because in most of my past criminal justice classes I was familiar with the content so I am more inclined to add my personal experiences because it is profession.  

When it comes to citations, I would always struggle with in text citations. My problem that I encountered was that I would neglect to use them. I was would be under the impression as long as I referenced my sources in the “Reference Page” of the paper it would be acceptable. Once again it was the “Purdue Online Writing Lab” that assist me with in text citations and when they are needed within a research paper. 

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Structure of my research paper is another problem that I would encounter while working on my paper. I do like that the professor wanted an outline completed along with our annotated bibliography. By doing an outline it allows me to write my paper without having same content in multiple places. By having an outline assist me with time management as well because I can do certain amount of work and see my progression as paper is being written rather than cramming. 

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