SaaS Computing and its impact on the workplace

 This week as a group each team is required to deliver:

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  • The Project Design of your project. The paper must be well structured.
  • State:

    The focus of your research, (that is the problem that you were working on).
    How was the problem identified? ( that is the background of the problem)
    What are the benefits of your research? (that is the significance of your problem that you have researched)

     Below are two types of research projects. Select the one that meets your proposed project and includes all the listed sections  Your paper must be well structured and must cover the main sections of your research. 
                        1.-  For Case Study                                                                          1.-Background, Problem, and Significance – (Worth 13-points)                   2.- Purpose Statement –  (Worth 8-points)   3.- Research Question –  (Worth 8-points)  4.- Paradigm and conduct of the researcher – (Worth 8-points)   5.- Research Design – (Worth 8-points)   6.- Participants and Sampling – (Worth 7-points)   7.- Instruments  – (Worth 7-points)   8.- Research Procedures  – (Worth 7-points)   9. Data Analysis – (Worth 7-points)   10.- Ethical Consideration – (Worth 7-points)   11.- Plan for Presenting the Results – (Worth 7-points)   12.- Summary-Conclusion – (Worth 7 -points)   13.- References – (Worth 2-points)   14. Certification Page – (Worth  2-points)       Short-bio – (Worth 2-points)   NOTE: Paper Lenght : Min 12-pages, Max 14-pages  – Font: Time  New Roma – 12                                                                     NOTE: Paper Lenght : Min 12-pages, Max 14-pages  – Font: Time  New Roma – 12 
    NOTE1: You are not required to collect data from the primary source. Make sure you don’t state in your paper that you have collected data through interviews. If you mention in you paper that you have or will be collecting data, your group will receive zero (0) for this assignment.NOTE2: You will only work with secondary data from Peer-Reviewed Journals.NOTE3:  This is a continuation of your proposed project that you started in week-2  Each group to deliver:
       3.1 – The paper must include: 1.-Title Page. 2.-Abstract, 3.-Table of Content, 4.- Introduction to the selected topic.                           3.1.0 – Structure of the paper per APA:                           3.1.1 For Case Study includes sections 1 to 14, & Short-bio,                            3.1.2. For Descriptive Research Study including sections 1 to 16, including Certification of       Authorship and Short-bio.   
    Steps and Procedures:

  • To complete this assignment, you are required to use “ONLY” Peer-Reviewed Journals. Do not use any other source to support your research. Use only Peer-Reviewed Journals.
  • You need to list the reference of the article from The Peer-Reviewed Journal. All references must follow APA style, structure, and formatting.
  • Use the basic citation styles mentioned in the APA Manual, Sixth or Seventh Editions, to cite your sources.
  • Do not send your work via e-mail. Your document will be ignored. I will not grade your document if you send it via e-mail.
  • Make sure you include the selected 10-Articles from Peer-Reviewed Journal as your references and sources (10-Annotated Bibliography).
  • “Only” The leader of your team for week four (5) will submit the assignment.
  • Please observe the Required Practical Connection Assignment Rubric

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Title (Font 14)


Students’ Name

An assignment submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for ISOL 633 course as part of the degree of ___________



School of Computing and Information Sciences

University of the Cumberlands

ISOL 633 – Legal, Regulations, Investigations, and Compliance

Professor: Dr. Zadok Hakim

Due: December 2, 2018

Fall 2018


Table of Content

Theory summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Theory Summary

Deterrence theory

Deterrence theory (DT) is originally a term used in psychology and criminology, and it is

used to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Erickson,

Gibbs, and Jensen (1977, p. 305) stated that, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Additionally, the literature reveals that,

the more severe a punishment, it is thought, the more likely that a rationally calculating human

being will desist from criminal acts. In criminology, “the concept of deterrence is used to

describe the prevention of criminal behavior through the use of, or by the threat of, legal

sanctions” (Meier & Johnson, 1977, p. 293)

According to D’arcy and Herath (2011, p. 488), deterrence theory is “one of the most

widely applied theories in information systems (IS) security research, particularly within

behavioral IS security studies”.















D’arcy, J., & Herath, T. (2011). A review and analysis of deterrence theory in the IS security

literature: Making sense of the disparate findings. European Journal of Information

Systems, 20(6), 643-658.

Erickson, M. L., Gibbs, J. P., & Jensen, G. F. (1977). The deterrence doctrine and the perceived

certainty of legal punishments. American Sociological Review, 305-317.

Meier, R. F., & Johnson, W. T. (1977). Deterrence as social control: The legal and extralegal

production of conformity. American Sociological Review, 292-304.


University of the Cumberlands

School of Computing and Information Sciences

Certification of Authorship

Submitted to (Professor’s Name): Dr. Zadok Hakim

Course: ________________________

Student’s Name: ________________

Date of Submission: December 2, 2018

Purpose and Title of Submission: ____________________________________________

Certification of Authorship: I hereby certify that I am the author of this document and that any

assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the document. I

have also cited all sources from which I obtained data, ideas, or words that are copied directly or

paraphrased in the document. Sources are properly credited according to accepted standards for

professional publications. I also certify that this paper was prepared by (me or by my group #)

for this purpose.

Students’ Signature: ____________________________

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