Topic Biofilms; what it is, how to treat?

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Please submit one well-defined, clear and concise research question.

An annotated bibliography (AB) is a list of citations (journal articles, books, etc) where each citation is followed by a brief (about 150-200 words) evaluative and descriptive paragraph of the article.  The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

  1. Locate and record citations of peer-reviewed articles and scholarly books and e-books that may contain useful information and ideas on your chosen topics. Briefly examine and review the actual literature that you have located.
  2. Choose a minimum of 10 of those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic(s) of interest. All references should have been published in 2016 or later!
  3. Cite each article using APA style. 
  4. Write an annotation of each article by summarizing, assessing, and reflecting on the work you are reading.

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