SE491 week5

Question 1
Design a Visual Logic program that accepts a guest last name and first name, month and day the guest’s stay will start, and the number of nights for the stay.  The fee is $100 a night plus 4% for Service fee, and 6% for taxes. Display the full name of the guest, the service fee dollar amount, the total tax paid, the total fee, and the number of nights. 

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Question 2
Write a Java program that accepts a guest last name and first name, month and day the guest’s stay will start, and the number of nights for the stay.  The fee is $100 a night plus 4% for Service fee, and 6% for taxes. Display the full name of the guest, the service fee dollar amount, the total tax paid, the total fee, and the number of nights. If you didn’t learn how to use Java, use a flow chart to answer this question.

Question 3


Design a Visual Logic program that accepts a guest last name, month and day the guest’s stay will start, and the number of nights for the stay.  If the month is not 5 through 9 inclusive, then display a message that indicates the cottages are not available. 

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Otherwise, if the number of nights is more than 14, display a message that indicates reservations are not accepted for more than 14 nights.


Otherwise display the total fee for the guest, which is $600 total for any number of days through 7, and then $75 per day for any additional days through 14.

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