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We have been asked to write an Investment Account program with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with buttons included. From a technical standpoint, you need to:

Login interface where you put your USERNAME and an “invented password” to start the main program.

· GUI INTERFACE (65 total points)

· The GUI Interface will include a method to select from the following options:

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· Cash deposit [10 points]

· Enter deposit amount

· Cash Withdraw [10 points]

· Enter withdraw amount

STOCKS AVAILABLE: Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook

· Buy Stock [15 points]

· Enter stock symbol, number of shares, and price per share

· Sell Stock [15 points]

· Enter stock symbol, number of shares, and price per share

· Get Overall Balance (cash + stock value) [15 points]

Event Handling and Processing (35 total points)

Establish a new class called InvestmentAccount based on the previous bank account class. [5 points]

The new subclass will inherit the fields and the non-constructor methods from the super class. [5 points]

Add the following new fields:

StockSymbol, NumberOfShares, and PricePerShare. [5 points]

Add the following methods:

A revised constructor [10 points]

A revised “total balance” method that performs the following calculation:

TotalDollars = cashBalance + (NumberOfShares * PricePerShare) [10 points]

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