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can you please give a response to this post?When the client is RH Negative and her infant is RH Positive, it can cause the mother’s body to reject the infant’s red blood cells. According to American College of Nurse-Midwives (2013), this can cause fetal anemia, miscarriage, stillbirth, or serious illness in the infant. To prevent this, an intramuscular injection of RhoGAM is given to the mother after blood work is received. RhoGAM are antibodies that prevents the mother’s RH Negative blood from rejecting RH positive blood. This crossing of blood types is not likely to happen in a woman who is in her first pregnancy and has not has any previous miscarriages or abortions. The RhoGAM injection is given around 28 weeks of gestation because the last trimester is when the crossing of blood would be likely to happen. If the baby is still RH Positive after giving birth, then the mother will receive a second dose of the injection immediately after giving birth. If the baby is RH Negative after birth then the mother may not need a second injection. Other times a client may need RhoGAM injection is when the mother is RH Negative and infant is RH Positive after abortion or miscarriage. The reason for the injection when incompatibility is found after birth is because the client’s RH incompatibility can affect fetus during future pregnancies. According to American College of Nurse-Midwives (2013), this injection is only contraindicated in those who have hemolytic anemia and could be allergic. As the nurse, implications such as watching for allergic reactions, checking blood types of infant and mother, and assessing the infant are done.

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