sexually transmitted disease

Due 2/5 @1400

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sexually transmitted infection (STI) or reproductive disorder (male or female) and conduct research on it. Create a concept map (not a paper) about the condition/issue. In the concept map, be sure to discuss the concepts below:

· What is the pathophysiology of the selected disorder?

· What is the etiology of the selected disorder?

· What are the clinical manifestations of the selected disorder?

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· What is the treatment for the selected disorder?

Four References using APA format 7 edition

Write from nursing prospective

No consideration for plagiarism

DUE 2/5 @ 1400

Four References using APA format 7 edition

Write from nursing prospective

No consideration for plagiarism

DUE 2/5 @1400

Directions: Fill in the information as required by your rubric. Feel free to resize and reformat the concept map below and/or change font size to fit your needs. You may use a list format with bullet points to organize your info, but please ensure you are citing appropriately using APA 7th edition format.

[Insert Name of Disease Process or Condition Here]

Pathogenesis (Pathophysiology)


Clinical Manifestations


Risk Factors

[Type here]


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