rock and mineral lab

Rock and Mineral Lab

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The following minerals are ones that you will need to know for this class. For each mineral, please include the following information: Chemical formula, class they belong to, physical description, Mohs hardness (can be rough estimation), cleavage/fracture, luster, color and finally, please include which rock type these minerals are most likely going to be found in (sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous).

1. Olivine

2. Biotite

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3. Muscovite

4. Feldspar

5. Quartz

6. Galena

7. Gypsum

8. Hematite

9. Pyrite

10. Calcite

11. Garnet

12. Staurolite

13. Epidote

14. Fluorite

15. Graphite

16. Magnetite

17. Talc

18. Halite


For the following rocks, please create a dichotomous key. When making the key please use rock types, processes of formation (ex. Intrusive/extrusive), environments (ex. ocean, deep mantle), and other large scale categorizations, then move to colors, patterns, crystal size, texture, etc…


19. Rhyolite

20. Granite

21. Andesite

22. Diorite

23. Basalt

24. Gabbro

25. Peridotite

26. Obsidian

27. Skoria

28. Pumice

29. Tuff


30. Sandstone


1. Shale

32. Limestone

33. Conglomerate

34. Coal

35. Halite

36. Gypsum

37. Chert

38. Coquina


39. Slate

40. Mica Schist

41. Gneiss

42. Marble

43. Quartzite

44. Phyllite

45. Migmatite

Mineral Kit Key

1. Fluorite

2. Feldspar (orthoclase)

3. Hematite

4. Pyrite

5. Quartz

6. Calcite

7. Muscovite

8. Magnetite

9. Gypsum (alabaster)

10. Talc

11. Halite

12. Biotite

13. Graphite

14. Gypsum (satin spar)

15. Gypsum

Rock Kit Key

1. Shale

2. Siltstone

3. Sandstone

4. Sandstone

5. Conglomerate

6. Coquina

7. Oolite

8. Marble

9. Pyrite

10. Gneiss (orthoclase)

11. Gneiss (biotite)

12. Pumice

13. Tuff

14. Granite (with orthoclase)

15. Granodiorite

16. Diorite

17. Dolomite

18. Phyllite

19. Rhyolite

20. Orthoclase feldspar

21. Basalt

22. Quartz

23. Chert

24. Gypsum

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