Senior Seminar – Sibling Studies SYNTHESIS

Read the following three research articles and complete written response to the readings. Write a page and a half synthesis of the three articles plus 1 discussion question per article.

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The following factors will be considered in grading: relevance, accuracy, synthetization of the reading materials, degree to which the responses show understanding/comprehension of the material, and quality of writing.  

· Questions must be original, thoughtful and not easily found in the readings.

· Follows APA Rules

· Use proper citations 

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· Use past tense when discussing the studies (the research was already conducted).

· Avoid the use of the following words: me, you, I, we, prove, proof

· Refer to the articles by their authors (year of publication) (not by the title of the article or the words first, second, or third)

· Do not just summarize the articles. Dig deeper!


Two Factor Model of ASD Symptoms

One of the key factors in determining whether an individual has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is in their social and communication skills. Individuals who are diagnosed with ASD have delayed joint attention, eye gazing, and other social interactions such as pointing (Swain et al., 2014).

Joint attention is an important social skill to master because it is a building block for developing theory of mind which, helps us to understand other’s perspectives. Korhonen et al. (2014) found that individuals with autism have impaired joint attention. However, some did not show impairment in joint attention, which lead to evidence that suggests there are different trajectories for joint attention. One suggestion as to why Korhonen et al. (2014) found mixed results, is that there is evidence that joint attention may not be directly linked to individuals with ASD since they were unable to find a difference in joint attention between ASD and developmentally delayed (DD) individuals. Another suggestion for the mixed results, is individual interest in the task vary. Research has found that while individualized studies are beneficial in detecting personal potential and abilities, it would be difficult to generalize the study in order to further research to ASD as a whole (Korhonen et al., 2014). In addition to joint attention, atypical gaze shifts is a distinguishing factor in individuals with ASD. Swain et al. (2014) found the main difference between typically developing (TD) and ASD individuals in the first 12 months of life is in gaze shifts. Individuals that were diagnosed with ASD earlier had lower scores on positive affect, joint attention, and gaze shifts, however those diagnosed later differed from typically developing (TD) only in gaze shifts. It is not until 24 months that later onset ASD individuals significantly differ from their TD peers, by displaying lower positive affect and gestures (Swain et al., 2014). These findings may lead to other ASD trajectories.

Another defining characteristic of ASD is the excess of restrictive patterns of interest and repetitive motor movements. These patterns and movements often impaired the individual from completing daily tasks. Like joint attention and gaze shifts, these repetitive movements and patterns of interest have different trajectories (Joseph et al., 2013). Joseph et al. (2013) found that individuals with high cognitive functioning ASD engage in more distinct and specific interests and less in repetitive motor movements than individuals with lower cognitive functioning ASD. Another finding showed that at the age of two, repetitive motor and play patterns were more common than compulsion. By the age of four all these behaviors increased however, repetitive use of specific objects was found to be less frequent in older children than younger children. This finding suggests that the ritualistic behaviors and motor movements may present themselves differently based on the age of the individual (Joseph et al., 2013).

Joseph et al. (2013), Korhornen et al. (2014), and Swain et al. (2014) all defined key characteristics of an ASD individual and explains the different trajectories of each characteristic. The difficulty with the trajectories is that it is specific to each individual, some symptoms may worsen while others remain stable. It is also difficult to generalize finding with small sample sizes (Joseph et al., 2013).

Discussion Questions:

1. Korhonen et al. (2014) did not use preference-based stimuli to look for joint attention and did not separate high- from low-functioning ASD individuals. Do you think that there could be a difference in level of motivation from each group? If so, how do you think this could change the results?

2. Swain et al. (2014) found that early and late onset of ASD did not differ in their social skills scores at the age of 12 months. If we know that their social skills do not differ then, is there another factor that would allow diagnosis of late onset ASD to be diagnosed at an earlier point in development?

3. Joseph et al. (2013) explains that it is difficult to assess the trajectories of ASD with a small sample size however, how do you think that their findings still help advance the research on ASD?

  • Abstract
  • Detecting early signs of autism is essential
    for timely diagnosis and initiation of effective inter-

    ventions. Several research groups have initiated pro-

    spective studies of high-risk populations including

    infant siblings, to systematically collect data on early

    signs within a longitudinal design. Despite the potential

    advantages of prospective studies of young children at

    high-risk for autism, there are also significant meth-

    odological, ethical and practical challenges. This paper

    outlines several of these challenges, including those

    related to sampling (e.g., defining appropriate com-

    parison groups), measurement and clinical implications

    (e.g., addressing the needs of infants suspected of

    having early signs). We suggest possible design and

    implementation strategies to address these various

    challenges, based on current research efforts in

    the field and previous studies involving high-risk


    Keywords Early identification Æ Screening Æ
    Longitudinal studies Æ Prospective studies Æ Infant Æ
    Autism Æ Child development Æ Siblings

    Please note that the opinion and assertions contained herein
    are the private opinions of the authors and are not to be con-
    strued as official or as representing the views of the National
    Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the
    National Institute of Mental Health, or the National Institutes
    of Health.

    L. Zwaigenbaum (&)
    Department of Paediatrics, McMaster Children’s Hospital
    at McMaster University, PO Box 2000, Hamilton, Ontario
    L8N 3Z5, Canada

    A. Thurm
    Division of Pediatric Translational Research and Treatment
    Development, National Institute of Mental Health,
    Bethesda, MD, USA

    W. Stone
    Departments of Pediatrics and Psychology & Human
    Development, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
    TN, USA

    G. Baranek
    Division of Occupational Science, University of North
    Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

    S. Bryson
    Departments of Pediatrics and Psychology, Dalhousie
    University, Halifax, NS, USA

    J. Iverson
    Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh,
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA

    A. Kau
    Center for Developmental Biology and Perinatal Medicine,
    National Institute of Child Health and Human
    Development, Bethesda, MD, USA

    A. Klin
    Yale Child Study Centre, Yale University, New Haven, CT,

    C. Lord
    Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann
    Arbor, MI, USA

    R. Landa
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
    Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480

    DOI 10.1007/s10803-006-0179-x


    O R I G I N A L P A P E R

    Studying the Emergence of Autism Spectrum Disorders
    in High-risk Infants: Methodological and Practical Issues

    Lonnie Zwaigenbaum Æ Audrey Thurm Æ Wendy Stone Æ Grace Baranek Æ
    Susan Bryson Æ Jana Iverson Æ Alice Kau Æ Ami Klin Æ Cathy Lord Æ
    Rebecca Landa Æ Sally Rogers Æ Marian Sigman

    Published online: 4 August 2006
    � Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006


  • Overview
  • Several reviews over the past decade have highlighted

    the importance of early recognition and specialized

    intervention for improving outcomes for children with

    autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (Dawson & Oster-

    ling, 1997; Rogers, 1996; Smith, Groen, & Wynn, 2000).

    Although recent service registry (Croen, Grether,

    Hoogstrate, & Selvin, 2002) and population-based data

    (Yeargin-Alsopp, et al., 2003) suggest that more chil-

    dren are being diagnosed prior to age 4 years than in

    the past, a formal diagnosis may still lag years behind

    the time when parents initially identify concerns

    (Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Howlin & Moore, 1997;

    Siegel, Pliner, Eschler, & Elliott, 1988). As a result,

    interest has increased in identifying and raising

    awareness regarding the characteristics of ASD present

    at young ages (Bryson, Zwaigenbaum & Roberts, 2004;

    Landa, 2003). In addition to improving outcomes,

    earlier diagnosis allows parents the opportunity to

    receive counseling regarding current estimates of

    recurrence risk in autism, which they may take into

    account in future family planning. Research to date

    supports the conclusions that one can: (1) reliably

    diagnose as young as 24 months (Lord, 1995; Stone

    et al., 1999); and (2) observe the behavioral markers of

    autism well before 24 months (e.g., Dahlgren & Gill-

    berg, 1989; Ohta, Nagai, Hara, & Sasaki, 1987; Rogers

    & DiLalla, 1990).

    Most of the work aimed at identifying early signs of

    ASD has been retrospective, focusing on early behav-

    ioral evidence of the disorder in children who have

    already received a diagnosis. The most common

    methods used to gather information about earlier

    behaviors have been retrospective reports from parents

    and analysis of early home videotapes. Although

    research using these approaches has supported clinical

    efforts aimed at earlier detection, many questions

    regarding early signs, their timing, and their underlying

    developmental mechanisms remain. Prospective

    research into the early development of ASD in

    high-risk infants is an exciting new frontier, and can

    potentially answering these questions more systemati-

    cally, while avoiding some of the biases associated with

    retrospective designs. In this paper, we outline the

    theoretical advantages and general feasibility of pro-

    spective studies of young children at high-risk for

    ASD, and acknowledge and discuss the significant

    methodological, ethical and practical challenges that

    accompany these studies. Issues discussed include the

    design of high-risk studies, selection of comparison

    groups, measurement of developmental delay and

    deviance, generalizability, and clinical interpretation of


    Identifying Early Signs of Autism using

    Retrospective Designs

    Retrospective parental reports offer a unique window

    into early behaviors of children with ASD, as parents

    have the advantage of observing their children’s

    behavior over time and across a variety of settings.

    Investigators report a wide range of symptoms that are

    more common in children with autism under the age of

    24 months than similar-aged children with develop-

    mental delays or mental retardation (DD). Early

    symptoms associated with autism cross several devel-

    opmental domains, including social behavior (Dahlgren

    & Gillberg, 1989; De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998;

    Hoshino et al., 1982; Ohta et al., 1987; Young, Brewer,

    & Pattison, 2003), communication (Dahlgren &

    Gillberg, 1989; De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998; Ohta

    et al., 1987; Young et al., 2003), affective expression

    (Dahlgren & Gillberg, 1989; De Giacomo &

    Fombonne, 1998; Hoshino et al., 1982), and sensory

    hypo- and hypersensitivities (Dahlgren & Gillberg,

    1989; De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998; Hoshino et al.,

    1982). These findings have been very important in

    guiding further research aimed at identifying early signs

    of ASD. However, a number of factors limit parents’

    ability to provide accurate descriptions of early

    behaviors. First, a parent’s incidental observations

    regarding the subtle social and communicative differ-

    ences that characterize young children with autism may

    be limited compared to systematic assessment by

    trained clinicians (Stone, Hoffman, Lewis, & Ousley,

    1994). Moreover, their tendency to use compensatory

    strategies to elicit their child’s best behaviors (with or

    without their awareness) may affect their behavioral

    descriptions (Baranek, 1999). Retrospective parental

    R. Landa
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns
    Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

    S. Rogers
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
    University of California at Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA

    M. Sigman
    Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of
    California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 467


    reports may be also be prone to errors and distortions of

    recall, especially when one asks parents to remember

    behaviors that occurred many years ago. In particular,

    having already received a diagnosis of autism for their

    child, parents may bias their reports toward behaviors

    that are consistent with the diagnosis. A recent retro-

    spective study overcame some of these problems by

    gathering information about behaviors under

    24 months from parents of preschoolers before they had

    received a diagnosis (Wimpory, Hobson, Williams, &

    Nash, 2000). However, limitations of this methodology

    remain, as retrospective reports are not generally

    informative on the issue of whether differences in early

    social and communicative development are best char-

    acterized by delayed emergence, reduced frequency, or

    truly abnormal or deviant quality of fundamental skills

    such as joint attention.

    A second strategy for obtaining retrospective

    information about characteristics of autism present

    before 24 months is the analysis of early videotapes of

    children made by their parents. This approach has

    significant strengths relative to retrospective parental

    reports: it allows the observation of behaviors as they

    occur in familiar and natural settings, and enables

    objective rating of behavior by unbiased observers.

    However, this methodology is not without its limita-

    tions, the foremost being that parents record these

    tapes to preserve family memories, rather than to

    document their child’s behavior across a variety of

    settings. As a result, tapes from different families will

    naturally vary as a function of the quality of the

    recording, the activities and settings that were

    recorded, and the length of time the child is visible.

    Moreover, if children do not behave as expected (or

    desired), parents may re-record taped segments until

    they obtain the desired response. Efforts to standardize

    tapes across families can be extremely difficult and

    time intensive (Baranek, 1999). Moreover, most

    studies employing home videotapes have used children

    with typical development (TD) rather than those with

    DD as comparison groups, which limits the extent of

    our knowledge about autism-specific deficits. Behav-

    iors found to differentiate children with ASD from

    children with TD under 24 months by at least two

    studies are: responding to name (Baranek, 1999;

    Osterling & Dawson, 1994; Osterling, Dawson, &

    Munson, 2002), looking at others (Adrien et al., 1993;

    Maestro et al., 2002; Osterling & Dawson, 1994;

    Osterling et al., 2002), smiling at others (Adrien et al.,

    1993; Maestro et al., 2002), and motor stereotypies

    (Adrien et al., 1993; Baranek, 1999). Only two studies

    published to date compared behaviors of children with

    ASD with those of children with DD younger than

    24 months; these found that children with ASD were

    less likely to respond to their name (Baranek, 1999;

    Osterling et al., 2002) and to look at others (Osterling

    et al., 2002). Notably, analysis of home videos also

    highlights that there is may be a subgroup of ‘‘late

    onset’’ children whose early behavioral symptoms are

    less apparent (Osterling et al., 2002; Werner, Dawson,

    Osterling, & Dinno, 2000).

    Potential Advantages of Prospective Studies

    Retrospective parental reports and analyses of home

    videos can help guide the development of early iden-

    tification and screening procedures (as argued by Fil-

    ipek et al., 1999), but these procedures must ultimately

    be validated empirically in prospective studies, with

    sufficient follow-up of both screen positive and screen

    negative children to allow estimates of sensitivity and

    specificity. In fact, prospective studies of high-risk

    infants (which, until recently, have been rare in autism)

    may also identify novel behavioral (and biological)

    markers that show the way forward in developing more

    effective early identification and screening measures.

    Prospective studies are not subject to recall biases, they

    can be designed to examine specific constructs of

    interest, and they can provide comparable data col-

    lection points and methods across children. Perhaps,

    most importantly, these studies allow collection of data

    longitudinally across different ages, which can foster

    our understanding of developmental trajectories and

    the impact of early delays in one domain (e.g., social

    orienting) on the subsequent development of another

    (e.g., language).

    High-risk samples have informed studies of other

    neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric conditions,

    including language/reading disorders (Carroll &

    Snowling, 2004), attention deficit hyperactivity disor-

    der (Faraone, Biederman, Mennin, Gershon, & Tsu-

    ang, 1996), bipolar affective disorder (Chang, Steiner,

    & Ketter, 2000; Geller, Tillman, Craney, & Bolhofner,

    2004), and schizophrenia (Schubert & McNeil, 2004).

    Prospective studies of siblings and offspring of affected

    probands have generated significant insights regarding

    premorbid development and predictors of illness in

    these high-risk groups. For example, children with

    schizophrenic parents have attention and verbal

    memory deficits, gross motor delays, and dysfunction

    of smooth-pursuit eye movements (Erlenmeyer-Kim-

    ling, 2000; Schubert & McNeil, 2004), and children with

    a parent or sibling with dyslexia have greater difficulty

    with phonological processing than age-matched low-

    risk controls, despite normal early language develop-

    ment (Carroll & Snowling, 2004). Notably, these

    468 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480


    studies generally focus on group differences between

    high- and low-risk children rather than the association

    between early markers and outcome status, because of

    insufficient power and/or follow-up. In contrast,

    autism can be diagnosed in early childhood, so out-

    comes can be determined after a relatively short

    follow-up period. Hence, one can study autism pro-

    spectively much more easily (i.e., with fewer resources

    and with less risk of sample loss) than an adult-onset

    disorder such as schizophrenia.

    Prospective Studies in Autism: Siblings and other

    High-Risk Groups

    Several populations at increased risk of ASD that can

    be identified in early childhood: children with early

    signs of autism or developmental delays (DD) identi-

    fied through population screening, children at

    increased risk of autism due to specific medical diag-

    noses or genetic anomalies, and the main focus of this

    paper, infants with an older sibling with ASD.

    At least two research groups have studied early

    signs of autism in high-risk samples identified by

    population screening. Charman et al., (1997) and

    Swettenham et al., (1998), reported on a high-risk group

    of children who failed the Checklist for Autism in

    Toddlers (CHAT; Baron-Cohen, Allen, & Gillberg,

    1992), a screening measure administered at 18 months

    of age. Detailed assessment of social, communication

    and play skills was completed at 20 months, and

    diagnostic outcomes were assessed at age of three and a

    half. Children subsequently diagnosed with autism were

    compared to those subsequently diagnosed with devel-

    opmental delay based to their 20-month skills. At this

    early age, the children with autism spent less time

    looking at adults during free play (Swettenham et al.,

    1998), were less likely to look at the face of an adult

    feigning distress (Charman et al., 1997), showed less

    gaze switching between people and objects (Charman

    et al., 1997; Swettenham et al., 1998), and showed less

    imitation (Charman et al., 1997). Wetherby et al., (2004)

    followed a group of children who had failed communi-

    cation screening using the Communication and Sym-

    bolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS

    DP, Wetherby & Prizant, 2002). They obtained video-

    tapes of the CSBS Behavior Sample at a mean age of

    18–21 months for children who received later diagnoses

    of autism, DD, or who were typically developing.

    Specific features that differentiated children with

    autism from the other two groups include social-

    communication behaviors (e.g., reduced eye gaze,

    coordination of gaze with other nonverbal behaviors,

    directing attention, responding to name, and unusual

    prosody) and repetitive body and object use. Notably,

    the content of the initial screen (i.e., children are se-

    lected based on a particular profile of early signs), may

    introduce sampling biases, and the fact that data are

    only collected from the point of first screening onward

    limits the age range over which autism can be studied.

    There are also children at increased risk for autism

    due to medical risk factors, such as Fragile X syndrome

    (Rogers, Wehner & Hagerman et al., 2001), specific

    chromosome abnormalities (Xu, Zwaigenbaum, Szat-

    mari & Scherer, 2004), tuberous sclerosis (Bolton &

    Griffiths, 1997), and prenatal exposure to valproic acid

    (Williams et al., 2001) or thalidomide (Stromland et al.,

    2002). However, these specific risk factors are all rel-

    atively rare and would be difficult to study in large

    numbers, and may be associated with unique clinical

    features that may not generalize to other children with


    There is growing interest in studying infant siblings

    of children with ASD, who are arguably the most

    clearly defined high-risk group available. Notably,

    Baron-Cohen et al., (2002) originally developed the

    CHAT screening algorithm based on items that, at

    18 months, were atypical in four siblings subsequently

    diagnosed with autism. More recent reports by Pilow-

    sky and colleagues (Pilowski, Yirmiya, Shalev, &

    Gross-Tsur, 2003; Pilowski, Yirmiya, Doppelt, Gross-

    Tsur, & Shalev, 2004) support the feasibility of study-

    ing early development in siblings and Zwaigenbaum

    et al., (2005) reported several behavioral markers

    which, at 12 months, predict a subsequent diagnosis of

    autism in a sibling sample. In addition, Landa & Gar-

    rett-Mayer (2006) report developmental levels and

    trajectories in that differentiate infant siblings later

    diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, beginning at

    6 months of age. Autism is associated with the highest

    relative risk in siblings, compared to general popula-

    tion of all the neuropsychiatric disorders (Szatmari,

    Jones, Zwaigenbaum & MacLean, 1998). Previous

    studies found rates of autism in siblings of children

    with autism range from 3% to 5%, which is at least

    20 times higher than rates of autism in the general

    population (Bailey, Phillips & Rutter, 1996; Simonoff,

    1998; Szatmari et al., 1998). In fact, estimates of

    recurrence risk (that is, the risk to later-born children)

    may be as high as 8.6% when one child in the family

    has autism, and 35% when two siblings have autism

    (Ritvo et al., 1989). Notably, these risk estimates may

    be somewhat conservative, as they come mainly from

    studies conducted over 20 years ago, using more

    restrictive diagnostic criteria (DSM-III).

    The risk to relatives of individuals with autism also

    extends beyond the traditional boundaries of the

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 469


    autistic spectrum (Bailey, Palferman, Heavey, & Le

    Couteur, 1998). Family members have higher rates of

    certain psychiatric and developmental disorders, com-

    pared to individuals with no family history of autism

    (Landa, Folstein & Isaacs, 1991; Landa et al., 1992;

    Pickles et al., 2000; Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, Childress, &

    Arndt, 1997; Smalley, McCracken, & Tanguay, 1995;

    Yirmiya & Shaked, 2005). As well, because of the early

    age of diagnosis of the proband, one can ascertain sib-

    lings in early infancy or even prenatally, making it

    possible to study early neurodevelopmental mecha-

    nisms, and to partially avoid (or at least to systemati-

    cally measure) the impact of potentially confounding

    environmental factors. Infant sibling research offers

    unique opportunities to study the neural origins and

    developmental cascade that leads to autism, potentially

    providing new insights into its neurobiology, improved

    methods of early detection, and earlier opportunities for


    In August 2003, the National Alliance for Autism

    Research (NAAR) and the National Institute of Child

    Health and Human Development (NICHD) co-spon-

    sored a workshop for researchers engaged in the study

    of populations of young children at high-risk for autism,

    particularly siblings of children with autism. Despite the

    theoretical advantages and exciting opportunities

    associated with this research design, there are clearly

    significant methodological, ethical and practical chal-

    lenges facing researchers studying young children at

    high-risk for autism. In the remainder of this paper we

    outline several of these challenges, including those

    related to sampling (e.g., recruitment of adequately

    sized samples, determining inclusion/exclusion criteria

    for high-risk infants and appropriate comparison

    groups), measurement (e.g., selection of constructs and

    measures) and clinical implications (e.g., clinical man-

    agement of infants who appear to have early signs of

    ASD). We suggest possible design and implementation

    solutions for these various challenges, based on current

    research efforts in the field and previous studies

    involving high-risk populations. These issues have

    implications not only for research with infant siblings,

    but also for research in other aspects of early charac-

    terization and diagnosis of autism.

  • Issues Related to Sampling
  • Sample Size
  • High-risk studies in other fields (e.g., schizophrenia,

    dyslexia) have generally been designed to compare

    siblings with controls on a group basis, without

    knowing the ultimate outcomes of individual siblings

    (Carroll & Snowling, 2004; Erlenmeyer-Kimling,

    2000). Initial infant sibling studies of ASD by Pilowski

    and colleagues (2003, 2004) also focus on group com-

    parisons. However, if the main objective of a sibling

    study is to identify early markers that are predictive of

    a specific diagnosis, then individual outcomes become

    important, and one must power the sample size with

    reference to the expected number of participants who

    will have the diagnosis of interest (i.e., not the total

    number of infants enrolled).

    The required sample size for these studies will

    depend on the specific research question posed. A few

    issues are considered for illustration. First, if one

    defines the outcome of interest more broadly (e.g.,

    language delay), there will be a larger number of sib-

    lings with that outcome, potentially making it easier to

    detect differences between ‘affected’ and ‘unaffected’

    siblings. However, predictors of secondary outcomes

    such as language delay may not generalize outside of an

    autism sibling sample, limiting the clinical utility of such

    findings. A second issue to consider is the strength of

    the association between the predictor variables and

    outcome under study (e.g., the sensitivity and specificity

    of early markers for the subsequent diagnosis of aut-

    ism), which will influence the power to detect a rela-

    tionship. However, the investigator may sometimes

    select predictor variables on a theoretical basis, so the

    actual strength of the relation between predictor and

    outcome variables may be difficult to estimate with

    confidence. A third variable to consider is the number

    of outcomes/variables being studied; for example,

    contrasting siblings by more than two outcomes (e.g.,

    ASD versus developmental delay versus typical devel-

    opment), or examining the effects of stratification

    variables (e.g., gender) within and across groups may be

    of interest, but will require even larger samples sizes.

    Due to limitations on numbers of infants born to

    older siblings with autism within specified geographic

    regions, studies may maximize their efforts to collect

    data in a timely fashion by establishing collaborations

    across multiple sites and utilizing a common set of

    core assessment measures. Such collaborations accel-

    erate the process of identifying early predictors of

    outcome by increasing the collective sample size so

    that investigators can address more refined questions

    about outcomes and predictors. Although collabora-

    tions between research groups require additional ef-

    fort and resources to support the necessary steps of

    ensuring consistency in methods and measures, as well

    as inter-rater reliability for observations, these proce-

    dures allow the examination of consistency of findings

    across sites, ensure the fidelity of assessment

    470 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480


    measures, and facilitate future attempts to replicate


    Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

    Decisions regarding inclusion/exclusion criteria for

    siblings also depend on the goals of the study. One

    major consideration is whether to include probands

    and/or siblings with conditions associated with autism

    (e.g., tuberous sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome) and those

    with other medical risk factors that may predispose the

    infant to developmental problems (e.g., low birth

    weight, perinatal injuries). If the main goal is to study

    early signs and neurodevelopmental mechanisms of

    autism in high-risk infants, then there may be some

    flexibility in whether to exclude probands and siblings

    with known risk factors. Children with such risk factors

    may differ developmentally from other children with

    autism, an interesting and clinically relevant issue to

    explore. However, if a major goal is to identify phe-

    notypes and endophenotypes that ‘run true’ in families

    for subsequent genetic linkage studies, or to estimate

    recurrence rates associated with ‘idiopathic autism,’

    then studies may need to exclude cases with known risk


  • Issues Related to Study Design
  • Within a high-risk (or sibling) design, several decisions

    need to be made, including enrollment age for siblings,

    selection of comparison groups, and approach to out-

    come assessment. Scientific and practical consider-

    ations must guide each of these decisions.

    Enrollment Age of Siblings

    The main strength of the high-risk design is the

    potential to study ASD earlier than would be possible

    by ascertaining children at the time of diagnosis, which

    rarely occurs before age 2 years. There may be

    advantages to starting assessment of high-risk infants

    either during the first or the second year of life,

    depending on the particular focus of the study.

    Although studying autism in the first year of life is

    largely uncharted territory, this strategy may be an

    optimal way to learn about atypical patterns of infant

    development that underlie later manifestations of

    autism. The few extant findings examining children in

    the first and second year of life indicate increased

    subtlety of impairments at earlier ages and a number of

    measurement challenges. For instance, two studies that

    focused specifically on children younger than

    12 months (Baranek, 1999; Werner et al., 2000) found

    that children with autism show reduced social orienting

    compared to typically developing children, but in

    general, find fewer differences between the two groups

    than analyses of videos taken at 12 months or later. As

    well, preliminary data from ongoing sibling studies find

    that behavioral risk markers more readily distinguish

    autism at 12 months than at 6 months (Zwaigenbaum

    et al., 2005). Studying children during the first year of

    life presents tremendous opportunities to examine

    early neurodevelopmental mechanisms that may

    determine later impairments and developmental tra-

    jectories in autism (for example, social orienting and

    gaze monitoring; Moore & Corkum, 1998; Phillips,

    Wellman & Spelke, 2002). Moreover, preliminary

    findings that atypical brain growth (Courchesne, Car-

    per & Akshoomoff, 2003) may predate behavioral

    differences in autism emphasize that studies that target

    high-risk infants earlier in life may yield unique data on

    early markers. Another advantage of enrolling siblings

    at 6 months or younger is the potential to reduce the

    problem of biased sampling (and inflated recurrence

    risk estimates) resulting from over-referral of parents

    who have behavioral concerns.

    Prospective studies of toddlers at high-risk of autism

    starting in the second year of life are also informative.

    Recruitment at this age can include high-risk children

    other than siblings (e.g., population screening on the

    basis of delays in communication skills; Wetherby et al.,

    2004), allowing comparison of children with ASD

    across different ascertainment routes, helping to ensure

    the generalizability of findings. As well, while it may be

    easier to study basic developmental mechanisms in the

    first year of life, a more substantial empirical basis exists

    for studying behavioral markers and early signs of

    autism in the second year. These studies may lead to the

    development of new screening measures (or validation

    of existing measures), and generate educational strat-

    egies to help improve early detection of autism in the

    general community, such as in the ‘First Words’ initia-

    tive (Wetherby et al., 2004). Recruiting siblings during

    the second year of life may also be less resource-

    intensive than recruiting younger infants.

  • Frequency of Assessments
  • The optimal age interval to detect the onset of autistic

    symptoms and/or regression remains an empirical

    question. Research on typically-developing populations,

    as well as research on children with developmental

    disorders, indicates that there are ‘‘critical periods’’ for

    development of skills typically delayed or absent in

    autism—such as between the ages of 6 and 18 months

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 471


    when social-communicative behaviors such as joint

    attention skills, pointing, and imitation are consolidating

    (Corkum & Moore, 1998). Multiple assessments within

    such critical period could be extremely informative for

    the timing and developmental sequence of these

    impairments. However, there are potential trade-offs

    between the rich detail afforded by frequent assessment,

    and the cost, burden on parents, and potential practice

    effects on some standardized measures. Frequent

    assessments may be most feasible using naturalistic

    observations that do not lead to test-related learning,

    such as videotaped maternal-infant interaction samples

    to track social development (Hsu & Fogel, 2003), speech

    samples or vocabulary checklists to track language

    development (Tsao, Liu & Kuhl, 2004) or parent diaries

    or report forms tracking the emergence of behaviors

    such as gestures (Crais, Day, & Campbell, 2004). The use

    of parent questionnaires or diaries and video or audio-

    taped behavior samples from home can facilitate data

    collection. One can reserve standardized assessment of

    language, cognition and adaptive function for ‘‘land-

    mark’’ evaluations at less frequent intervals, depending

    on study design and the minimal allowable testing

    interval on particular tests. Some studies might combine

    microanalysis of the development and emergence of

    early social-communication processes (i.e., frequent

    quantitative and qualitative analyses of operationally

    defined, spontaneously occurring behaviors) with

    macroanalysis of developmental trajectories in broad

    domains of functioning.

  • Comparison Groups
  • If one of the goals of a high-risk study is to identify

    early autism-specific markers, then comparison groups

    are essential to control for potential confounding

    variables and to minimize potential sources of bias. If

    early markers identified in high-risk samples are to be

    useful in the general population community samples or

    clinically referred samples (i.e., to guide first- and

    second-level screening and surveillance), it is impor-

    tant to know not only whether these markers can dis-

    tinguish autism from typical development, but also

    whether they distinguish autism from language delays

    and/or other developmental delays. One should base

    the selection of comparison groups and matching

    variables in sibling studies on the populations to which

    the research findings will be applied.

    In some ways, subgroups of the sibling sample itself

    are ‘‘built in’’ comparison groups of infants who will

    have outcomes other than ASD. Based on previous

    family studies in autism, we might anticipate that in

    addition to the 5–8% of siblings who develop ASD,

    approximately 10–20% will exhibit milder impair-

    ments, including language delay (Bailey et al., 1998;

    Folstein et al., 1999; Murphy et al., 2000), leaving about

    70% to develop typically. Comparing siblings who

    develop ASD, to siblings who do not, controls for two

    important factors: (1) the potential impact of exposure

    to an older sibling with ASD (and to related psycho-

    social stressors on the family); and (2) the possible

    expectation bias of increased risk of ASD on the part

    of the examiner (i.e., it may be difficult to maintain

    blinding to sibling status) or parent rater. However,

    there are also important limitations to this approach,

    not the least of which is the possibility of misclassifi-

    cation error at the point of the initial outcome assess-

    ment. For example, some siblings classified as

    ‘‘typically developing’’ based on standardized mea-

    sures may in fact have mild impairments that may

    become more apparent at a later age. As well, some

    children who are classified as delayed or as having

    symptoms of a ‘‘broader autism phenotype’’ may later

    receive a diagnosis of an ASD (particularly Asperger’s

    syndrome) later on. Misclassification errors will tend to

    minimize differences between groups and reduce

    power. Other groups of typically developing and

    developmentally delayed children may also include

    some who would be classified differently as they get

    older, but this is more likely to be an issue for siblings

    of children with ASD because of their genetic liability.

    As well, siblings with developmental delays may not be

    representative of other children with delays. In par-

    ticular, although siblings of children with autism are

    not known to be at higher risk of global cognitive delay

    unless they also have an ASD (Fombonne, Bolton,

    Prior, Jordan, & Rutter, 1997; Szatmari et al., 1993),

    they may have specific language impairments (Dawson

    et al., 2002; Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006).

    Thus, in addition to siblings of children with autism

    who do not develop an ASD, one should consider

    additional comparison groups. For example, some

    studies may benefit from having low-risk groups that

    control for the effects of being a later-born child, such

    as infant siblings of typically developing children with

    no family history of ASD. Including groups to serve as

    controls for the developmental delays that often

    accompany ASD is also important to consider,

    although the selection and recruitment of such groups

    is a challenge (Szatmari, Zwaigenbaum & Bryson,

    2004). With the exception of children with identified

    syndromes (who are unlikely to be representative),

    even seemingly high-risk populations, such as siblings

    of children with developmental delay, may include a

    relatively small proportion who will ultimately receive

    a diagnosis of developmental delay and may not cover

    472 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480


    the full spectrum of delays that one might observe in an

    unselected sample (Crow & Tolmie, 1998). One may

    find delays of a broader range of severity among

    infants referred to early intervention programs due to

    constitutional and/or psychosocial risk factors (Allen,

    1993), and among infants attending a neonatal follow-

    up clinic due to prematurity (e.g., Bucher, Killer,

    Ochsner, Vaihinger, & Fauchere, 2002). Alternatively,

    if the study follows children starting at a sufficiently

    advanced age, then one can utilize a comparison group

    of children ascertained directly by developmental or

    communication delays (for example, through popula-

    tion screening; Wetherby et al., 2004). However, a

    substantial proportion of children identified due to this

    type of delay in the second year of life may ultimately

    receive a diagnosis of ASD (Robins, Fein, Barton, &

    Green, 2001), so group comparisons may not be valid

    or robust until one follows samples to an age at which

    diagnostic classification is relatively stable (i.e., at least

    3 years of age).

    Once one select comparison groups, one should

    consider other potential confounds between risk sta-

    tus and outcome measures as potential matching

    variables (Jarrold & Brock, 2004; Szatmari et al.,

    2004). Such confounds might include age, gender

    (since autism and language delays are more prevalent

    among boys than girls), and birth order (since early

    infant behaviour may be influenced by exposure to

    older siblings). One should also consider matching on

    parental education and/or socioeconomic status.

    Although neither factor is known to affect rates of

    autism, each may influence rates of other relevant

    outcomes such as developmental delays and behav-

    ioral disorders.

  • Outcome Assessment
  • Several ongoing studies of young infants use end-

    points of at least 3 years of age, although investigators

    may determine and communicate diagnoses to the

    family before this time (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005).

    This approach is consistent with evidence that the

    stability of autism spectrum diagnoses increases sig-

    nificantly by this age (Lord & Risi, 2000). Ideally, the

    diagnostician should be blind to the child’s group and

    previous evaluation data to reduce expectation biases.

    Diagnosis should also be based on expert assessment

    using standardized measures (e.g., the Autism Diag-

    nostic Interview—Revised and the Autism Diagnostic

    Observation Schedule) and best clinical judgment

    based on ICD-10 or DSM-IV-TR criteria. There is

    currently very little published concerning the agree-

    ment between the ADI-R and ADOS (either in

    combination or singly) with clinical diagnosis based

    on DSM-IV (de Bildt et al., 2004), although it is well-

    established that diagnostic agreement in general cor-

    relates positively with the experience of the clinician

    (Stone et al., 1999; Volkmar et al., 1994). In that

    regard, one should also consider the additional step of

    having expert clinicians review all available clinical

    data and then reach a consensus best estimate diag-

    nosis (as is done in some genetic studies; see Ma-

    cLean et al., 1999). However, we do not yet know

    whether clinical experience with older preschool

    children will ensure stability of autism diagnoses in

    toddlers. At present, there is little data on the sensi-

    tivity and specificity of measures such as the ADI-R

    and ADOS in children under age 2–3 years, so the

    interpretation of these measures requires careful

    clinical judgment (Lord & Risi, 2000; Moore &

    Goodson, 2003).

  • Issues Regarding Measures
  • Constructs for Measurement
  • Given the hypothesis that high-risk infants have

    increased rates of language disorders, impaired cogni-

    tive abilities, atypical social behaviors and other fea-

    tures of the broader autism phenotype, assessments

    should measure development across multiple domains

    over time in order to capture the breadth of outcomes.

    A comprehensive developmental approach grounded

    in a thorough intellectual ability assessment is neces-

    sary, as one needs to consider constructs such as play,

    imitation, language and social interaction in the con-

    text of the young child’s cognitive abilities. Develop-

    mental assessment should include measures of

    expressive and receptive language, adaptive behavior

    and overall cognitive profile (see Klin, Chawarska,

    Rubin & Volkmar, 2004 for a review). Although it is

    challenging to find cognitive tests that include sufficient

    nonverbal as well as verbal components, and that one

    can use across a reasonable developmental range

    without floor or ceiling effects, such assessments will

    allow for outcomes such as mental retardation and

    specific language impairment to be distinguished from

    autism spectrum disorders. One of the challenges at

    the outset is that most available measures are designed

    to detect quantitative delays in early development

    (e.g., smaller vocabularies, lower age equivalent scores

    in various areas of cognition) but not atypical or

    qualitatively abnormal or deviant patterns of skill

    development (e.g., splinter skills, atypical develop-

    mental sequence) that may ultimately be more specific

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 473


    to autism. Data on developmental trajectories of lan-

    guage and cognitive skills may ultimately be more

    informative than profiles from any single point in time,

    another advantage of studying autism in high-risk

    samples using a longitudinal design.

    Because the existing diagnostic criteria for autism

    (APA, 2000) are not necessarily suitable for diagnosing

    very young children, evaluation of young children for

    signs of autism (or related communication or social

    problems) must include assessment of underlying

    developmental constructs. For example, early charac-

    teristics of autism evident in children younger than

    2 years may likely include subtle deficits such as vari-

    able eye gaze, inconsistent joint attention skills,

    reduced vocal and/or motor imitation, and repetitive or

    abnormal use of objects (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005).

    These behaviors or skill deficits may be markers for

    disrupted underlying mechanisms, such as attentional

    control, executive functioning, preferential orientation

    to social stimuli, social motivation, face processing and

    auditory processing (Volkmar, Lord, Bailey, Schultz, &

    Klin, 2004). Measures of some of these analogue skills

    including joint attention (Mundy, Sigman & Kasari,

    1990) and imitation (Rogers, 1999; Stone, Ousley &

    Littleford, 1997) have become quite refined. In addi-

    tion, some investigators have reported measures of

    face processing (Dawson & Zanolli, 2003) and eye-

    gaze tracking (Chawarska, Klin, & Volkmar, 2003) in

    very young children. However, the field generally lacks

    well-validated measurements for most neuropsycho-

    logical processes in very young children. Although this

    presents an initial challenge to prospective studies of

    autism, high-risk samples may provide the necessary

    developmental substrate to evaluate innovative mea-

    sures focused on early impairments and underlying

    mechanisms in autism. Moreover, longitudinal studies

    that assess the persistence and developmental pro-

    gression of atypical behaviors and skills deficits offer a

    significant advantage over previous cross-sectional


  • Measures of Delay or Deviance
  • Early indicators of autism may present more as the

    absence of expected behaviors rather than as the

    presence of obvious behavioral aberrations. Measures

    that ‘‘press’’ for social or communication behaviors

    that are often delayed or deviant in children with

    ASD would seem appropriate for assessing high-risk

    infants. For example, the Autism Observation Scale

    for Infants-AOSI; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005),

    recently developed for the purpose of assessing early

    signs of ASD across a range of developmental

    domains, adopts this approach. Similarly, the Com-

    munication and Symbolic Behavior Scales-Develop-

    mental Profile includes several specific play

    interactions that press for early social communicative

    behaviors, including measures of joint attention

    (Wetherby & Prizant, 2002). However, a brief period

    of observation in a research lab may not easily cap-

    ture the range of contexts and facilitating/interfering

    conditions that influence these behaviors in everyday

    situations. As a result, one should obtain information

    about the persistence, quality and frequency of social

    responses from parental report as well as observation,

    with special attention paid to how one elicits the

    responses and how much parental prompting, sup-

    ports, and accommodations are required. For in-

    stance, in addition to level and type of

    communication, examination of the rate of commu-

    nicative behaviors during ‘‘typical’’ social situations

    may be informative (Charman et al., 2005). One also

    needs data on the quality and context of observed

    behaviors to complement simple frequency counts.

    Contributions of infant development experts may be

    critical for identifying measures that capture the

    variability of typical infant development with respect

    to social-communicative behaviors.

  • Measurement of Atypical Behaviors
  • Measurement of atypical behaviors in young children

    is also challenging. The types of unusual behaviors

    seen in very young children with autism, such as

    seeking or avoiding specific types of sensory responses

    and input and repetitive motor behaviors, are partic-

    ularly difficult to measure because they vary in pre-

    sentation within and across children. Stereotypic

    motor behaviors may also be less frequent at very

    young ages, at least by parental report (Stone et al.,

    1994) and may be difficult to distinguish from the

    normal rhythmic movements observed in typically

    developing infants (Thelen, 1981a; b). What is pre-

    dictive of autism may not simply be the type of

    behavior, but rather, the persistence, quality, fre-

    quency and contexts under which the behavior is ob-

    served—but determining this will require careful

    quantitative and qualitative analysis, and appropriate

    comparison groups. There are very little normative

    data on the development of sensory preferences in

    typical infants against which to compare the sensory

    behaviors of infants at increased risk for ASD. It is

    essential that measures of repetitive behaviors and

    sensory interests be normed in typically developing

    infants so one can meaningfully interpret the signifi-

    cance of findings in high-risk populations.

    474 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480


  • Issues Related to Generalizability
  • Potential Differences between Participants and


    Given that investigators may ultimately use the findings

    from prospective studies of high-risk samples to assist

    with identification of early signs of autism in the general

    population, it is important to consider which factors

    may influence participation rates. First, specific con-

    cerns may motivate parents to enroll their younger in-

    fants. This selection factor does not necessarily imply

    that early development in this group will differ from

    that of other infants subsequently diagnosed with aut-

    ism. However, if parents are more sensitive to atypical

    development in one domain compared to another (e.g.,

    verbal language versus motor imitation), this factor may

    bias the phenotypic distribution of participating infants.

    This bias is most explicit in high-risk studies that use

    specific screening tools to identify their participants

    (Wetherby et al., 2004), but may also be an issue in

    sibling studies. Given that early concerns may influence

    participation rates, one must interpret estimates of

    recurrence risk from infant sibling studies cautiously.

    Second, the characteristics of the proband (e.g., level of

    function, severity of symptoms) may influence parents’

    perceptions of risk and hence, likelihood of participat-

    ing. Similarly, parents with other children or relatives

    with autism or autism-related conditions may also per-

    ceive greater risk in their infants. Finally, other family

    characteristics can influence research participation rates

    in general, such as socioeconomic status, parental edu-

    cation, and family composition (e.g., single versus two-

    parent family, number of siblings).

    Potential Differences between Siblings who

    Develop ASD and other Children with ASD

    Children with ASD ascertained through an affected

    sibling may differ from other children with ASD. For

    example, differences in genetic factors, that is, genes

    that lead to higher recurrence rates, may influence the

    clinical expression of autism. Notably, a slightly higher

    rate of the BAP occurs in extended relatives when

    there are two affected children in a sibship (Szatmari

    et al., 2000). Differences in early development may

    also result from the very fact that there is already a

    child in the family with a diagnosis of autism. For the

    second affected child, this may lead to earlier recog-

    nition of symptoms and initiation of intervention, as

    well as differences in parent–child interactions, influ-

    enced both by parents’ previous experience with aut-

    ism and the added stress of parenting an older child

    with special needs. Parents often raise the question as

    to whether some behaviors may result from interac-

    tions with the older sibling with autism. However, most

    available data on early markers of autism in young

    children point to the absence of typical social-commu-

    nicative behaviors—which would be less influenced by

    interaction with siblings—rather that the presence of

    atypical, potentially learned behaviors (Baranek, 1999;

    Dawson & Osterling, 1997; Rogers & DiLalla, 1990).

    Notably, cross-sectional studies have failed to identify

    differences in autistic symptoms or level of function

    between children with autism who have a sibling with

    autism, and children with autism who do not (Cuccaro

    et al., 2003). Comparing developmental trajectories

    unfolding into later stages of childhood of children

    with ASD ascertained through sibling studies with

    those of children referred early (e.g., under 2–3 years)

    for diagnostic assessment may shed further light on

    potential differences between the two groups.

  • Clinical Issues Related to following High-Risk Infants
  • Addressing Concerns
  • Assessment and identification of possible early mark-

    ers of autism have important clinical implications for

    individual participants and their families. Discussing

    and responding to clinical concerns are, inevitably,

    major components (and major responsibilities) in the

    day-to-day operation of prospective studies of high-risk

    infants, and present challenging clinical and ethical

    issues. First, what are clinically sensitive, yet scientifi-

    cally rigorous, approaches to eliciting parents’ con-

    cerns? How do we best collect information about

    parental impressions across a broad range of domains

    or test hypotheses about specific early signs without

    creating concerns or raising parental anxiety? One

    approach is to ask open-ended questions about par-

    ticular developmental domains (e.g., ‘‘Describe your

    child’s play interests.’’). This approach may yield richer

    information than a checklist of atypical behaviors.

    Opportunities to observe the child’s naturally occur-

    ring behaviors and responses to experimentally

    designed presses also reduce the potential burden on

    parents to be the sole source of information on early


    Second, how do researchers communicate concerns

    that arise from their assessments? The involvement of

    an experienced clinician is critical for this aspect of the

    project. Providing feedback to parents regarding stan-

    dardized measures of language, motor, and cognitive

    development is relatively straightforward when the

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 475


    child’s performance is consistent with age expectations;

    however, one requires clinical expertise to interpret

    and communicate assessment results when delays are

    found. It may also be possible to share some observa-

    tions made during administration of experimental

    measures. However, interpretation of the severity of

    developmental delays or of performance on specific

    experimental tasks in relation to future risk of autism is

    much more difficult. At the outset of a study, the

    relation between early findings and risk of autism is

    generally unknown, and only descriptive feedback is

    possible. On the other hand, as the number of children

    who complete the study protocol to outcome assess-

    ment increases, data accumulate regarding the predic-

    tive validity of early markers. At what point is there an

    ethical obligation to share this information with par-

    ticipants? This issue should be given careful consider-

    ation in the study development and design, and in some

    situations may warrant ongoing consultation with an

    independent ethics committee.

    Third, how do researchers respond to concerns that

    parents communicate spontaneously? Handling

    parental concerns about their infants or toddlers

    clearly requires clinical sensitivity and acumen. One

    must acknowledge concerns and treat them with

    appropriate seriousness, even if their implications for

    course and/or prognosis are unknown.

  • Clinical Diagnosis
  • Ethical standards dictate that researchers follow cur-

    rent best practice in dealing with diagnostic issues in

    high-risk samples. When children meet DSM-IV cri-

    teria for ASD, the diagnosis must be communicated to

    parents in a timely way to ensure that they can obtain

    appropriate services for their child. In some cases a

    clinical diagnosis is appropriate before one schedules

    the child’s formal outcome assessment. This procedure

    may have an impact on outcome assessment itself, to

    the extent that early intervention accelerates skill

    development and reduces symptoms. However, one

    can still complete an independent (and optimally

    blind) assessment of diagnosis (e.g., at age 3 years),

    thus providing an opportunity to assess stability of

    early diagnoses in this group. Moreover, if researchers

    fail to communicate diagnoses when criteria are met,

    parents may seek support elsewhere and elect to opt

    out of studies. Selective drop-out of children with

    diagnoses may prove to be a greater threat to longi-

    tudinal research in high-risk samples than the effects of

    early intervention.

    Longitudinal studies of referred samples indicate

    that the vast majority of children receiving an expert

    clinical diagnosis of ASD at 24 months retain that

    diagnosis in an independent assessment at age 3 years

    (Lord, 1995; Stone et al., 1999), but there may still be

    some diagnostic changes up until age 7 (Charman et al.,

    2005). However, only a small percentage of children

    with ASD are referred prior to 24 months and children

    with the most severe symptoms may predominate, an

    ascertainment bias that may inflate estimates of diag-

    nostic stability. A high-risk sample may be more likely

    to include children across the full range of ASD

    severity, including those with milder or more subtle


    There may even be instances in which a child

    appears to meet DSM-IV criteria for ASD even earlier

    than 2 years. However, there are currently few data on

    the stability of diagnoses made prior to 2 years, and as

    noted earlier, there are no guidelines on how to

    interpret scores on standardized measures such as the

    ADI-R and ADOS, or even how to interpret DSM-IV

    criteria for children in this age group. Boundaries

    between ‘‘early markers’’ (those atypical behaviors

    which have a statistical association with a later diag-

    nosis of autism) and ‘‘diagnostic markers’’ (atypical

    behaviors which provide evidence that DSM-IV crite-

    ria are currently met) are ill-defined. Although this

    situation presents a clinical dilemma in current studies

    of high-risk infants, prospective research in this area

    provides a unique opportunity to develop diagnostic

    criteria that are more developmentally appropriate for

    this age group.

    The current emphasis on avoiding delays in diag-

    nosis places a strong focus on children with ASD who

    are missed by early identification and screening efforts

    (false negatives). However, particularly as we begin to

    test the limits of our clinical experience regarding

    assigning diagnosis to toddlers with strong evidence of

    autism, we must also consider the significance of mis-

    classification errors in the opposite direction (i.e., false

    positives, children who do not retain a stable diagnosis

    of autism or move in an out of ASD) (Charman et al.,

    2005). Although children with other developmental

    conditions may also benefit from early referral to

    intervention services, clinical best practice requires

    careful follow-up to at least an age where diagnostic

    stability is better established, and sensitive but open

    discussion at the time of diagnosis regarding possible

    change in status over time.

  • Intervention Referrals
  • Given the discrepancy between accelerating knowl-

    edge concerning early behavioral markers for autism

    and the lack of proven interventions for children

    476 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480


    under the age of 2 years, combined with the notion

    that earlier intervention is highly desirable to maxi-

    mize the chances of a positive outcome (Lord &

    McGee, 2001), the process of referring families for

    intervention is complex. To fulfill ethical require-

    ments, informed consent must address what will occur

    when study measures indicate that a child has a sig-

    nificant problem, the criteria for which should be

    specified a priori (Chen, Miller & Rosenstein, 2003).

    Clinicians are obliged to refer children for treatment

    when they believe it is clinically necessary for facili-

    tating the child’s development as well as providing

    support to the parents. Developmental services have a

    responsibility to offer interventions targeting chil-

    dren’s specific needs (mandated by law in the U.S.)

    However, local providers of early intervention may

    have limited experience in delivering interventions

    specialized to the social-communicative needs of

    children younger than age 2 years, indicating a critical

    need for further research in this area. One should

    carefully document any intervention received by

    participants with respect to modality (targeted skills/

    ideology), setting (home based versus clinic/center

    based), and, critically, intensity (hours per week) to

    try to factor such interventions into outcome analyses.

    Notably, we currently lack efficacy data for inter-

    ventions targeting early signs of autism in this age

    group, so it will be difficult to determine whether the

    interventions change developmental trajectories or

    whether gains related to the natural unfolding of

    developmental processes. Controlled clinical trials of

    interventions that target the specific deficits of autism

    yet are developmentally appropriate to young infants

    and toddlers are essential to resolve this issue. How-

    ever, until such data are available, the absence of a

    clear-cut standard of care for at-risk children will

    leave a significant degree of ambiguity regarding

    appropriate and ethical referral decisions, a situation

    which investigators note in other samples at high-risk

    of psychopathology (Heinssen, Perkins, Appelbaum,

    & Fenton, 2001, p. 572).

  • Summary and Future Directions
  • In summary, general recommendations for the field

    with respect to high-risk research include the need to

    pay critical attention to methodological rigor as well as

    human subjects concerns and practicalities in engaging

    families in research, retaining their research partici-

    pation, and ethically considering appropriate parental

    involvement and feedback. Specific recommendations

    include a careful consideration of issues related to

    recruitment and sampling, the need to follow infant

    participants closely during ‘‘critical’’ age periods (6–

    18 months), the need to consider current knowledge

    limitations in making decisions about clinical concerns,

    diagnoses, and referrals, and the need to use appro-

    priate comparison groups.

    Other recommendations include collaboration

    across research groups to achieve adequate samples for

    successful data analysis of siblings who develop autism.

    Given the small sample sizes of families in any one

    geographic area and the low recurrence risk estimates,

    collaboration among research groups greatly expedite

    studies examining the development of younger siblings

    with autism. To facilitate productive collaboration,

    research groups should attempt to use consistent

    diagnostic methodologies as well as at least some

    common core measures.

    Another avenue for maximizing the efforts of

    studying high-risk samples is to include researchers

    from disciplines such as genetics, neurobiology,

    developmental psychology as well as ethicists.

    Although autism clinical researchers may lead these

    studies, geneticists and neuroscientists could use

    early phenotypic and endophenotypic data to narrow

    their search for gene locations and brain mecha-

    nisms. Contributions from experts in normative

    development may enhance infant sibling studies by

    providing guidance in developing measures suitable

    for infants as well as evaluating variability in

    behaviors and in specific skill development in the

    first year of life. Ethicists may be necessary for

    designing studies that maximize data collection while

    ensuring participants and family members engaged in

    such research have a favorable risk-benefit ratio

    (Chen et al., 2003).

    The methodological and clinical concerns that are

    specific to research with samples at high-risk for the

    development of autism continue to evolve, particularly

    as one identifies and tests behavioral (and biological)

    markers at younger ages. As research with infant sib-

    lings begins to validate early manifestations of autism

    empirically, and consequently early diagnostic mea-

    surements improve, both research questions and design

    will narrow in focus and guide the development of

    more refined guidelines for such investigations.

  • Acknowledgments
  • We thank the National Alliance for Autism
    Research (NAAR) and the National Institute of Child Health
    and Human Development (NICHD) for supporting the work-
    shop where we initially formulated the ideas outlined in this
    paper, and to NAAR, NICHD and the National Institute of
    Mental Health (NIMH) for supporting our ongoing collaborative
    research. In particular, we thank Dr. Andy Shih and Dr. Eric
    London at NAAR for their support and guidance. We also thank

    J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:466–480 477


    the investigators who have joined the ‘Baby Sibs’ Research
    Consortium since the initial inception of this paper, including
    Drs. Alice Carter, Leslie Carver, Kasia Chawarska, John
    Constantino, Karen Dobkins, Deborah Fein, Daniel Menninger,
    Helen Tager-Flusberg, and Nurit Yirmiya for their valuable in-
    sights and outstanding commitment. We also thank the scientific
    advisors to the consortium, including Drs. Anthony Bailey, Peter
    Mundy, Peter Szatmari, Steve Warren and Marshalyn Yeargin-
    Allsopp. Dr. Zwaigenbaum is supported by a New Investigator
    Fellowship from the Canadian Institute of Health Research.

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    • Studying the Emergence of Autism Spectrum Disorders�in High-risk Infants: Methodological and Practical Issues
    • Abstract

    • Identifying Early Signs of Autism using Retrospective Designs
    • Potential Advantages of Prospective Studies
    • Prospective Studies in Autism: Siblings and other High-Risk Groups
    • Issues Related to Sampling
      Sample Size

    • Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
    • Issues Related to Study Design

    • Enrollment Age of Siblings
    • Frequency of Assessments
      Comparison Groups
      Outcome Assessment
      Issues Regarding Measures
      Constructs for Measurement
      Measures of Delay or Deviance
      Measurement of Atypical Behaviors
      Issues Related to Generalizability

    • Potential Differences between Participants and Non-Participants
    • Potential Differences between Siblings who Develop ASD and other Children with ASD
    • Clinical Issues Related to following High-Risk Infants
      Addressing Concerns
      Clinical Diagnosis
      Intervention Referrals
      Summary and Future Directions

    • CR1
    • CR2
    • CR3
    • CR4
    • CR5
    • CR6
    • CR7
    • CR9
    • CR11
    • CR12
    • CR13
    • CR15
    • CR16
    • CR17
    • CR18
    • CR19
    • CR20
    • CR21
    • CR22
    • CR23
    • CR24
    • CR25
    • CR26
    • CR27
    • CR28
    • CR29
    • CR30
    • CR31
    • CR32
    • CR33
    • CR34
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    The Broader Autism Phenotype in Infancy:
    When Does It Emerge?

    Sally Ozonoff, PhD, Gregory S. Young, PhD, Ashleigh Belding, BA,
    Monique Hill, MA, Alesha Hill, BA, Ted Hutman, PhD, Scott Johnson, PhD,
    Meghan Miller, PhD, Sally J. Rogers, PhD, A.J. Schwichtenberg, PhD,

    Marybeth Steinfeld, MD, Ana-Maria Iosif, PhD

    Objective: This study had 3 goals, which were to examine the following: the frequency of
    atypical development, consistent with the broader autism phenotype, in high-risk infant siblings
    of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); the age at which atypical development is first
    evident; and which developmental domains are affected. Method: A prospective longitudinal
    design was used to compare 294 high-risk infants and 116 low-risk infants. Participants were
    tested at 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of age. At the final visit, outcome was classified as ASD,
    Typical Development (TD), or Non-TD (defined as elevated Autism Diagnostic Observation
    Schedule [ADOS] score, low Mullen Scale scores, or both). Results: Of the high-risk group,
    28% were classified as Non-TD at 36 months of age. Growth curve models demonstrated that
    the Non-TD group could not be distinguished from the other groups at 6 months of age,
    but differed significantly from the Low-Risk TD group by 12 months on multiple measures.
    The Non-TD group demonstrated atypical development in cognitive, motor, language,
    and social domains, with differences particularly prominent in the social-communication
    domain. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that features of atypical development, consis-
    tent with the broader autism phenotype, are detectable by the first birthday and affect develop-
    ment in multiple domains. This highlights the necessity for close developmental surveillance of
    infant siblings of children with ASD, along with implementation of appropriate interventions as
    needed. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2014;53(4):398–407. Key Words: autism spec-
    trum disorder, broader autism phenotype, siblings, social-communication, infancy

    he broader autism phenotype (BAP) is a
    constellation of subclinical characteristics

    T that are seen at elevated rates in family

    members of children with autism spectrum dis-
    order (ASD).1 It is generally agreed that the BAP
    encompasses features related to the core diag-
    nostic domains of ASD, such as language delays
    and deficits, social difficulties, and rigidity of
    personality or behavior.2,3 Most previous studies
    have examined the BAP in parents and school-age
    siblings of children with ASD2,3; few have inves-
    tigated BAP features in infancy and toddlerhood,

    This article is discussed in an editorial by Dr. John R. Pruett, Jr.
    on page 392.

    Clinical guidance is available at the end of this article.

    Supplemental material cited in this article is available online.


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    so it is not clear when these differences in
    behavior first develop and can be detected.

    For questions that require precise timing of
    onset, prospective studies provide an optimal
    experimental design, because they do not rely
    solely on parent report, which can be subject to
    recall errors and other biases. In the past decade,
    prospective studies of high-risk infants have
    proliferated. Most commonly, the individuals at
    increased risk for ASD studied thus far are later-
    born siblings of children with ASD. Such infant
    sibling study designs often compare high-risk
    samples to low-risk infants with no family his-
    tory of ASD. Although several dozen such studies
    have been published, most focus on describing
    the early development and predictive early risk
    signs of infants who ultimately develop ASD.4,5

    Other infant sibling studies have reported differ-
    ences between high- and low-risk groups in a
    variety of domains, including eye contact, joint




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    attention, and nonverbal reasoning, but did not
    follow the infants long enough to know whether
    these differences were early signs of ASD or
    might instead index other types of atypical out-
    comes, including the BAP.6-9

    Only a few infant sibling studies have specif-
    ically focused on describing early signs of the
    BAP.10-15 These investigations follow participants
    until age 3 years, determine which children
    develop ASD, and remove them from the larger
    high-risk group before analyses (because, by
    definition, the BAP and ASD are mutually exclu-
    sive). Several studies, most involving small sam-
    ples, have found significant differences between
    high-risk non-ASD groups and low-risk control
    individuals early in life, on tasks of response to
    joint attention at 14 months (n ¼ 8)10 and social
    referencing at 18 months (n ¼ 30),11 as well as
    on parent report measures of temperament as
    early as 7 months (n ¼ 12).12 Early differences in
    parent-reported temperament in high-risk siblings
    without ASD have also been reported in a much
    larger sample at 24 months of age (n ¼ 104).13
    In a comprehensive study examining multiple
    domains of development, 40 high-risk siblings
    without ASD outcomes were, as a group, below
    average in expressive and receptive language,
    overall IQ, adaptive behavior, and social commu-
    nication skills at 18 to 27 months.14 In addition,
    parents reported social impairments on a ques-
    tionnaire by 13 months of age. A recent large
    study followed 170 high-risk children, none of
    whom were diagnosed as having ASD at age
    3 years.15 A cluster analysis identified a subgroup
    (19% of the high-risk sample) that had elevated
    scores on the Autism Observation Scale for Infants
    at 12 months of age. At age 3, this cluster de-
    monstrated lower scores than low-risk controls on
    independent social-communication and cognitive
    measures. Taken together, these and other studies
    strongly suggest that behavioral and develop-
    mental features consistent with the BAP emerge
    early in life.

    Most published sibling studies have been cross-
    sectional and/or focused on whether group dif-
    ferences are evident at a single age. Only 1 study
    thus far has examined longitudinal trajectories
    of development, following a cohort of 37 high-
    risk children from 4 months to 7 years of age.16

    At 7 years, the researchers split their high-risk
    group into 2 subgroups, 1 group with BAP fea-
    tures (40%) and 1 group without, and then
    examined their cognitive and language trajec-
    tories in the preschool years (4–54 months) using

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    growth curve analysis. They found that language
    scores were different for the BAP group as early
    as 14 months, but that cognitive scores did not
    differentiate the group from the low-risk controls
    at any age. The current study took a similar
    approach, examining development longitudinally
    from 6 to 36 months in high- and low-risk infants
    (n ¼ 294 and n ¼ 116, respectively) and looking
    for the earliest inflection point at which the tra-
    jectories diverge from one of typical to atypical
    development. The current study is the largest
    sample to date that examines BAP features longi-
    tudinally. We focus on several domains of early
    development: social-communication, language,
    nonverbal cognitive, and fine motor abilities.

    The studies reviewed above have taken 1 of
    2 approaches when studying the BAP. Some have
    studied all children in the high-risk group, after
    excluding those with an ASD outcome, looking
    for differences from low-risk infants.14 Others
    have classified an “atypical” outcome group, us-
    ing varying criteria at varying outcome ages, and
    then examined whether this “atypical” subgroup
    differs from low-risk controls at earlier ages than
    when the groups were defined.10,12,16 This latter
    approach is the one used in the current study. It is
    clear that there is substantial heterogeneity within
    the high-risk group; virtually all previous studies
    find that atypical development or BAP-like fea-
    tures are present in only a subset of siblings of
    children with ASD.2,3,17 Therefore, studying all
    high-risk siblings without ASD outcomes risks
    the possibility of obscuring potential differences
    that may be evident in a subgroup. Using a de-
    finition similar to other recent investigations,10,12

    we identified a group of high-risk children with
    non-typical developmental outcomes at 36 months
    of age. We then used growth curve analysis to
    examine when non-typical development could
    first be detected. We studied multiple areas of
    development, extending more broadly than the
    BAP (e.g., social-communication, but also cogni-
    tion and motor skills), to examine in which do-
    mains non-typical development was evident.

    The sample reported in this article was drawn from a
    larger longitudinal study of infant siblings of children
    with ASD (High-Risk group) or children with typical
    development (Low-Risk group), recruited at 2 sites
    (University of California, Davis [UC Davis] and Uni-
    versity of California, Los Angeles [UCLA]) during 2
    phases of grant funding (2003–2008 and 2008–2013).

    Y 399
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    ht ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    OZONOFF et al.

    The sole inclusion criterion for the High-Risk group
    was status as a younger sibling of a child with ASD.
    Diagnosis of the affected older sibling was confirmed
    by meeting ASD criteria on both the Autism Diagnostic
    Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Social
    Communication Questionnaire (SCQ).18,19 Exclusion
    criteria for the High-Risk group included birth before
    36 weeks of gestation and a known genetic disorder
    (e.g., fragile X syndrome) in the older affected sibling.
    The primary inclusion criterion for the Low-Risk group
    was status as a younger sibling of a child (or children)
    with typical development. Low-risk status of all older
    siblings was confirmed by an intake screening ques-
    tionnaire and scores below the ASD range on the SCQ.
    Exclusion criteria for the Low-Risk group were as fol-
    lows: birth before 36 weeks of gestation; develop-
    mental, learning, or medical conditions in any older
    sibling; and ASD in any first-, second-, or third-degree
    relative. All participants with complete data at the 36-
    month outcome visit were included.

    Participants were enrolled before 18 months of
    age (age at enrollment: mean ¼ 6.7 months, SD ¼ 5.2
    months; 76% were enrolled by 9 months or earlier).
    Depending on age of study entry, data were collected
    at up to 5 ages: 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. At the
    36-month visit, participants were classified into 1 of 3
    algorithmically defined outcome groups: ASD, Typical
    Development (TD), and Non-Typical Development
    (Non-TD). Table 1 provides algorithmic group defini-
    tions, which were developed by the Baby Siblings
    Research Consortium, a network of researchers study-
    ing very young children at risk for ASD (Chawarska
    et al., unpublished data, November 2013).

    Given this article’s focus on the BAP, which by
    definition is a characteristic of family members of a
    child with ASD, the small groups of Low-Risk partici-
    pants with ASD (n ¼ 4) or Non-TD (n ¼ 27) outcomes
    were not included in analyses. The final sample with
    complete 36-month data included in the study were
    51 participants classified with ASD (17.4% of the High-
    Risk group; n ¼ 8 females), 83 with Non-TD outcomes
    (28.2% of the High-Risk group; n ¼ 32 females), and

    TABLE 1 Algorithmic Group Outcome Definitions

    Outcome Classification

    ASD At o

    Typical Development Doe

    Non-Typical Development Doe

    Note: ADOS ¼ Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASD ¼ autism spectru


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    276 with TD outcomes, who were further stratified into
    High-Risk TD (n ¼ 160; n ¼ 90 females) and Low-Risk
    TD (n ¼ 116; n ¼ 53 females). Of the 83 participants in
    the Non-TD sample, 66 were classified into this group
    because of elevated ADOS alone, 9 were classified
    because of low Mullen Scale scores alone (8 had at least
    1 Mullen Scale score that was �2 SD below the mean,
    and 1 had �2 Mullen Scale scores that were �1.5 SD
    below mean), and 8 were classified as Non-TD because
    of both elevated ADOS and low Mullen Scale scores
    (7 had at least 1 Mullen Scale score that was �2 SD
    below the mean, and 1 had �2 Mullen Scale scores that
    were �1.5 SD below the mean).

    The study was conducted under the approval of both
    sites’ institutional review boards. Infants were assessed
    by examiners who were unaware of group membership.

    Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule.18 This is a
    semi-structured, standardized interaction and obser-
    vation tool that measures symptoms of autism. It has
    2 empirically derived cutoffs, 1 for ASD and 1 for
    Autistic Disorder. Because data collection occurred
    before the publication of newer ADOS algorithms, the
    CommunicationþSocial Total algorithm score was
    used.19 Psychometric studies report high interrater
    reliability and agreement in diagnostic classification
    (autism versus non-ASD). The ADOS was used to
    confirm older sibling diagnosis and to determine infant
    outcome at 36 months of age (Table 1).

    Mullen Scales of Early Learning.20 This is a stan-
    dardized developmental test for children from birth
    to 68 months. Four subscales were administered: Fine
    Motor, Visual Reception, Expressive Language, and
    Receptive Language. Scores are expressed in raw score
    points, which can also be converted to T-scores and
    age equivalents using published normative data. An
    overall score, the Early Learning Composite, is also
    obtained. The Mullen Scale subscales have excellent
    internal consistency (median ¼ 0.91) and test–retest
    reliability (median ¼ 0.84). This test was used to


    r above the ASD cutoff of the ADOS and
    ts DSM-IV-TR criteria for Autistic Disorder or PDD-NOS
    s not meet criteria for ASD classification and
    more than 1 Mullen Scale subtest �1.5 SD below mean and
    Mullen Scale subtest �2 SD below mean and
    S >3 points below ASD cutoff
    s not meet criteria for ASD classification and
    or more Mullen Scale subtests �1.5 SD below mean and/or
    or more Mullen subtests �2 SD below mean and/or
    S �3 points below ASD cutoff
    m disorder; PDD-NOS ¼ pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise



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    ission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    measure cognitive functioning at each visit and to
    determine outcome status at 36 months. Ongoing
    administration and scoring fidelity procedures were
    implemented to ensure that there were minimal cross-
    examiner and cross-site differences.

    Examiner-Rated Social Engagement. At the end of the
    session, examiners rated 3 behaviors using a 3-point
    scale (1 ¼ rare, 2 ¼ occasional, 3 ¼ frequent), as fol-
    lows: frequency of eye contact; frequency of shared
    affect; and overall social responsiveness. These 3 scores
    were summed to create a social engagement composite
    score (ranging from 3 to 9). In a previous study, this
    measure was able to distinguish infants with typical
    versus atypical development by 12 months of age.21

    Clinical Best Estimate Outcome Classification. At the
    end of the 36-month visit, examiners classified each
    child into 1 of 6 Clinical Best Estimate (CBE) categories:
    ASD, BAP, Behavior Problems, Global Developmental
    Delay, Speech–Language Problems, or Typical Devel-
    opment. In contrast to the algorithmic groups (ASD,
    TD, Non-TD) that were empirically determined for the
    current analyses, the CBE classifications were clinically
    defined. Children classified with ASD met DSM-IV-TR
    criteria for autistic disorder or pervasive developmental
    disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Children
    classified as BAP displayed social-communication diffi-
    culties that were judged to be below the ASD threshold.
    Children classified as having ADHD concerns displayed
    high activity level, poor attention, or disruptive
    behavior, beyond what would be expected for devel-
    opmental level. Children classified clinically with Global
    Developmental Delay had low scores across multiple
    cognitive and motor domains. Children classified as
    having Speech–Language Problems displayed immature
    speech patterns or low language levels in isolation
    (no accompanying social or cognitive difficulties). All
    other participants were classified as having Typical

    Statistical Analysis
    Mixed-effects linear models were used to estimate
    patterns of change in Mullen Scale raw scores and to
    test whether group was related to the initial level or
    rate of change in these variables.22 All core models
    included fixed effects for group (ASD, Non-TD, High-
    Risk TD, and Low-Risk TD), the linear effect of age
    (centered at 6 months), and the interaction between
    group and age. To account for the correlated nature of
    the data, the core models included 2 random effects for
    child-specific intercepts and slopes. Additional fixed
    terms (for the quadratic effect of age, the interaction of
    the quadratic effect of age with group, gender, phase,
    site, etc.) were also added to the core model and tested.
    These terms were retained in the models only if they
    were significant. For the models with a significant
    quadratic effect of age, we also included random effects
    for the quadratic age. For some of those models, there
    was little variability left in the intercepts, so only the

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    child-specific slopes were retained. A similar modeling
    strategy was used to analyze the Examiner-Rated So-
    cial Engagement composite scores (with age centered at
    6 months) and ADOS social-communication scores
    (with age centered at 18 months). Further details on the
    mixed-effects models are presented in Supplement 1,
    available online.

    All tests were 2-sided, with a ¼ 0.05. Residual ana-
    lyses and graphical diagnostics determined that the
    model assumptions were adequately met. Analyses were
    implemented using PROC MIXED in SAS Version 9.3.23

    Table 2, Table S1 (available online), and Figure 1
    summarize the results of the mixed-effects models
    for Mullen Scale raw scores. At baseline (6 months
    of age), all 4 groups had comparable values on
    all 4 scales. The Low-Risk TD group demon-
    strated a sharp increase in raw scores with age
    on all Mullen Scales. The High-Risk TD group
    had significantly slower growth over time than
    the Low-Risk TD group on the Expressive and
    Receptive Language scales, but not on the Visual
    Reception and Fine Motor scales. At 36 months,
    the 2 TD groups had comparable Visual Recep-
    tion and Fine Motor scores, but the High-Risk
    TD group showed significantly lower levels of
    Expressive Language (by 1.1 points) and Recep-
    tive Language (by 1.7 points). The ASD group
    showed a significantly slower rate of change than
    both TD groups on all 4 scales and was signifi-
    cantly different from both groups by 12 months
    of age. Of primary interest for this article, the
    Non-TD group’s performance was intermediate
    between the ASD and both TD groups. The Non-
    TD group had lower rates of growth than both
    TD groups, resulting in significant differences
    from them by 12 months of age on all scales
    except Fine Motor. The differences from both TD
    groups were modest at 12 months (differences
    from Non-TD ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 points across
    scales for Low-Risk TD and 0.2 to 1.1 points for
    High-Risk TD) but amplified over time (at 36
    months, differences from Non-TD ranged from
    3.4 to 4.7 points in Low-Risk TD and from 2.8 to
    3.5 points in High-Risk TD).

    At 6 months of age, all 4 groups had similar
    Examiner-Rated Social Engagement composite
    scores (Table 2 and Figure 2). The 2 TD groups
    exhibited significant growth over time, and the
    ASD group showed a sharp decrease in scores
    with age. The Non-TD group had a flat trajectory,
    with significant differences from the Low-Risk

    Y 401
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    TABLE 2 Parameter Estimates (SE) for Mixed-Effects Regression Models Predicting Mullen Scale Raw Scores, Examiner-Rated Social Engagement, and Autism Diagnostic
    Observation Schedule (ADOS) Social-Communication Scores

    Model Term

    Mullen Scale

    Social Engagement

    Social-CommunicationEL RL VR FM

    Estimated trajectory for Low-Risk TD group
    Baseline 6.24 (0.15)*** 6.69 (0.22)*** 9.52 (0.18)*** 9.28 (0.18)*** 7.87 (0.18)*** 2.42 (0.26)***
    Linear age effect (year) 11.42 (0.18)*** 14.81 (0.55) *** 12.84 (0.30) *** 12.98 (0.39)*** 1.13 (0.34)** e0.48 (0.82)
    Quadratic age effect (year) months) — e1.49 (0.21)*** e0.28 (0.10)** e1.26 (0.16)*** e0.29 (0.11)* e0.08 (0.49)

    Estimated difference between ASD and Low-Risk TD group
    Baseline e0.30 (0.29) 0.82 (0.42) 0.35 (0.32) e0.35 (0.35) e0.23 (0.37) 8.46 (0.70)***
    Linear age effect (year) e3.60 (0.34)*** e9.32 (1.02)*** e3.11 (0.38)*** e0.63 (0.73) e2.12 (0.59)*** e6.83 (2.51)**
    Quadratic age effect (year) months) — 2.09 (0.39)*** — e0.67 (0.30)* e0.46 (0.20)* 5.94 (1.56)***

    Estimated difference between Non-TD and Low-Risk TD groups
    Baseline 0.31 (0.24) 0.04 (0.35) 0.03 (0.27) e0.13 (0.29) e0.37 (0.31) 2.24 (0.39)***
    Linear age effect (year) e1.94 (0.28)*** e3.43 (.86)*** e1.42 (.32)*** e0.17 (0.61) e0.53 (0.51) e1.33 (1.23)
    Quadratic age effect (year) months) — .61 (0.33) — e0.45 (0.25) e0.13 (0.17) 1.75 (0.73)*

    Estimated difference between High-Risk TD and Low-Risk TD groups
    Baseline 0.32 (0.21) 0.49 (0.31) 0.15 (0.23) 0.15 (0.26) e0.26 (0.29) 1.10 (0.34)**
    Linear age effect (year) e0.56 (0.23)* e2.03 (0.73)** e0.22 (0.27) e0.67 (0.52) e0.38 (0.47) e2.02 (1.05)
    Quadratic age effect (year) months) — 0.46 (0.27) — .15 (0.21) e0.17 (0.15) 1.01 (0.62)

    Note: Baseline is 18 months for ADOS and 6 months for all other variables. ASD ¼ autism spectrum disorder; EL ¼ Expressive Language; FM ¼ Fine Motor; RL ¼ Receptive Language; SE ¼ standard error; TD ¼ typically
    developing; VR ¼ Visual Reception.
    *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.























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    FIGURE 1 Estimated trajectories for Mullen Scales. ASD ¼ autism spectrum disorder; TD ¼ typically developing.


    TD group evident starting at 12 months and
    resulting in 36-month scores that were signi-
    ficantly lower over time than both TD groups
    (by w1 point) but higher than the ASD group
    (by w2 points).

    At 18 months (the first visit in which the ADOS
    was administered), there were significant group
    differences on the social-communication algo-
    rithm score, with the Low-Risk TD group dem-
    onstrating lower scores than the High-Risk TD
    (by 1 point), Non-TD (by 2 points), and ASD (by
    8 points) groups (Table 2 and Figure 2). The Low-
    Risk TD group demonstrated a stable trajectory
    over time, whereas the High-Risk TD group
    exhibited a slight decrease over time. The Non-
    TD group showed a significant quadratic effect
    of age. At 36 months, the 2 TD groups had
    comparable scores (1.5 and 1.9, respectively),
    whereas the Non-TD and ASD group showed
    significantly higher scores (estimated values 5.7
    and 13.1, respectively). Again, as with the Mullen
    Scale, the scores and longitudinal trajectories of
    the Non-TD group fell intermediate between the
    TD and ASD groups.

    Table 3 depicts the correspondence between
    the empirically derived algorithmic classifications
    (ASD, TD, Non-TD) and clinical judgment (CBE

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    outcome classification) at 36 months. The perfect
    correspondence between the 2 classifications for
    the ASD group is secondary to the algorithmic
    definition, which requires a clinical diagnosis
    of ASD. The Non-TD group had a significantly
    higher rate of classifications of BAP, ADHD
    concerns, Global Developmental Delay, and
    Speech–Language Problems and significantly
    lower rate of Typical Development classifications
    than both the High-Risk and Low-Risk TD
    groups (Fisher’s exact test, p < .001). The most common clinical classification for the Non-TD group was BAP, with more than one-third of the sample falling in this category. Three Non- TD participants received a CBE rating of ASD but did not meet the algorithmic criteria (e.g., did not have an ADOS score over the ASD cutoff), resulting in their classification as Non- TD. Interestingly, almost 40% of the Non-TD group was judged by examiners to have a CBE outcome of typical development, despite the elevated ADOS scores or lowered Mullen Scale scores that classified them empirically in the Non- TD group.

    In secondary analyses, we added to the core
    models and tested terms for gender, site, funding
    phase, and, for those models with significant

    Y 403
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    FIGURE 2 Estimated trajectories for Examiner-Rated Social Engagement composite and Autism Diagnostic Observation
    Schedule (ADOS) social-communication algorithm score. ASD ¼ autism spectrum disorder; TD ¼ typically developing.

    OZONOFF et al.

    gender effects, the interactions between gender
    and group and between gender and age. There
    was no phase effect, and site was significant only
    in the model predicting receptive language (the
    UCLA sample scored 0.4 points higher than the
    UC Davis sample, p < .05, but the difference was so small that it is unlikely to be clinically mean- ingful). Gender was a significant predictor for all Mullen Scales except Receptive Language, with girls demonstrating slightly higher Visual Reception scores than boys (0.5 point, p < .05). For Expressive Language and Fine Motor, there was a significant gender-by-group interaction, driven by girls in the ASD group, who scored lower than boys on these scales, whereas girls in the other 3 groups scored w0.5 point higher than boys on the same scales. There were no gender, phase, or site effects in the model pre- dicting ADOS social-communication score. For the Examiner-Rated Social Engagement compos- ite, there was a significant gender-by-group in- teraction, driven again by the girls in the ASD group, who scored 2 points lower than the boys (p < .001), whereas girls in the other 3 groups scored similarly to boys of the same group. For this variable, there was a phase effect, with phase 2 children scoring about 0.2 points higher than phase 1 children (p ¼ .03). The interaction be- tween gender and age was not significant in any of the models considered.

    This study focused on developmental aspects of
    the BAP, exploring the frequency of non-typical
    development in high-risk infant siblings, the


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    age at which atypical development was first
    evident, and which developmental domains were
    affected. We found that 28% of the high-risk
    cohort demonstrated atypical development (not
    including ASD) at 36 months of age, as defined by
    elevated ADOS scores (within 3 points of the ASD
    cutoff), low Mullen Scale scores, or both. Working
    backwards from this age, we used growth curve
    models to determine when these differences
    in development could first be detected. On the
    Mullen Scales of Early Learning and the examiner
    ratings of social engagement, the Non-TD group
    was not distinguishable from any other group
    at 6 months, but differed significantly from the
    Low-Risk TD group by 12 months of age, devi-
    ating from typical development as early as the
    group with ASD. At 18 months, the earliest age at
    which the ADOS was administered, the Non-TD
    group was already obtaining significantly higher
    scores than the Low-Risk TD group.

    The aspects of atypical development that dis-
    tinguished the Non-TD group from the Low-Risk
    group occurred in all domains assessed in this
    study (cognition, motor, language, and social
    development) but were most prominent in the
    social-communication domain. Of the Non-TD
    group, 90% demonstrated social-communication
    difficulties (as defined by an ADOS score within
    3 points of the ASD cutoff), including reduced
    eye contact, infrequent social initiations with
    unfamiliar persons, repetitive vocalizations, and
    delayed onset of gestures, speech, and play. Iso-
    lated language and cognitive delays (e.g., low
    Mullen Scale scores alone) were relatively rare,
    seen in only 10% of the Non-TD group, as pre-
    vious studies have also found.24 When such


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    TABLE 3 Clinical Best Estimate Classifications at 36 Months by Algorithmic Group

    Clinical Best Estimate, n (%)

    (n ¼ 51)

    (n ¼ 83)

    High-Risk TD
    (n ¼ 160)

    Low-Risk TD
    (n ¼ 116)

    Autism spectrum disorder 51 (100) 3 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0)
    Broader autism phenotype 0 (0) 29 (35) 10 (6) 0 (0)
    ADHD concerns 0 (0) 8 (10) 7 (4) 2 (2)
    Global developmental delay 0 (0) 5 (6) 2 (1) 0 (0)
    Speechelanguage problems 0 (0) 6 (7) 14 (9) 3 (3)
    Typical development 0 (0) 32 (39) 127 (79) 111 (96)

    Note: ASD ¼ autism spectrum disorder; TD ¼ typically developing.


    delays were evident, they occurred in combina-
    tion with elevated ADOS scores. Thus, the vast
    majority of the Non-TD group demonstrated the
    kinds of social-communication features that have
    been previously described in older siblings as
    consistent with the BAP. Interestingly, almost
    40% of the Non-TD group was given a CBE rating
    of typical development by examiners, despite
    such elevated ADOS scores. We plan to further
    examine this subgroup to better understand what
    may lead to a clinical judgment of typicality,
    despite non-typical scores. An item analysis of the
    ADOS, for example, may reveal that high scores
    on certain items are not considered particularly
    concerning by clinicians, leading to a CBE of
    typical development, whereas high scores on
    other items (e.g., eye contact) are judged as
    consistent with the BAP.

    One of the primary gaps in the literature
    motivating this research was the paucity of
    studies of BAP-like phenomena in very young
    siblings, with most previous investigations con-
    ducted on school-age siblings and parents. This
    results in a need to “translate” the types of defi-
    cits seen at older ages, and instruments used to
    measure them, into those appropriate for earlier
    stages of development. Some of this translation
    was straightforward, when the same instrument
    used with older siblings and parents could also
    be used with this young age group (e.g., the
    ADOS; the comprehensive review by Sucksmith
    et al.3 includes a list of previous studies and
    measures used). It was not clear at the start of
    this study whether the Mullen Scales would
    adequately index any cognitive delays that might
    be apparent. The findings here demonstrate that
    general developmental delays can occasionally be
    seen in very young siblings and that the Mullen
    Scales can detect them.

    In future follow-up studies, as our sample
    reaches school-age, we plan to examine what
    proportion of the High-Risk children meet

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    definitions of the BAP used previously in older
    samples.1 Many definitions include behavioral
    features not seen in infancy or measured by our
    tasks, such as peer problems, pragmatic language
    difficulties, rigid inflexible behavior, anxiety, and
    depression. It is possible that the rate of atypical
    development will increase over time, and that
    some children in the High-Risk TD group who
    did not show atypicalities at 36 months or did
    not meet cutoffs for the Non-TD definition may
    be identified with a BAP-like phenotype as they
    are followed up longitudinally into the school
    years. Previous longitudinal studies have, in fact,
    reported a significant increase in the number of
    high-risk siblings identified with BAP-related
    difficulties at age 7 years compared to the pre-
    school years.25-27

    The results reported here are largely consistent
    with a recently published study that used a dif-
    ferent type of prospective design.28 This research
    team analyzed the Avon Longitudinal Study of
    Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort, a very
    large, community-ascertained general population
    sample that followed children from before birth
    to age 11 years, obtaining parent reports of de-
    velopment (including a measure of ASD traits)
    at multiple ages. Bolton et al. found that parents
    reported differences in development within the
    first year of life that not only predicted later di-
    agnoses of ASD, but also a wider, subthreshold
    range of autistic-like behaviors potentially con-
    sistent with the BAP.28

    A question that often arises is whether siblings
    like those in the Non-TD group, who have delays
    that are sub-threshold to ASD, should receive
    early intervention services or whether their de-
    lays will lessen over time without treatment.
    There are not, as yet, any well-controlled inter-
    vention studies that can help to answer this
    question, so we must turn to other sources. One
    answer to the question comes from the law
    involving early intervention services for children

    Y 405
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    Clinical Guidance

    � Close to 50% of younger siblings of children with
    ASD develop in an atypical fashion. In the current
    study, 17% developed ASD, and another 28%
    showed delays or deficits in other areas of
    development or behavior.

    � Differences in development are detectable using
    standardized assessment instruments by 12 months
    of age in many children.

    � The most common development differences seen in
    younger siblings of children with ASD are delays in
    social-communication development (including
    reduced eye contact, extreme shyness with unfamil-
    iar persons, and delayed onset of gestures and
    speech). Some younger siblings also show delays in
    cognitive and motor abilities, as well as attentional
    and behavioral problems.

    � Close developmental surveillance of infant siblings
    of children with ASD is necessary, along with
    implementation of appropriate interventions as

    OZONOFF et al.

    under 3 years of age, the Individuals with Dis-
    abilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C, which
    states that young children with delays and those
    who are at high risk for developmental delays are
    entitled to assessments and intervention services.
    Thus, good clinical practice suggests that when
    children are showing atypical development, they
    and their families should be provided with in-
    formation about the child’s difficulties, clinical
    reports when practical, and referrals to local Part
    C service providers. The second response to this
    question about early intervention for BAP-like
    features comes from 2 long-term longitudinal
    studies of infant siblings, both of which demon-
    strated that children with early lagging trajec-
    tories continue to experience challenges after the
    preschool period and do not “catch up” to typi-
    cally developing peers.16,28

    Which types of intervention should be pro-
    vided to this wide-ranging group of children?
    Certainly, no single approach or modality can be
    expected to fit a group whose difficulties range
    from severe hyperactivity, to mild-to-moderate
    intellectual impairment, to subthreshold symp-
    toms of ASD. Intervention approaches need to be
    chosen based on each child’s profile of strengths
    and weaknesses and each family’s goals and
    priorities. However, there are a range of choices
    available to early intervention professionals from
    a range of disciplines. Empirically supported,
    manualized, parent-implemented interventions
    for toddlers and preschoolers with behavior
    disorders, general delayed development, social-
    communicative symptoms related to autism, and
    difficulties with expressive communication are
    represented in the literature, and many of these
    can be carried out by professionals from a variety
    of disciplines.29-31

    We will continue to follow our sample as they
    reach school age, to examine whether develop-
    mental difficulties identified at age 3 years per-
    sist, and whether new difficulties (e.g., learning
    disorders, anxiety) emerge over time. It is critical
    to better understand the long-term functional
    consequences of the early developmental pat-
    terns identified in the current study. The ulti-
    mate goal of this program of research is to
    determine whether monitoring and identifica-
    tion in the preschool years could be used to


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    provide appropriate interventions that would
    reduce the number of high-risk siblings who
    display later difficulties. &


    y –

    Accepted December 24, 2013.

    Drs. Ozonoff, Young, Miller, Rogers, Steinfeld, and Iosif, and
    Ms. Belding, Ms. M. Hill, and Ms. A. Hill are with the University of
    CaliforniaeDavis. Drs. Hutman and Johnson are with the University of
    CaliforniaeLos Angeles. Dr. Schwichtenberg is with Purdue University.

    This study was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health
    grants R01 MH0638398 (S.O.) and U54 MH068172 (Marian
    Sigman, PhD [deceased]).

    Drs. Iosif and Young served as the statistical experts for this research.

    Editorial support for the preparation of this article was provided by
    Diane Larzelere, BA, University of California-Davis. The authors thank
    the children and families who participated in this longitudinal study.

    Disclosure: Drs. Ozonoff, Young, Hutman, Johnson, Miller, Rogers,
    Schwichtenberg, Steinfeld, and Iosif, and Ms. Belding, Ms. M. Hill
    and Ms. A. Hill report no biomedical financial interests or potential
    conflicts of interest.

    Correspondence to Sally Ozonoff, PhD, MIND Institute, University of
    California Davis Health System, 2825 50th Street, Sacramento CA
    95817; e-mail:

    0890-8567/$36.00/ª2014 American Academy of Child and
    Adolescent Psychiatry


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    Y 407
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    ht ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    OZONOFF et al.


    Mixed-Effects Model Details. Mixed-effects regres-
    sion models were used to estimate individual
    patterns of change in Mullen Scale raw scores,
    Examiner-Rated Social Engagement Scores, and
    Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
    social-communication scores from 6 to 36 months,
    and to test the effects of diagnosis and covariates
    on the initial level and the rate of change in these
    variables. Change in these variables was assessed
    in the mixed-effects models with a term for age
    (centered at baseline 6 months). The models as-
    sume that each child’s individual path of growth
    followed the mean path, except for child-specific
    random effects that caused the initial level to be
    higher or lower and the rate of change (linear,
    quadratic) to be faster or slower.

    The core set of models included fixed effects
    for diagnosis, age (centered at baseline), and the
    interaction between diagnosis and age. A second


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    set of models also included terms for the quadratic
    effect of age and the interaction of diagnosis with
    the quadratic effect of age. These interaction terms
    tested whether the rate of change in the variables
    varied across diagnosis. The most general core
    model included 3 random effects: a random
    intercept and random slopes for both the linear
    and the quadratic effect of age. These random ef-
    fects (describing the between-child variation) were
    assumed to follow a multivariate normal distri-
    bution. We used an unstructured covariance ma-
    trix, which is the most general structure, to model
    the dependence between the random effects. To
    model within-person variation, we assumed that
    the observed measurements differed from the
    child’s true trajectory by independent, identically
    distributed errors at each visit. Separate variances
    for this residual error (assessing the within-child
    variance) were estimated in each group, and
    tests to assess whether the within-child variances
    differed across diagnosis were performed.

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    ission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    TABLE S1 Estimated Trajectories (Estimate, 95% CI) From the Mixed-Effects Models Predicting Mullen Scale Raw
    Scores, Examiner-Rated Social Engagement Scores, and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Social-
    Communication Scores


    Estimated Scores (95% Confidence Intervals)

    (n ¼ 51)

    (n ¼ 83)
    High-Risk TD
    (n ¼ 160)
    Low-Risk TD
    (n ¼ 116)

    Mullen Expressive Language
    6 mo 5.9 (5.5e6.4) 6.5 (6.2e6.9) 6.6 (6.3e6.8) 6.2 (5.9e6.5)
    12 mo 9.8 (9.4e10.3) 11.3 (10.9e11.6)** 12.0 (11.7e12.2) 11.9 (11.7e12.2)**
    18 mo 13.8 (13.2e14.3) 16.0 (15.6e16.4)*** 17.4 (17.1e17.7) 17.7 (17.3e18.0)***
    24 mo 17.7 (16.9e18.4) 20.8 (20.2e21.3)*** 22.8 (22.4e23.3) 23.4 (22.9e23.9)***
    36 mo 25.5 (24.2e26.8) 30.2 (29.2e31.2)*** 33.7 (33.0e34.4) 34.8 (34.0e35.6)***

    Mullen Receptive Language
    6 mo 7.5 (6.8e8.2) 6.7 (6.3e7.3) 7.2 (6.8e7.6) 6.7 (6.3e7.1)
    12 mo 10.4 (9.8e11.0) 12.2 (11.8e12.6)*** 13.3 (13.0e13.6) 13.7 (13.4e14.1)***
    18 mo 13.6 (12.8e14.5) 17.2 (16.6e17.9)*** 18.9 (18.5e19.4) 20.0 (19.5e20.5)***
    24 mo 17.2 (16.1e18.1) 21.8 (21.1e22.6)*** 24.0 (23.5e24.6) 25.6 (24.9e26.2)***
    36 mo 25.0 (23.5e26.5) 29.7 (28.6e30.8)*** 32.7 (31.9e33.5) 34.4 (33.4e35.3)***

    Mullen Visual Reception
    6 mo 9.9 (9.3e10.4) 9.5 (9.1e10.0) 9.6 (9.3e10.0) 9.5 (9.2e9.9)
    12 mo 14.7 (14.2e15.1) 15.2 (14.9e15.5)** 15.9 (15.7e16.2) 15.9 (15.6e16.1)**
    18 mo 19.3 (18.8e19.9) 20.7 (20.3e21.1)*** 22.0 (21.7e22.3) 22.1 (21.7e22.4)***
    24 mo 23.8 (23.1e24.6) 26.1 (25.5e26.6)*** 28.0 (27.6e28.4) 28.2 (27.7e28.7)***
    36 mo 32.4 (31.1e33.8) 36.4 (35.3e37.4)*** 39.5 (38.7e40.2) 39.9 (39.0e40.8)***

    Mullen Fine Motor
    6 mo 8.9 (8.4e9.5) 9.1 (8.7e9.6) 9.4 (9.1e9.8) 9.3 (8.9e9.6)
    12 mo 14.6 (14.3e15.0) 15.1 (14.9e15.4)# 15.3 (15.1e15.5) 15.5 (15.2e15.7)#

    18 mo 19.4 (18.9e19.8) 20.2 (19.9e20.6)** 20.6 (20.4e20.9) 21.0 (20.7e21.3)**
    24 mo 23.1 (22.5e23.7) 24.5 (24.1e25.0)*** 25.4 (25.1e25.7) 25.9 (25.5e26.3)***
    36 mo 27.7 (26.5e29.0) 30.5 (29.5e31.4)*** 33.3 (32.7e33.9) 33.8 (33.1e34.6)***

    Examiner-Rated Social Engagement Composite Score
    6 mo 7.6 (7.0e8.2) 7.5 (7.0e7.9) 7.6 (7.2e8.0) 7.9 (7.5e8.3)
    12 mo 7.2 (6.9e7.5) 7.8 (7.5e8.0)*** 8.0 (7.7e8.2) 8.4 (8.1e8.6)***
    18 mo 6.8 (6.5e7.1) 7.9 (7.7e8.2)*** 8.2 (8.0e8.4) 8.7 (8.5e8.9)***
    24 mo 6.5 (6.2e6.9) 8.0 (7.7e8.3)*** 8.4 (8.2e8.7) 8.9 (8.6e9.0)***
    36 mo 6.2 (5.8e6.6) 7.9 (7.7e8.2)*** 8.7 (8.5e8.9) 8.8 (8.6e9.0)***

    ADOS Social-Communication Score
    18 mo 10.9 (9.6e12.2) 4.7 (4.1e5.2)*** 3.5 (3.1e3.9) 2.4 (1.9e2.9)***
    24 mo 8.7 (7.5e9.9) 4.2 (3.7e4.7)*** 2.5 (2.2e2.8) 2.2 (1.7e2.6)***
    36 mo 13.1 (11.8e14.4) 5.7 (5.3e6.1)*** 1.9 (1.6e2.1) 1.5 (1.2e1.8)***

    Note: ASD ¼ autism spectrum disorder; TD ¼ typically developing.
    #p < .07; *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001 (for comparing Non-TD and Low-Risk TD).

    VOLUME 53 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2014 407.e2


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    • The Broader Autism Phenotype in Infancy: When Does It Emerge?
    • Method
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      Examiner-Rated Social Engagement
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    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews

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    Changing conceptualizations of regression: What prospective studies reveal
    about the onset of autism spectrum disorder

    Sally Ozonoffa,⁎, Ana-Maria Iosifb

    a Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, MIND Institute, University of California – Davis, 2825 50th Street, Sacramento CA, 95817, USA
    b Department of Public Health Sciences, University of California – Davis, Medical Sciences 1C, Davis CA, 95616, USA

    A R


    I C L E I N F O

    Autism spectrum disorder
    Onset patterns
    Prospective studies

    A B S T R A C T

    Until the last decade, studies of the timing of early symptom emergence in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) relied
    upon retrospective methods. Recent investigations, however, are raising significant questions about the accuracy
    and validity of such data. Questions about when and how behavioral signs of autism emerge may be better
    answered through prospective studies, in which infants are enrolled near birth and followed longitudinally until
    the age at which ASD can be confidently diagnosed or ruled out. This review summarizes the results of recent
    studies that utilized prospective methods to study infants at high risk of developing ASD due to family history.
    Collectively, prospective studies demonstrate that the onset of ASD involves declines in the rates of key social
    and communication behaviors during the first years of life for most children. This corpus of literature suggests
    that regressive onset patterns occur much more frequently than previously recognized and may be the rule rather
    than the exception.

    1. Introduction

    The onset of behavioral signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is
    usually conceptualized as occurring in one of two ways: an early onset
    pattern, in which children demonstrate delays and deviances in social
    and communication development early in life, and a regressive pattern,
    in which children develop largely as expected for some period and then
    experience a substantial decline in or loss of previously developed
    skills. While it was long believed that the majority of children with ASD
    demonstrated an early onset pattern, more recent studies suggest that
    regressive onset occurs more frequently than previously recognized
    (Brignell et al., 2017; Hansen et al., 2008; Kern et al., 2015; Pickles
    et al., 2009; Shumway et al., 2011; Thurm et al., 2014; for a review, see
    meta-analysis by Barger et al., 2013). Studies occasionally also identify
    a third onset pattern, that of developmental stagnation or plateau
    (Shumway et al., 2011), that is characterized by intact early skills that
    fail to progress or transform into more advanced developmental
    achievements. This onset pattern is distinct from regression, in that the
    child does not lose acquired skills, but instead fails to make expected

    1.1. Methods for measuring onset patterns

    The most common procedure for collecting information about the

    timing of early symptoms is retrospective parent report. A number of
    factors can influence report validity, including awareness of the child’s
    eventual diagnosis and knowledge of developmental milestones. It has
    long been understood that retrospective reports are subject to problems
    of memory and interpretation (Finney, 1981; Henry et al., 1994; Pickles
    et al., 1996), including in studies of ASD (Andrews et al., 2002). Mul-
    tiple studies have documented the ways in which recall problems and
    other biases can influence parent report. Changes in recall occur over
    time, with past events often reported to occur more recently, closer to
    the time of recollection, than they actually took place, an error called
    forward telescoping (Loftus and Marburger, 1983). Studies of children
    with ASD have demonstrated significant forward telescoping in parent
    report of milestones, resulting in parents being less likely to report re-
    gression and more likely to report early delays as their children grow
    older (Hus et al., 2011; Lord et al., 2004). A recent study from our
    research team (Ozonoff et al., 2018a) conducted longitudinal inter-
    views with parents about onset of ASD symptoms when their child was
    2–3 years old (Time 1) and approximately 6 years old (Time 2). Sig-
    nificant forward telescoping was found in both age of regression and
    age when milestones were achieved. The correspondence between Time
    1 and Time 2 parent report of onset was low (kappa = .38). One-quarter
    of the sample changed onset categories, most often due to parents not
    recalling a regression at Time 2 that they had reported at Time 1.

    Analysis of home movies of children later diagnosed with ASD is
    Received 24 September 2018; Received in revised form 12 February 2019; Accepted 14 March 2019

    ⁎ Corresponding author.
    E-mail addresses: (S. Ozonoff), (A.-M. Iosif).

    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–


    Available online 15 March 2019
    0149-7634/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    another retrospective method used in research studies to study
    symptom emergence (Goldberg et al., 2008; Palomo et al., 2006). Video
    analysis may be a more objective procedure for documenting early
    symptoms than parent recall (Werner and Dawson, 2005) but it is labor-
    intensive and subject to other limitations, such as selective recording
    (e.g., tendency of parents to film positive behaviors). In a study from
    our team that compared classification of onset based on coding of fa-
    mily movies to onset type as recalled by parents (Ozonoff et al., 2011a),
    less than half of children whose home video displayed clear evidence of
    a major decline in social and communication behavior were reported to
    have had a regression by parents. Similarly, only 40% of participants
    with clear evidence of early delays and little evidence of skill decline on
    video were reported by parents to show an early onset pattern.

    1.2. Prospective studies of onset

    Questions about when and how behavioral signs of autism emerge
    may be better answered through prospective investigations, in which
    infants are recruited and enrolled near birth, prior to the advent of
    parent concerns, and then followed longitudinally through the window
    of developmental risk, until the age at which ASD can be confidently
    diagnosed or ruled out, usually 36 months. A few large general popu-
    lation cohorts have been studied prospectively to examine onset pat-
    terns (Brignell et al., 2017; Havdahl et al., 2018) but this study design is
    inefficient, since fewer than 2 in 100 participants will develop ASD
    (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018), making it difficult
    to achieve an appropriate sample size. Additionally, large prospective
    cohort studies must, of necessity, rely upon parent questionnaires and
    rarely provide the opportunity for in-person clinical assessments to
    verify diagnosis or onset pattern.

    For this reason, most prospective investigations utilize high-risk
    samples in order to increase the number of ASD outcomes that are in-
    formative for study. The most widely used high-risk group has been
    later-born siblings of children with ASD, who are known to be at higher
    ASD risk than the general population (Constantino et al., 2010). Most
    investigations compare high-risk infants to lower-risk participants with
    no known family history of ASD in first-, second-, and sometimes third-
    degree relatives. This study design improves on retrospective methods
    in a number of important ways. Serial comprehensive assessments, in
    standardized testing contexts, are used to document the timing of
    symptom emergence, thus avoiding reliance on potentially fallible
    parent recall or non-representative home video. Assessments can utilize
    a wide range of tools, including eye tracking, EEG, and imaging, al-
    lowing broader investigations of symptom onset and testing of specific
    hypotheses. And while most retrospective studies recruit samples
    through clinics, which may influence the results by including more
    severely affected children, infant sibling studies avoid such potential
    biases by ascertaining participants via family history alone.

    Several recent papers provide comprehensive reviews of the infant
    sibling literature (Bölte et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2014; Pearson et al.,
    2018; Szatmari et al., 2016). Here we focus on research reports of
    greatest relevance to symptom emergence, specifically those that study
    infants beginning in the first year of life on measures that are appro-
    priate for examining potential skill decline over time. Using a variety of
    different prospective methods, these studies have reported largely in-
    tact early development, followed by developmental declines and onset
    of symptoms around the first birthday and in the second year of life. For
    example, Zwaigenbaum et al. (2005), using the Autism Observation
    Scale for Infants (AOSI), reported no differences at 6 months between
    infants subsequently diagnosed with ASD and both high- and low-risk
    infants without ASD outcomes; significant group differences emerged at
    12 months and increased over time. This pattern on the AOSI was later
    replicated by an independent research team (Gammer et al., 2015).
    Wan et al. (2013) found that infant-parent interaction quality at 6–10
    months did not predict which children would be diagnosed with ASD at
    age 3, but by 12–15 months, such variables were significantly

    associated with diagnostic outcome. Similar findings of lack of early
    group differences (or lack of early predictive ability), followed by later
    divergence from typically developing infants, have been reported by
    Landa and Garrett-Mayer (2006) using the Mullen Scales of Early
    Learning, Rozga et al. (2011) in joint attention, Bedford et al. (2012) on
    a gaze-following eye-tracking task, Elsabbagh et al. (2013) on a gap-
    overlap attention task, and Wolff et al. (2014) studying repetitive be-
    havior. In an incisive recent review that attempts to reconcile retro-
    spective and prospective studies of regression and explore how study
    design affects the likelihood of capturing regression, Pearson et al.
    (2018) conclude that, among infants who later develop ASD, “the ma-
    jority show declining fixation of eyes, gaze to faces, and social en-
    gagement, from typical levels in early infancy (2–6 months) to sig-
    nificantly reduced levels by 24–36 months (p. 14).”

    2. Findings from the University of California Davis infant sibling

    In our laboratory, we have taken the analytic approach of growth
    curve modeling to examine directly the evidence of longitudinal de-
    velopmental change in the first three years of life. Between 2003 and
    2015, the UC Davis Infant Sibling Study recruited three cohorts of later-
    born siblings, each composed of 50 low-risk and 100 high-risk infants.
    Participants were tested as early as 6 months of age and then seen every
    3 to 6 months until their 3rd birthday (up to 7 in-person evaluations).
    They have since been followed into school age and tested at approxi-
    mately three-year intervals. The oldest children from Cohort 1 are now
    16 years of age and the retention rate is over 80%. At each infant and
    preschool visit, a battery of age-appropriate standardized tests and
    experimental tasks was administered that measured language, cogni-
    tion, social, communication, motor, and many other domains.
    Approximately 20% of the high-risk infants were later diagnosed with
    ASD (Ozonoff et al., 2011b). Diagnoses of ASD were made at any point
    that a child met criteria (mean age 24.2 months) but a full diagnostic
    assessment was completed on all children, regardless of previous find-
    ings, at 36 months by examiners unaware of family risk or prior as-
    sessment results. In the following sections, we summarize several stu-
    dies from these cohorts that consistently demonstrate declining
    trajectories across a variety of different measures and developmental

    The phenomenon of regression is defined by loss or significant de-
    crease in already-acquired skills. Thus, a critical methodological issue
    in prospective studies that wish to examine onset patterns is selection of
    which behaviors to measure. They must be 1) developmentally appro-
    priate across the full age window of risk and 2) robustly present, at high
    frequency, in the first year of life. Such behaviors have the capacity to
    decrease and are therefore of highest relevance to the study of onset
    patterns. Measures that focus on socio-communicative behaviors that
    have not yet emerged in the first year of life, such as joint attention,
    imitation, and verbal communication, will be less useful for testing
    hypotheses about declining capacities. The behaviors our laboratory
    has focused on, including gaze to faces and eyes of others, shared affect,
    and social interest/engagement, are well developed in the first year of
    life (Inada et al., 2010) and therefore of highest relevance in the pro-
    spective measurement of regression.

    2.1. Behavioral coding of social-communication rates

    Our first exploration of longitudinal change in early social and
    communicative behaviors used video recordings of participants inter-
    acting with examiners during structured developmental testing
    (Ozonoff et al., 2010). Research assistants, unaware of family risk group
    or diagnostic outcome, were trained to 90% reliability to detect three
    behaviors: gaze to an adult’s face, smiles at an adult that were paired
    with eye contact, and vocalizations directed at an adult that were ac-
    companied by eye contact. Rate per minute of eye gaze, shared affect,

    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304


    and directed vocalizations of the 25 children in Cohort 1 with outcomes
    of ASD were compared to those of 25 children who did not have ASD
    outcomes randomly selected from the low-risk group. The two groups
    behaved similarly at 6 months: frequencies of none of the three beha-
    viors differed between the groups and effect sizes were in the small
    range. Over time, the Low-Risk (LR) Non-ASD group had a significant
    increase in social smiles and directed vocalizations, while maintaining
    the same consistently high level of gaze to faces. In the ASD group, in
    contrast, the rates of all three behaviors dramatically decreased over
    time. Fig. 1A displays longitudinal trajectories of eye contact rate per
    minute, showing comparable values between groups at 6 months, fol-
    lowed by group differences that became statistically significant by 12
    months and persisted and widened over time. These longitudinal de-
    creases in the rates of key social and communicative behaviors provided
    the first prospectively measured evidence consistent with a regressive
    onset pattern.

    We have since replicated these findings (see Fig. 1B) using the same
    methods in an independent sample of 46 infants later diagnosed with
    ASD from Cohorts 2 and 3 of our longitudinal project. In this analysis
    (Gangi et al., in preparation), a third group, composed of high-risk (HR)
    infants who did not have ASD outcomes, was also included. This group
    was not different from the LR Non-ASD group in the frequency of gaze
    to adult faces at any age and did not show any evidence of decline in
    development, which was evident only in the participants developing
    ASD, replicating our 2010 study.

    2.2. Observer ratings of social engagement

    Coding behavior frequencies from video is time-consuming, labor-
    intensive, expensive, and not transferable to clinical contexts, so our
    research program has also sought to establish whether declining tra-
    jectories are evident using other methodological approaches. At the end
    of each visit, examiners rate the frequency of eye contact, shared affect,
    and overall social engagement (number of social initiations and social
    responses) made by the infant throughout the session, across all tasks,
    using a 3-point scale (1 = rare, 2 = occasional, 3 = frequent). These
    scores are summed to create a composite that ranges from 3 to 9. As
    reported in Ozonoff et al. (2010) and depicted in Fig. 2A, these ex-
    aminer ratings of social engagement showed similar longitudinal pat-
    terns to the social behaviors coded from video. There were no group
    differences in the 6-month examiner ratings; however, while the LR
    Non-ASD group showed a significant increase in social engagement
    ratings over time, reaching close to the maximum score by 36 months,

    the children in the ASD outcome group had a strong decline in social
    engagement ratings over the same time period.

    This finding was recently replicated in an independent group of 32
    infants with ASD outcomes from Cohorts 2 and 3 of our sample
    (Ozonoff et al., 2018b). We used the same examiner rating variable
    (this time with an expanded 5-point scale) and compared the ASD group
    to both a low-risk and a high-risk group without ASD. Again, all three
    groups had comparable levels of social engagement based on examiner
    scores at 6 months of age. The ASD group then demonstrated a decrease
    in scores with age, while the HR Non-ASD group showed stable high
    scores over time and the LR Non-ASD group demonstrated increasing
    scores longitudinally. By 12 months, the two Non-ASD groups demon-
    strated significantly higher rates of social engagement, as judged by
    examiners, than the ASD group and these differences widened over
    time, as can be seen in Fig. 2B. Along with our 2010 paper, these
    findings demonstrate that the declines in the frequency of social and
    communication behaviors detected through more labor-intensive video
    coding methods are also detectable through much simpler methods that
    would be feasible for broader use, such as brief observational ratings of
    social engagement by clinical professionals.

    2.3. Longitudinal parent ratings of social behavior

    The question remained, however, whether such findings could be an
    artifact or byproduct of the assessment context with an unfamiliar ex-
    aminer. For both clinical use and future development of screening
    methods, it is critical to also establish whether parent ratings are sen-
    sitive to the developmental decline phenomenon we have reported. In a
    recent study (Ozonoff et al., 2018b), we examined parent prospective
    ratings of the same early-appearing socio-communicative behaviors
    measured in the video and examiner ratings. Parents in our study
    completed the Early Development Questionnaire (EDQ; Ozonoff et al.,
    2005) prior to each visit. The EDQ consists of 45 questions about the
    child’s current functioning in social, communication, and repetitive
    behavior domains. Each item is rated on a 4-point frequency scale
    (0=behavior never occurs, 3=behavior often occurs). Three items,
    comparable in content to the video codes and examiner ratings, were
    summed: item 1 (“my child looks at me during social interactions”),
    item 4 (“my child smiles back at me when I smile at him/her”), and
    item 13 (“when I call my child’s name, he/she looks at me right away”).
    In addition to being parallel to the behaviors rated by examiners, these
    items were selected because they represent early-appearing behaviors
    that are relevant and developmentally appropriate across all ages of the

    Fig. 1. Declining trajectories of gaze to eyes in children developing ASD, coded from a videotaped interaction with an examiner. Panel A: Cohort 1, Panel B: Cohorts 2
    and 3.

    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304


    study (6–36 months). In contrast to other EDQ items that measure later-
    developing skills (e.g., joint attention, language), the items selected for
    the composite measure behaviors present in the first year of life (Inada
    et al., 2010). As with the behaviors we selected for coding and examiner
    observational ratings, it was critical that the behaviors rated by parents
    have the potential to demonstrate decreases over time as ASD signs
    emerge. The composite variable, quantifying parent report of the fre-
    quency of key early social behaviors, had a potential range of 0 – 9. On
    the parent-rated EDQ, there were again no group differences at 6
    months. As with the other measures, the ASD group showed a decline in
    levels of social engagement with age, while both the high-risk and low-
    risk Non-ASD groups demonstrated gains in social engagement over
    time. The ASD group’s scores were significantly lower than both Non-
    ASD groups by 12 months and the differences increased with age, de-
    monstrating the same declining trajectory as evident in the coded be-
    havior and examiner ratings (see Fig. 3A).

    Employing a similar approach, we replicated the ability of parent
    report to capture the decline in social and communication development
    using a standardized, normed measure (Parikh et al., 2018), the Infant-
    Toddler Checklist (ITC), a 24-item parent questionnaire from the
    Communication and Social Behavior Scales (CSBS; Wetherby and

    Prizant, 2002). This instrument is normed from 6 to 24 months and
    includes questions that span this developmental range, from early-ap-
    pearing behaviors like social smiling to those that emerge at older ages,
    such as spoken language and pretend play. We created a composite of
    three items that represent behaviors typically present in the first year of
    life (item 2: “when your child plays with toys, does he/she look at you
    to see if you are watching?”; item 3: “does your child smile or laugh
    while looking at you?”; item 19: “when you call your child’s name, does
    he/she respond by looking or turning toward you?”). We then com-
    pared growth trajectories in infants subsequently diagnosed with ASD
    (n = 46) to the HR Non-ASD (n = 139) and LR Non-ASD groups
    (n = 96). There were no group differences on the 3-item ITC composite
    at 6 months of age; however, over time, the ASD group showed a de-
    cline in scores, while the two Non-ASD groups demonstrated gains (see
    Fig. 3B). This resulted in the ASD group having significantly lower
    scores at 24 months than both comparison groups.

    These studies from our lab show that children with ASD, as a group,
    evidence declines in development from 6 to 36 months. Such declines
    are seen only in the ASD group and not in comparison samples, even
    those with elevated genetic risk or other developmental concerns.
    Findings of declining trajectories have since been replicated by other

    Fig. 2. Declining trajectories of social engagement in children developing ASD, as rated by examiners unaware of risk group or outcome. Panel A: Cohort 1, Panel B:
    Cohorts 2 and 3.

    Fig. 3. Declining trajectories of social engagement in children developing ASD, as rated by parents, Cohorts 2 and 3. Panel A: Early Development Questionnaire,
    Panel B: Infant Toddler Checklist.

    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304


    independent research teams. Landa et al. (2013) examined growth
    trajectories in infants later diagnosed with ASD and Non-ASD partici-
    pants. Approximately half of the children with ASD, labeled the Early-
    ASD group, demonstrated differences from the Non-ASD cases at 14
    months but the other half (Later-ASD group) did not diverge from ty-
    pical infants until 24 months. The Later-ASD group demonstrated a
    steep decline in shared positive affect, as measured by the CSBS
    (Wetherby and Prizant, 2002), between 14 and 24 months. Jones and
    Klin (2013) conducted a prospective eye-tracking study with high- and
    low-risk infants to assess attention to eyes. The authors reported that
    very early in development (i.e., first two months of life), both low-risk
    and high-risk infants displayed high levels of attention to eyes, with no
    group differences. However, high-risk infants who were later diagnosed
    with ASD began to demonstrate a steady decline in looking at eyes at
    four months, reaching a level that was approximately half that of low-
    risk infants by 24 months. What was most predictive of a later ASD
    outcome was not the amount of visual fixation on eyes displayed at any
    particular age, but the overall declining trajectory over time. This study
    found that the majority of infants developing ASD demonstrated this
    declining pattern.

    2.4. Growth curve modeling approaches to determining onset classifications

    In aggregate, the studies reviewed up to this point converge on the
    conclusion that longitudinal decreases in key social behaviors are a
    signature of the early emergence of ASD. But these data do not clarify
    how widespread such phenomena are within ASD and whether the
    group-level findings are driven by extreme outliers or characterize a
    majority of young children developing ASD. In our lab, we have ap-
    proached this issue analytically using multivariate Latent Class Analysis
    (LCA; Muthen, 2004), permitting us to identify distinct subgroups of
    children based on their longitudinal patterns on multiple measures of
    social communication. This technique does not rely on preconceived
    notions or poorly defined definitions of onset phenomena, but instead
    uses statistical modeling to empirically derive the optimum number of
    classes described by the patterns of performance demonstrated in the

    Data from a recent paper (Ozonoff et al., 2018b) address the ques-
    tion of how widespread the declining trajectories pattern is within a
    group of 32 infants subsequently diagnosed with ASD. We employed
    latent class growth models to examine potential within-group variation
    in onset patterns, using both examiner ratings of social engagement and
    parent ratings from the EDQ (see Sections 2.2 and 2.3 for instrument
    descriptions). Best model fit for examiner ratings was a two-group so-
    lution. Using their highest posterior group probability, the 32 partici-
    pants were classified into two trajectories (see Fig. 4A, which also
    presents the Low- and High-Risk Non-ASD groups as contrasts). Only a
    small proportion of the ASD cases (n = 4; 13%) were assigned to an
    Early Onset/No Regression group by the latent class analyses, based on
    examiners prospectively reporting low levels of social behavior at all
    ages. The vast majority (n = 28; 88%) were classified by these analyses
    into a Regression group, in which examiners prospectively rated in-
    itially high levels of social engagement that dropped significantly over

    The best fit for the parent EDQ 3-item composite in the latent class
    models was a three-group solution: Group 1, an Early Onset trajectory,
    Group 2, a Declining trajectory, and Group 3, an Improving trajectory
    (see Fig. 4B). Parents prospectively reported low levels of social en-
    gagement at all ages for Group 1, which again made up a small minority
    of the sample (n = 4; 13% of the sample). The majority of the sample
    (n = 22; 69%) was classified in Group 2; these children were pro-
    spectively reported by parents to show high rates of social engagement
    early in life, which significantly declined over time. Parents of children
    in Group 3 (n = 6; 19%) prospectively reported low levels of skills at
    early ages that then significantly increased over time.

    2.5. Concordance between retrospective and prospective onset

    In several of our studies, we have examined the correspondence
    between prospectively- and retrospectively-defined onset patterns and
    in each case have found them to be quite poor. For example, in our
    initial paper (Ozonoff et al., 2010), we compared onset classifications
    based upon coded frequencies of social and communicative behaviors
    to onset classifications employing retrospective parent report on the
    Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Le Couteur et al., 2003).
    Using prospective observational data, 86% of the ASD sample showed
    decreasing rates of eye contact, social smiles, and vocalizations over
    time, but by parental recall using the ADI-R, only 17% of the children
    were classified as having regressive onset. In a more recent study
    (Ozonoff et al., 2018b), 69% of parents rated their child in a manner
    consistent with regression on a prospective questionnaire (the EDQ,
    described in section 2.3), but only 29% rated that same child as losing
    skills using a retrospective measure (the ADI-R). Parents were able to
    implicitly identify the changes in their child’s development over time
    when making ratings of the frequencies of current behaviors, but often
    did not explicitly label these changes as skill loss or regression when
    asked in a more categorical way. These results were particularly
    striking since both relied upon parental observations of the child. Si-
    milar findings of low concordance between retrospective and pro-
    spective methods of defining onset were reported by Landa et al.
    (2013). And a recent large general population study (Havdahl et al.,
    2018) found similar under-reporting of losses based on a retrospective
    parent interview. Of parents who prospectively reported a loss, defined
    as rating certain social behaviors as present at 18 months but absent at
    36 months, only a striking 2% of them recalled such a decline, or la-
    beled it as a loss, when asked at age 3.

    3. Conclusions and theoretical implications

    A number of conclusions can be drawn from the collective body of
    work reviewed in this paper.

    3.1. Onset involves declining social development

    ASD emerges over the first two years of life and is not present “from
    the beginning of life” as stated by Kanner (1943, p. 242) in his seminal
    paper. For many years, it was presumed that ASD signs were present,
    but were just challenging to measure, from birth. Diagnostic criteria for
    ASD were developed at a time when children with autism were rarely, if
    ever, identified in infancy and thus many symptoms in the DSM and ICD
    criteria, such as delays or deficits in gestures, language, imitation, and
    pretense, are less relevant to the first year of life. As we have empha-
    sized in this review, one key to understanding early symptom emer-
    gence is to focus on very early-appearing social behaviors, those that
    are robustly present in early infancy, such as social interest, shared
    affect, gaze to faces and eyes, and response to name. When such a
    methodological approach is taken, there is clear evidence, across mul-
    tiple methods, replicated by independent research teams, of declining
    social behavior over time, after a period of relatively typical develop-
    ment. There is convergence across studies of a lack of group differences
    from comparison samples without ASD before 9 months of age, fol-
    lowed by statistically significant differences starting at 12 months that
    widen over time. Logically, if certain skills are evident at typical rates at
    an early point in development and then those same skills, defined and
    measured the same way later in development, have substantially di-
    minished, resulting in statistically significant differences from typical
    infants, a loss or regression of some magnitude must have occurred.

    This paper advocates for taking a dimensional approach and using
    trajectories to identify patterns of onset. We are not arguing, however,
    for a fundamental reconsideration of the use of the word “regression.”
    The Merriam-Webster definition of the word regression is “a trend or

    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304


    shift toward a lower or less perfect state, such as (a) progressive decline
    of a manifestation of disease or (b) gradual loss of acquired skills.” This
    aptly describes the loss of established skills (e.g., eye contact, response
    to name, social interest) that occurs during the declines in social de-
    velopment described in this paper.

    3.2. Regression in ASD is the Rule, not the exception

    The data summarized in this review suggest that a regressive pattern
    of onset is much more common than previously thought, the rule rather
    than the exception. While retrospective studies yielded regression es-
    timates of 20–30%, prospective data put them much higher, in some
    studies well over 80%. We and others (Jones et al., 2014; Ozonoff et al.,
    2018b; Pearson et al., 2018) have suggested that the regressions re-
    ported by parents retrospectively on measures like the ADI-R represent
    just “the tip of the iceberg,” while prospective studies are able to cap-
    ture earlier, more gradual, subtle changes that may be less noticeable in
    real-time observation. A hypothesis deriving from this supposition is
    that concordance between retrospective and prospective methods
    should be most frequent when the regression occurs later, is more
    drastic or severe, and involves loss of clearly defined skills like lan-
    guage. No published studies have yet examined this question and it
    would be a fruitful avenue for future investigation.

    We propose that the way ASD starts, for all children, is through
    declines in early social and communication abilities. This presents a
    testable hypothesis: that all infants developing ASD lose some skills, but
    at different ages, some of which may be harder to detect with current
    measurement approaches than others. It may be difficult for parents to
    perceive and describe changing patterns of development that occur over
    many months during infancy, particularly when the period of normalcy
    is fairly brief. Our team (Ozonoff et al., 2010, 2011a) and others
    (Pearson et al., 2018; Rogers, 2009; Szatmari et al., 2016; Thurm et al.,
    2014) have suggested that onset is better thought of dimensionally, as a
    continuum of age when social and communication behaviors begin to
    diverge or decline, rather than a dichotomy (regression v. early onset).
    In a dimensional conceptualization of onset, at one end of the con-
    tinuum lie children who display declines so early that they are difficult
    to measure and symptoms appear to have always been present. At the
    other end of the continuum are children who experience losses so late,
    when more skills have been acquired and thus there are more skills to
    lose, that the regression appears quite overt and dramatic. We propose
    that variable timing of these processes across children leads to symp-
    toms exceeding the threshold for diagnosis at different points in the first

    3 years of life, resulting in a distributed curve of onset timing.

    3.3. Simplex v. multiplex samples

    An important question to consider is whether regression in infant
    sibling samples is representative of regression in children with ASD who
    are the first in their families to be diagnosed with the condition. If
    symptoms emerge differently in multiplex and simplex families, then
    the insights about onset afforded by prospective research may not be
    applicable to the general population of children with ASD. For example,
    perhaps children in multiplex families are more likely to experience a
    regression than children from simplex families, accounting for the
    higher rates of decline apparent in prospective studies. We have no
    reason to believe this is the case. In fact, the rate of retrospectively-
    reported regression in multiplex families has been reported to be similar
    or lower than in simplex families (Boterberg et al., 2019b; Parr et al.,
    2011), failing to account for the high rates apparent in infant sibling
    studies, whose participants are, by definition, from multiplex families.
    A related issue is that parents participating in infant sibling investiga-
    tions have an older child with ASD. It is possible that these parents may
    be different reporters than other parents, given their previous experi-
    ence with ASD. This may make them more astute observers of devel-
    opment than parents in the general population and therefore more
    likely to recognize skill decline. This hypothesis, however, is not sup-
    ported by the data presented earlier in this review in which parents in
    multiplex families also under-report skill loss (Landa et al., 2013;
    Ozonoff et al., 2010, 2018a, 2018b). Nevertheless, it is important to
    keep these cautions in mind in interpreting the extant data on onset
    patterns. Validating these results in different kinds of samples, such as
    community-based epidemiological cohorts or other high-risk groups
    like very preterm infants, will be critical.

    3.4. Improving the measurement of onset

    Collectively, the studies reviewed in this paper present significant
    concerns about the accuracy of the most widely used methods of
    measuring regression, that is, retrospective parent report, and argue
    against their widespread use. The challenge currently faced by the field
    is that there are no practical alternative strategies to parent report for
    characterizing onset status. The time-intensive process and cost of home
    videotape analysis is prohibitive for large samples. Future studies will
    continue to rely on retrospective data, of necessity, since inclusion
    criteria for most samples require a confirmed ASD diagnosis (i.e., not

    Fig. 4. Latent classes of social engagement, demonstrating declining trajectories in the majority of children developing ASD, Cohorts 2 and 3. Panel A: Examiner
    ratings, Panel B: Parent ratings.

    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304


    prospective data).
    Several strategies have been proposed to improve reporting (Ayhan

    and Isiksal, 2005). To minimize comprehension or interpretation pro-
    blems, it is recommended that further specific information about the
    behavior in question be provided. ASD screening instruments have
    begun to incorporate video to improve accuracy (Marrus et al., 2018;
    Smith et al., 2017) and this strategy could be adapted to improve re-
    porting of onset patterns. For example, longitudinal video of a child
    experiencing skill loss could be shown to parents to illustrate the kinds
    of changes in behavior that define regression. To minimize recall pro-
    blems, the simplest approach, and the one shown to have the best va-
    lidity, is to ask respondents to consult relevant records prior to com-
    pleting the interview (Ayhan and Isiksal, 2005). Parents could, for
    example, review entries in baby books or journals or watch home video
    of the child prior to the interview. Another approach is to link reporting
    to key events in the respondent’s life by creating a detailed timeline and
    context that assist recall of specific details (Loftus and Marburger,
    1983). This method has already been used by Werner et al. (2005) to
    improve recall of early development in ASD and it could be further
    adapted for reporting about onset patterns. Whether these methods will
    enhance the validity of parent report of onset remains to be seen and
    would be a fruitful area of future study. For further discussion, see also
    Boterberg et al. (2019a).

    3.5. Validity of previous studies of regression

    The studies reviewed in this paper call into serious question the
    validity of previous studies of regression, which have, of necessity and
    the lack of alternatives, relied upon retrospective measures. Refining
    methods of studying the onset of ASD has the potential to transform
    research programs on etiological factors that contribute to the devel-
    opment of ASD by providing more precise and accurate measurements
    of an important phenotype (Barbaresi, 2016; Thurm et al., 2018). A
    better understanding of the inflection points at which development
    diverges from a typical trajectory to an autism trajectory could be
    highly informative to the search for risk factors. Better measures of
    onset are urgently needed for etiologic studies, which have been hin-
    dered already by the tremendous heterogeneity of the autism pheno-
    type (Constantino and Charman, 2016). Many recent studies have ex-
    amined whether onset types are associated with potential etiologic
    factors and biological correlates, such as brain growth (Nordahl et al.,
    2011; Valvo et al., 2016), seizures (Barger et al., 2017), vaccinations
    (Goin-Kochel et al., 2016), gastrointestinal problems (Downs et al.,
    2014; Richler et al., 2006), immunological function (Scott et al., 2017;
    Wasilewska et al., 2012), and genetic and genomic variations (Goin-
    Kochel et al., 2017; Gupta et al., 2017; Parr et al., 2011), including
    mitochondrial and MeCP2 mutations (Shoffner et al., 2010;
    Veeraragavan et al., 2016; Xi et al., 2007). So far, none of these factors
    has been firmly associated with onset patterns. This may be due to the
    errors that are likely to have occurred in the classifications of onset
    done in these studies. Clearly, examining the biological underpinnings
    of an imprecise measure is problematic.

    In a review of autism genetics, one of the major priorities identified
    for future research is the characterization of ASD subtypes to relate to
    genetic variations (Geschwind, 2011). As more and more risk genes for
    ASD are identified, the common molecular pathways that these genes
    share are becoming understood, with some expressed early in neuro-
    biological development and others later (Konopka et al., 2012). A twin
    study (Hallmayer et al., 2011) suggested a greater role for environ-
    mental factors in ASD than previously appreciated. A more precise
    timing of first symptom emergence would enhance identification of
    etiological factors and when they might operate, with potential im-
    plications for intervention and prevention.

    4. Clinical implications

    Finally, the studies reviewed here provide hope and promise for
    improvements in screening, early diagnosis, and treatment. Many pro-
    spective studies (e.g., Bosl et al., 2018; Jones and Klin, 2013; Ozonoff
    et al., 2010) used measures, such as behavioral coding, eye tracking,
    and EEG, that are expensive, labor intensive, and not practical for
    routine use. Studies reviewed in this paper, however, have demon-
    strated that prospective parent report can identify declining trajectories
    of development (Ozonoff et al., 2018b; Parikh et al., 2018), as long as
    the instruments focus on early-appearing social behaviors, present in
    the first year of life, that have the potential to demonstrate decreases
    over time as ASD signs emerge. Brief rating scales of this type, ad-
    ministered longitudinally at regular well-child health care visits, could
    provide a clinically feasible and cost-effective screening tool capable of
    detecting declines over time. We hypothesize that dynamic screening,
    which utilizes longitudinal screenings over time and comparison of
    scores across ages to identify declining trajectories, will improve
    identification over static, cross-sectional screenings examining whether
    a single score at a single age exceeds a cutoff. This approach has been
    successfully used in identifying Rett syndrome (RTT), where head cir-
    cumference is normal at birth, followed by deceleration of head growth
    between 5 months and 4 years (Hagberg et al., 2001; Tarquinio et al.,
    2012). Through the development of RTT-specific growth references
    throughout early childhood, based on mapping head circumference
    trajectories, diagnosis of RTT has been possible at earlier ages (Schultz
    et al., 1993; Tarquinio et al., 2012). We (Ozonoff et al., 2010, 2018b)
    and others (Landa et al., 2013; Pearson et al., 2018; Thomas et al.,
    2009) have suggested that this kind of dimensional, trajectory-based
    methodological approach, percentiling social and communication
    milestones as we percentile other growth parameters, could be applied
    to detect ASD early.

    Prospective studies have repeatedly demonstrated that develop-
    mental declines follow a period in the first year of life when socio-
    communicative skills are largely intact. Such early intact skills can be
    capitalized upon in treatment, presenting opportunities for preventive
    intervention when the brain is rapidly developing and maximally
    malleable. For many years, the holy grail has been finding a marker
    present prior to symptom emergence, thus affording the possibility of
    earlier, possibly preventative, treatment during the prodromal period. If
    the prospective methods described in this paper can be harnessed to
    identify infants at risk for ASD, during the decline of skills, rather than
    after the decline was over, it might be possible to disrupt these trajec-
    tories prior to the full onset of symptoms (Dawson, 2011). Children
    could be provided immediate access to infant interventions (Fein et al.,
    2016; Rogers et al., 2014), capitalizing on still-preserved skills and
    harnessing the brain plasticity of early infancy to improve outcomes,
    lessen disability, and perhaps, prevent the full disorder from devel-

    Conflict of interest

    The authors have no competing interests to declare.


    This work was supported by NIH grants R01 MH068398 (Ozonoff)
    and R01 MH099046 (Ozonoff). Thank you to Sofie Boterberg for her
    reading of an earlier version of this manuscript. We are deeply grateful
    to all the children and parents who participated in and showed sus-
    tained commitment to our longitudinal program of research.


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    S. Ozonoff and A.-M. Iosif Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100 (2019) 296–304

    • Changing conceptualizations of regression: What prospective studies reveal about the onset of autism spectrum disorder
    • Introduction
      Methods for measuring onset patterns
      Prospective studies of onset
      Findings from the University of California Davis infant sibling study
      Behavioral coding of social-communication rates
      Observer ratings of social engagement
      Longitudinal parent ratings of social behavior
      Growth curve modeling approaches to determining onset classifications
      Concordance between retrospective and prospective onset classifications
      Conclusions and theoretical implications
      Onset involves declining social development
      Regression in ASD is the Rule, not the exception
      Simplex v. multiplex samples
      Improving the measurement of onset
      Validity of previous studies of regression
      Clinical implications
      Conflict of interest

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