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issa Sa



eek 5

A. Introduction

Air Pollution

In doing research I found that the World Health Organization (WHO) states that, air pollution is the main environmental risk around the world and at it can cause an estimate of $3.7 million dollars per year in damages (Nunez, 20


5). The burning of fuels from factories and the burning or petroleum, the burning of crops from farmers, even you everyday cleaning supplies can cause air pollution. Air pollution causes respiratory conditions and acid rains (Dhaniya, 2019). 

2. Deforestation 

Deforestation is known as the removal of trees permanently in order to allow space for roads, houses, or buildings.

Deforestation can also be done by making more room for agriculture by clearing land. The negative side of deforestation is that you destroy the home for animals and plants. Clearing the land means cutting down trees and cutting down trees means means that more oxygen is allowed to circulate in the atmosphere, which threatens the depletion of the ozone layer (Derouin, 2019; Nunez, 2015).

B. Solutions

1. Solution 1

Using fuels like diesel or using electric cars that doesn’t require the use of fuel at all is a good way prevent air pollution. Biodiesel has been found to have fewer emissions due to the complete combustion of the fuel, which means oxygen can get through (“Biodiesel benefits and considerations,” n.d.). Using an electric car requires no fossil fuels which mean less air pollution from those particular chemicals.

2. Solution 2

Planting trees can help avoid deforestation. If everyone does there part it will help for plants and animals to keep their homes. Other ways would be using electric stoves rather than gas stoves or even use wood to cook on outside stoves burning wood is not harmful to the air.

C. Costs and Benefits

1. Costs of Solution 1

Using other sources to fossil diesel can be a tad bit more expensive then gas. Because those fuels would require your vehicle to get serviced more often than normal. Electric vehicles are already expensive so it would just be a matter of being able to afford to purchase a electric car for use

2. Benefits of Solution 1

Alternative fuels reduces emissions. The use of Biodiesels means that the atmostpher can obsorbe the carbon dioxide as necessary. Because electric cars run by electricity is does not affect the atmosphere at all.

3. Costs of Solution 2

People will would have to pay for seeds in order to plant the trees. Trying to spread the important and awareness around the community will cost because it will require people to have to pay for things like the use of media which requires the internet. Using an electric cooker as opposed to gas or fuel to cook can be costly to purchase if you do not already own one. Replacing papers with computer can be extremely expensive for those who do not own a computer.

4. Benefits of Solution 2

The Planting of trees can help absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The forests where the plants and animals live helps preserve wildlife. sources other than fuel like gas have reduced emissions as opposed to burning wood and coals. Computers do not cause air pollution at all they are way more efficient that the use of paper.


Factories and companies should how much smoke they are releasing into the air. The biggest thing is to create awareness to air pollution and everything that it does to the air.


Nunez, C. (March 18, 2015). 7 threats facing our planet. Global Citizen.

Derouin, S. (November 6, 2019). Deforestation: Facts, causes, & effects. LiveScience.

Dhaniya, A. (August 13, 2019). Causes, effects, and solutions for the woes of air pollution on human life. MyStory.



issa Sa

eek 5


Mellissa Saunders

Week 5

Name: Class:


September 18, 2018

Air Pollution in Bakersfield

Bakersfield, California
U.S city with the worst air pollution (Berg, 2017).
To analyze the costs and benefits of solutions to the air pollution problem in Bakersfield.



Air pollution
Contamination of the atmosphere
With excessive toxic particles, gases or biological compounds.
Causes of air pollution in Bakersfield
Emissions from:
Rail freight
Road traffic (Berg, 2017).

The Environmental Problem


Factors that exacerbate air pollution in Bakersfield
Climatic conditions
Warm weather
(Cisneros et al., 2017).
Health risks associated with air pollution
Respiratory diseases
Lung cancer
Cardiovascular illness
(Gonzales, Gulden, Strong, & Hoyle, 2016)


New state laws and standards
To make smog control stricter
To regulate emissions
From agriculture, vehicles, and factories.
To improve fuel efficiency
To reduce agricultural burn-offs
(Zhang, 2017).
Solution 1


Clean air projects
Education on air pollution
Development of innovative emission control technologies
Biogas projects
Air filtration systems
In community centers and learning institutions
(Chauhan et al., 2018).
Solution 2


Federal fines
Failure to align California’s smog standards with federal requirements.
Implementing smog reduction laws that are too strict for businesses
Costly air quality plans
(Zhang, 2017)

Costs of Solution 1
Administration costs
Record keeping
Air quality practices
To the EPA
(Gonzales et al., 2016).


Penalty fees
Failure to meet stringent state pollution prevention laws
Unwillingness to secure air quality permits
Lack of the required pollution controls and measures
(Zhang, 2017).

Costs of Solution 1
Cost of pollution control equipment
Green technologies
(Gonzales et al., 2016).


Compliance costs
Clean air projects may fail
To meet federal and state compliance requirements.
Loss of revenue
Due to non-compliance of clean air projects with pollution control standards
(Chauhan et al., 2018).

Costs of Solution 2
Oversight costs
Compensation of oversight officers
Legal expenses may be incurred
If problems occur during the implementation of the clean air projects
(Cisneros et al., 2017).

Tax Burden
The public may be forced to pay additional taxes
To cater for the costs of implementing clean air projects in Bakersfield.
Expenditure on pollution prevention programs will increase.
At state and federal levels
(Cisneros et al., 2017)
Costs of Solution 2
Loss of jobs
Emission control projects are likely to cause loss of jobs
In the agricultural and manufacturing sectors.
Dependence on new technology
Decreases demand for manual labor.
(Chauhan et al., 2018).

Less expenditure on fuel
Use of biofuel
Fuel efficiency standards will contribute to a decrease in oil budgets
In the motor vehicle and manufacturing sectors (Zhang, 2017).

Benefits of Solution 1
Improved competitiveness of local industries
Cost-efficiency due to effective equipment and production tools
More profits
The growth of industries as a result of technology support
(Gonzales et al., 2016).


Health-related benefits
Mitigation of illnesses
Improved public health
Reduction in healthcare costs
Decrease in mortality
(Noth et al., 2016).

Benefits of Solution 1
Improved productivity
Healthy workers
Use of innovative solutions
Employee welfare
Motivating working environment
(Gonzales et al., 2016).


Improved public awareness of air pollution
Education programs
Will enable the residents of Bakersfield to appreciate the importance of minimizing air pollution (Cisneros et al., 2017).

Benefits of Solution 2
A decrease in regulatory requirements
Clean air projects
Will eliminate the need for monitoring, reporting, and issuance of permits (Gonzales et al., 2016).

Improved air quality and health.
Clean air projects will contribute to better quality of air in Bakersfield.
City residents will experience better health outcomes
(Cisneros et al., 2017).
Benefits of Solution 2
Better community relations
The projects will improve collaboration between stakeholders
Such as the local government, the public, institutions, and production firms
In the fight against air pollution
(Zhang, 2017).

New laws and standards are recommended
For addressing the air pollution problem in Bakersfield.
Unlike clean air projects
Legislative measures will not result in an increase in public taxes.
Therefore, solution 1 is cost effective
New laws will also provide for the use of biofuels
Which are less costly
The benefits of clean air projects
Such as improved air quality and public health
Will also be realized through new laws and standards.
New laws are necessary
Because topographic and climatic conditions predispose Bakersfield to more air pollution
Than other cities in the U.S.
The success of clean air projects will not be guaranteed.
The air pollution problem may persist
Agricultural, motor vehicle, and manufacturing sectors in Bakersfield will have no choice but to adhere to new laws and standards
On air pollution control.
And the use of emission control technologies
Recommended Solution


Berg, N. (2017, February). Breathless in Bakersfield: Is the worst air pollution in the U.S about to get worse?. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Chauhan, A., de Azevedo, S. C., & Singh, R. P. (2018). Pronounced changes in air quality, atmospheric and meteorological parameters, and strong mixing of smoke associated with a dust event over Bakersfield, California. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(4), 115.
Cisneros, R., Brown, P., Cameron, L., Gaab, E., Gonzalez, M., Ramondt, S., … & Schweizer, D. (2017). Understanding public views about air quality and air pollution sources in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2017.
Gonzales, D., Gulden, T. R., Strong, A., & Hoyle, W. (2016). Cost-benefit Analysis of Proposed California Oil and Gas Refinery Regulations. Rand Corporation.
Noth, E. M., Lurmann, F., Northcross, A., Perrino, C., Vaughn, D., & Hammond, S. K. (2016). Spatial and temporal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and elemental carbon in Bakersfield, California. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 9(8), 899-908.
Zhang, W. (2017). Costs of a Practice-based Air Quality Regulation: Dairy Farms in the San Joaquin Valley. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(3), 762-785.

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