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Review Scenario 5, “LifeLock: Keeping Your Identify Safe” in the “Making Business Decisions” section of “Business Plug-In B6: Information Security” in Business Drive Technology.
Based on the scenario, do additional research to identify ways to limit security threats. Then write a 2- to 3-page analysis of the identity scenario that does the following (you should have at least the 6 points below in the order that it appears below):
- Answers, from a security perspective, if you would use your Social Security number in advertising.
- Describes the security breach in the scenario.
- Discusses how the security threat is harmful to SCM, CRM, and ERP systems.
- Evaluates type of measures related to enterprise models you would use to avoid such a breach.
- Describes the type of marketing campaign you would use to avoid this type of exposure.
- Describes the influence the Internet has on enterprise data and how enterprise models can help solve business problems.
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