Assignment is due by 7:00 PM Eastern Time (about 8 hours from now)
Task: Redo the attached Communication Strategy Worksheet (file name is “Redo Communication Worksheet) by applying the feedback that you deem helpful. The feedback that I decided was helpful is attached in the document called “Helpful Feedback.” Please read the attached file called “How To Use The Communication Worksheet” to see how to fill it out. Then write a business memo that appropriately addresses the case problem (case problem is at the end of the assignment).
When writing, use the direct approach.
Direct Approach:
Most often we communicate in the direct approach in the business arena. We state our purpose and then elaborate. You can think of it as a top-down approach with the most important information located first. Important too, is to know that direct does not mean edgy or rude; it is not permission to be abrupt in tone.
Case Problem:
In this case, you are Jack Stack, a regional sales manager for a national logistics company. You have 12 salespeople throughout your region reporting to him. Previously, the salespeople worked from various offices that housed other administrative functions and they receive secretarial and administrative support from these offices. To reduce costs, however, the company closed the local offices and consolidated the administrative functions at the corporate offices in Kansas City. Salespeople now work out of home-based offices. Consequently, they are responsible for producing their own correspondence without help from an administrative secretary.
As copies of internal memos and letters written by your salespeople cross your desk, you are shocked at the awkward wording and lack of clarity, not to mention the numerous grammar and punctuation errors. Email is even worse. You are concerned about the impact on your company’s image.
Last week, during a meeting of the local chapter of Sales and Marketing Executives, you heard a presentation by a communication consultant, Pamela Skidmore, who specializes in coaching salespeople on writing skills. She made a strong case on how organizations pay a price in wasted time, wasted effort and lost goodwill when writing isn’t as good as it could be. Her company, Write Stuff, offers classes and individual coaching.
You arranged a meeting with Pamela and gave her some writing samples from your salespeople. You were impressed with her critique of the writing and her thoughts on how to improve it. Her process calls for a 2-day workshop followed by individual coaching by phone and e-mail. Ms. Skidmore left you some brochures that explain the features and benefits of her services. You checked her references and her clients gave her rave reviews.
The fees for a workshop are substantial. For 12 salespeople, the program would cost $4,000 with a 90-day retainer of $2,000 for follow-up coaching. The cost includes a pre- and post-training evaluation. In addition, the cost of travel, hotel stays, meals and meeting rooms for the 2-day event could easily add up to another $6,000. Finally, the company would need to bear the cost of time away from the job for the salespeople.
This type of expense is not in your budget, but you think you can make a case for the workshop to your boss based on the benefits of the training. You also assume that other Regional VPs in the country are having a similar problem. Perhaps your region can serve as a pilot for the company for this type of training.
Communication Strategy Worksheet
Stage One: Planning a Message
The audiences are 12 salespersons working with the organization. The audience is heterogeneous with regard to age, gender and cultural affiliations.
The purpose of the presentation is to improve the writing skills of the salespersons in order to bolster the performance of the organization.
By learning good writing skills, the salespeople will improve their presentation skills. Pre- and post-training evaluations will further help to clarify roles and boost company image.
Conversational with a colorful passionate enthusiastic feel
Instruction will take place through face-to-face communication as well as follow-up activities through email.
Direct approach that will entail telling the audience upfront about the intention and purpose of the workshop and training
Writing skills are fundamental requisites for effective performance of the organization. Lack of effective writing capabilities can lead to lost goodwill, wasted effort and wasted time, which can negatively affect the performance of the organization. By getting expert training on good writing skills, employees will gain a better understanding of how to improve their correspondence.
To improve the performance and image of the logistics company, it is fundamental for employees to sharpen their writing capabilities. Although the organization will incur some costs, the learning from the 2-day workshop will aid to improve long-term growth and cut costs.
Currently, salespeople in the organization have poor writing capabilities, and through mentorship and coaching from Write Stuff, employees will sharpen their skills and the organization will serve as an example to other companies in the industry with similar problems.
The workshop will also improve the communication and interpersonal skills of the salespeople, which is important for guaranteeing growth especially in the logistics industry.
With the various drawbacks that might arise because of poor writing skills, it is paramount for employees to receive training on how they can improve this vital aspect in business. This will help to improve the image of the company and subsequently increase sales.
PowerPoint presentations detailing vital statistics of how companies can lose when employees do not have the required writing capacities will be used to illuminate the nature and extent of the problem.
1. Who is your audience? Describe them.
2. What is your purpose? You have to sure of your needs and intended outcomes, as your message needs to be created to achieve this purpose.
3. What is your focus? Your story? On every topic, there is lots and lots of information. In order to be interesting, keep your audience’s attention, you need to create the context, the focus…the story.
4. Included in creating the story, is the decision of the emotion. What emotions do you want your audience to feel? Is there more than one emotion – from what feeling to what feeling?
5. What format is appropriate for your message? Letter, memo, email, phone, voice mail, video, face-to-face, meeting, etc.?
6. What is the approach? Direct (stating the purpose in the opening) or indirect (presenting the evidence first).
7. Brainstorm the introduction. It’s the most critical aspect. You need to get their attention in order to maintain their attention.
8. List the body points. Then group the points into like-kind groups. Eventually these items equate to headings or perhaps paragraphs.
9. Brainstorm your conclusion. What do you want them to remember? What is the feeling you want them to take with them when they leave?
10. What visuals help tell your story?
There are a few punctuation mistakes in the text.
In the first step, audience, the audience is the boss. Jack Stack will have to address the memo to his boss with a request for money and approval for this workshop.
You could have included a little more detail in your purpose planning. For example, you could have pointed out the image problem the company was facing because of the communication issues.
Regarding your emotion, I think you need to touch on all of the emotions that you think and want the audience to feel. For example, if you are going to start with the issues in your body then your audience will most likely go through some sort of worry or concern. Later, they will get to your passionate and enthusiastic emotions after they hear your solution. Also, it is unclear if you are referring to the audience or the speaker’s emotions. You may want to make that clear in your planning worksheet next time.
The format refers to the format of your presentation to your boss. In this case, the assignment requires a memo to be written. I believe you were thinking of the format for the potential training. Remember, this planning work sheet only refers to the memo you are writing to your boss, not the actual training.
For Visuals, remember that you are only writing a memo to your boss. You may not have an opportunity to provide a PowerPoint presentation