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Here’s what I wrote so far for the describing your relationship with the union and the labor movement.

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I have many great things to say about how the Union has positively affected my life. Without the Union I don’t think I would have ever gone back to school. CSEA offered a program to pay tuition for CSEA members and their family to go back to school to receive AA degrees. This opportunity gave me hope.  I feel like I reached a milestone that maybe wouldn’t have even been considered without the help from my union CSEA.  I was able to go back to college. In 2021 I completed my AA degree in under two years. I attended college for free! I was allowed to take my classes 100% online with Eastern Gateway Community College.  I’m now currently enrolled in a 2-4 years University working on my BA in Psychology. I’m excited to see what’s in store for my future. Working with children who have experienced trauma is my passion. My husband has witnessed my success with the free college program offered through the CSEA. He’s now planning on going back to school as well. Since I completed my AA. I’ve worked with my local school district for over 15 years and I’ve been a CSEA member for over 10 years. I now leading my family by example. My kids are cheering me on. It’s beautiful to have the support of your family cheering you on. I’m living proof that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.  I’m truly grateful to be given this opportunity. 

The other writing What challenges has the pandemic presented, and continues to present, for you and your family? 350words

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  • What has the pandemic meant to you? How has it changed your way of seeing the world, your loved
  • ones, school, local or federal government, your union or other things?
  • What are the biggest changes to your life because of the pandemic?
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