on time No Plagiarism
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 293
318 and 337
Minimum of 5 sources
TOPIC Mandatory Vaccination
This assignment is a full draft of your
This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course
and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward
developing your
Research Paper. This draft is expected to meet all of the
Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week
5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
Correct use of
guidelines for the following:
eaders with pagination
Title Page
Margins, spacing, and pa
APA in
text citation and referencing for all sources
divide your essay into sections.
· Do not
use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer
essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles,
employ APA
style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are
writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next
should be signaled through your
use of the effective transition and topic
sentence rules we have practiced.
· 6-
8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs,
and your conclusion pa
Use of third
person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay.
In other words: no first
person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this
At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric
The Full Essay Assignment (first full draft due in Week 5, and final draft due in
Week 7)
Your Argument Research Paper will present your argumentative claim, or stance, on a
specific, focused, debatable topic. The final draft will demonstrate the argument, writing,
and revision techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you will have
taken in previous weeks toward thoroughly and carefully revising your Argument
Research Paper Draft, originally composed and submitted in Week 5.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week
5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
o Headers with pagination
o Title Page
o Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
o APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
o Do not divide your essay into sections.
o Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer
APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles,
employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are
writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next
should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic
rules we have practiced.
6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or reference
Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs,
and your conclusion paragraph
Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay.
In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this
At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric (located in Week 7
Grading: This activity will be graded using the Argument Research Essay Rubric.
Weekly Building Step Assignments:
Week 1: Topic Selection and Proposal Submission with Scholarly Sources
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 293
318 and 337
Minimum of 5 sources
TOPIC Mandatory Vaccination
This assignment is a full draft of your
This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course
and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward
developing your Argument Research Paper. This draft is expected to meet all of the
Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week
5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
eaders with pagination
Title Page
Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
APA in
text citation and referencing for all sources
divide your essay into sections.
use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer
essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles,
employ APA
style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are
writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next
should be signaled through your
use of the effective transition and topic
sentence rules we have practiced.
8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs,
and your conclusion pa
Use of third
person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay.
In other words: no first
person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this
At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 293-318 and 337-356
Minimum of 5 sources
TOPIC Mandatory Vaccination
This assignment is a full draft of your
This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course
and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward
developing your Argument Research Paper. This draft is expected to meet all of the
Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week
5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
Headers with pagination
Title Page
Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
Do not divide your essay into sections.
Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer
APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles,
employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are
writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next
should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic
sentence rules we have practiced.
6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs,
and your conclusion paragraph
Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay.
In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this
At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric
Mandatory Vaccinations
Oscar L Perez Torres
Chamberlain University
Professor Chimere Parker
January 9, 2022
Mandatory Vaccinations
Please complete all 3 parts of this template, using the example proposal template from the assignment instructions as your guide.
I. Based on our Week 1 Discussion and your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme announcement, answer the following:
A. State your stance within the debate you chose, without using “I.” (1 sentence)
The mandatory vaccination in many of the jobs in the United States puts many of the ideologies of the employees into controversy, so instead of being mandatory, security measures should be taken, and people left to decide for themselves if they want to get vaccinated or not.
B. Why is your stance a good one for an argument research essay? (at least 3 sentences)
I believe that I have a good position regarding the argument due to the inequality of ideas, where the vaccine should not be mandatory, but optional for everyone respecting their cultures, ideologies, and position in the current situation. So, to maintain a balance of general health safety according to different opinions, efficient safety measures should be implemented for those individuals who decide not to be vaccinated. In this way, respect would be maintained in the inequality of opinion and the decision of each person would be respected according to their ideals.
C. Who might disagree with your stance and why? (at least 3 sentences)
There are opposing points of view since all the vaccines on the market for the disease were created, the reasons for others to disagree with my opinion can be endless. People who have suffered from the disease, leaving them aftereffects on their health, could be an example of disagreement with me for thinking that their health problem has been not implement the mandatory vaccination. In conclusion, it would be an interesting topic to discuss in depth the different opinions and ideologies.
D. Who do you imagine your audience will be? (at least 2 sentences)
I imagine my audience will be people who want their thinking respected. Most individuals who are concerned about receiving a vaccination that they do not consider is within their ideology.
II. In a full paragraph of 7-9 sentences, and without performing any research, please note what you already understand about the debate and what you do not already understand about the debate:
Vaccination is a medical procedure conducted to reduce or eliminate the risk of contracting an infectious disease. In other words, vaccination is a safe, effective, and simple way of protecting individuals from harmful illnesses before they come into contact with them. Vaccination usually boosts the body’s natural defenses to create resistance to infections and strengthen the immune system. But despite these benefits, many individuals are hesitant to get a vaccination. Although many individuals are still hesitant to take the shots, research indicates that the vaccines are safe and effective for driving down hospitalizations and deaths. The part that I do not understand is that it is still not possible to satisfactorily respect the rights of thoughts of people who do not choose to be vaccinated, even though it has been proven that with a good application of sanitary measures it manages to contain the disease. Due to the controversy that this topic has, it is very difficult to orient it to one opinion side, it would be practically impossible. Focusing on respecting the inequality of ideas and managing to live with the correct sanitary measures to avoid discrimination on both sides, I think it would be the best solution, to continue facing this disease that has affected us all in general in some way or another in our lives.
III. Next week, in Week 2, you will begin scholarly research in the library. This research will help you find opposing viewpoints (sources that disagree with you) and supporting viewpoints (sources that agree with you), as well as information to fill in missing gaps in knowledge you may have. With all three of these goals in mind, please list five possible search phrases you might use when you begin searching in the library.
· How much does mandatory vaccination affect in United States?
· Vaccinated people should be socially separated from those who are not
· People who are vaccinated have more privileges than those who are not
· Discrimination due to different thoughts should be avoided in society.
· How the law protects people from mandatory vaccination?
Annotated Bibliography
Mandatory Vaccination
Oscar L Perez Torres
Chamberlain University
Professor Chimere Parker
, 2022
Approach and Purpose Paragraph
Mandatory vaccination has become a common and familiar term as the world is increasingly being exposed to various diseases. Professionals in the medical field have been compelled to encourage members of public to get vaccinated against a specific or a number of diseases. The overall purpose of vaccination is to increase the rate of antibodies production in the body directly boosting immunity levels against a causative agent of a disease. Many people having understood this reality has remained supportive of the mandatory vaccination. However, there are other people who feel that bodies have a natural way of fighting diseases and that vaccines should not be mandatory not ignoring massive deaths that occurs even after vaccination. All the same, a majority of governments across the world including US have a firm stand on mandatory vaccination like against diseases like polio, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A and B and HPV. From the contrasting two aspects of the issue, the overall goal of the research is to understand whether it is necessary to have mandatory vaccines or people should be granted human rights to decide on whether to go for the vaccine or not. I have been successful in seeking for the sources since information is easily accessible and the good thing being that I do not have a plan of changing the strategies for the purpose of remaining focused to the goal.
Gualano, M. R., Olivero, E., Voglino, G., Corezzi, M., Rossello, P., Vicentini, C., … & Siliquini, R. (2019). Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs towards compulsory vaccination: a systematic review. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15(4), 918-931.
The article goes against mandatory vaccination as the authors’ claims that vaccinations should not be compulsory but rather voluntary. Sharing insights form an interview conducted, the researchers realized that many people are against mandatory vaccination as they feel that they have what is naturally needed to fight any disease causing agent in the body. Many people do not seem to understand the impact of vaccine in their bodies more so because they are able to overcome diseases that they contract even without the help of medication. They argue against mandatory vaccination claiming that it is a way for the government to abuse its powers with intentions of avoiding investing in the healthcare sector.
Morganstein, J. C., Fullerton, C. S., Ursano, R. J., Donato, D., & Holloway, H. C. (2017). Pandemics: health care emergencies. Textbook of disaster psychiatry, 270-284.
This article argues in support of mandatory vaccinations claiming that this is the only effective solution to pandemics that have a tendency of overwhelming the healthcare sector. in this article, the authors claims that whenever a pandemic is realized as a result of a health outbreak, medical facilities gets overcrowded the risks increases since the spread is easier when people are together. Vaccines are designed in a manner they would deal with a specific agent causing the disease without interfering with other body operations. it is for this reason that once a person gets vaccinated against a disease, he/she remains safe from contracting the disease despite any form of exposure. A perfect example shared is measles vaccinations that make it hard any vaccinated person to fall ill despite living and taking care of an infected adult or child. Hence, mandatory vaccination is meant to contain healthcare emergencies
Pierik, R. (2017). On religious and secular exemptions: A case study of childhood vaccination waivers. Ethnicities, 17(2), 220-241.
The article also goes against mandatory vaccination basing its arguments from a religious perspective that it is God alone who determines that that should live and those to die and not vaccination. In this article, the author claims that it is the lack of faith in God that makes people desperate and feel like they need vaccinations for protection. He explains that the reason why some people die of the same disease they have been vaccinated against or tends to get a booster shot is because vaccinations are not effective and making them mandatory does not change the reality.
Savulescu, J. (2021). Good reasons to vaccinate: mandatory or payment for risk?. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(2), 78-85.
In this article, the author shares some of the important and valid reasons why vaccination should be mandatory. In the article, the author supports government claims that the world we are living in is highly exposed to viruses and bacterias that causes diseases and the challenge is that the environment accommodates the development of new and barely known viruses and bacterias. When a new medical challenge arises, there are a lot of people that gets affected and the only way the government can use to save people’s life is by developing a vaccine that would provide the body with necessary defense against the new threat. By making vaccination mandatory, the government means good to its people. The article shares historical examples of vaccines like influenza, hepatitis A and B and polio among others. it claims that were it not for the mandatory vaccinations, many children could not be getting past the age of five years as they could be succumbing to various diseases their bodies could be getting exposed to before their bodies could get a chance to develop ample immune. By going through mandatory vaccinations, children immune have been boosting increasing survival rate.
Tahamtan, A., Charostad, J., Hoseini Shokouh, S. J., & Barati, M. (2017). An overview of history, evolution, and manufacturing of various generations of vaccines. Journal of Archives in Military Medicine, 5(3).
The article highly supports mandatory vaccinations basing its arguments from the irreversible body effects of some diseases that the government has stated that vaccination against them should be mandatory. According to the authors’ there are diseases once they strike they leave the patient with permanent marks and effects on the body that cannot be remedied. The author raises an important question of why the government has not claimed that all diseases should be vaccinated against. They claim that governments being in charge of public health are more concerned on diseases that can have irreversible effects on the body as this is the only way they can support and maintain a positive public health status. Readers are encouraged to perceive the issue of mandatory vaccination from a positive perspective and remain supportive as a way of boosting their health systems.
Vrdelja, M., Učakar, V., & Kraigher, A. (2020). From mandatory to voluntary vaccination: intention to vaccinate in the case of policy changes. Public health, 180, 57-63.
The article shares neutral views as it supports vaccination as being important in regards to boosting immunity and at the same time going against the government and international medical bodies like WHO for making vaccination mandatory. In this article, the author claims that since vaccinations have proven to possess a lot of benefits when it comes to saving lives, people should be enlightened about them and not compelled to get vaccinated without clear understanding. The author suggests that there are a lot of facts the government can use for instance living cases of people affected by polio and those that got vaccinated since the difference is clear. Such examples can be used to change the mandatory vaccination to voluntary. The article shares neutral grounds and offers a suggestion that of implemented can reduce the rate of resistance against vaccination from the public.
Guided Annotated Bibliography
Mandatory Vaccination
Oscar L Perez Torres
Chamberlain University
Professor Chimere Parker
, 2022
Guided Annotated Bibliography- Mandatory Vaccination
Oscar L Perez Torres
Chamberlain University
Professor Chimere Parker
January 23, 2022