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Alcoholism Impact on Society Article Analysis
Alcoholism Impact On Society
Article Analysis
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Alcoholism Impact On Society
Alcoholism is the excess consumption of alcohol and liquor drinks; alcohol contains a high percentage of alcohol which is very addictive. Over dependence on alcohol is caused by the mental condition in which an individual has an insatiable craving and physical dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is a major problem amongst young people and senior citizens alike. Alcohol abuse results in the distress and harm of the individual and also those that are around him. Alcoholism causes problems to the addict by altering their behavioral and lifestyle characteristics. Drinking alcohol is very dangerous to an individual health and also affects other people around the alcohol addicts (Moss, 2013).
This paper will analyze the key themes that Moss (2013) has visualized in the article on the problem of alcoholism using six point analysis to provide a close reading that can help the audience to further understand how the author conceptualize the problem of alcoholism in the society.
Lack of Moral Compass Due to Alcoholism Ruins Relationships
Alcoholism affects people relationships with the others in the community; alcoholism makes people develop bad social practices that are against the existing social morals held by the community. “In contemporary clinical practice, we not only consider alcoholism from the perspective of the pharmacological effects of alcohol and its withdrawal syndrome, but also within the context of the broader biopsychosocial impact of alcoholism on the individual” (Moss, 2013). Alcohol makes people lack self-respect through unacceptable behavior which leads to marriage break ups. Alcoholism makes people of all ages irresponsible regarding spending family resources and could create tensions at home. Irresponsible social behavior negatively affects the individuals in the society, for instance, obscene language use significantly affects bringing up young children who are greatly influenced by the behavior of elder people in the community (Le Berre et al., 2017).
Alcoholism Occur Through Social Learning and Interactions
Social learning is an important theory that can be used to explain the root cause of alcoholism in families and the society at large. In this case, the theory posit that social learning is the primary cause of alcoholism in the society and its perception as an intergenerational problem. “Familial factors can influence the developmental course of alcohol use disorders, and the alcohol use disorders of individual family members influence the entire family’s functioning and developmental outcomes of the family system and its members” (Moss, 2013). Alcohol abuse has been detrimental to the functioning of many families. Alcoholism increases the chances of a family breaking down due to the wastages of the family resources and the violence that is related with alcohol abuse. Alcohol affects our social skill by inhibiting the functioning of our prefrontal cortex of the brain (Le Berre et al., 2017). Most alcoholics suffering from psychiatric disorders exemplify anxiety and depression disorders. During alcohol withdrawal, the symptoms seem to be even severe. However, majority of heavy drinkers learn the vice from social observations of their family member or society member use of alcohol.
Alcoholism Increase the Tendencies of Engaging in Crime
People who abuse alcohol are more likely to engage in criminal behavior such as child abuse, domestic violence, and even assault. Like all intoxicants, alcohol confers risk and benefits. Use of alcohol is contributory to wide range of acute and chronic health consequences (including alcoholism), plus it is influential in a variety of social ills ranging from domestic violence and traffic deaths to crime and victimization (Wangui et al., 2017). The pathological changes in the rain can be blamed for the bad social behavior from the usage of alcohol. Alcoholism can make someone be shut by the community and the family. Isolation most often results in marital conflict and violence which has the highest likelihood of attracting divorce. In the society, there has been a rise in drug-related crime which is threatening social progression of our community due to the criminal plunder of young teenagers to meet their monetary needs to finance the expensive habit. Families have been broken which has led to the neglect of children and emotional damage to all those affected by the alcoholism vice. Those that have not been lucky and caught in the act of crime have been charged in courts leaving behind their families in ruin. “Chronic consumption of alcohol can also adversely affect the brain, cognition, and behavior” (Moss, 2013). Alcoholic disorder significantly affects how people behavior and people.
Alcoholism Leads to Irresponsible Behavior
Alcohol is a significant cause of behavioral disorientation and can reduce one’s productivity. Most of the people become disoriented by alcohol, and their behavior is less productive as they opt to spend most of their times drinking alcohol. Risky behavior associated with alcohol also includes the issue of having irresponsible sex and also driving under the influence which can profoundly cause accidents (Le Berre et al., 2017). Concurrent alcoholism and drug abuse is an increasingly frequent finding among adolescents, young adults, and now, as the “baby boomer” generation ages, reports of dual addiction are increasing in that demographic, as well. When people are alcoholic, they are less productive economically and may opt to illegal activities such as selling of drugs and theft to finance the expensive vice (Wangui et al., 2017). Long-term abuse of alcohol can result in poor cognitive abilities that will adversely affect the behavioral functioning of the brain (Le Berre et al., 2017). These aspects reduce one’s productivity which can harm an individual social and economic outcomes in the society.
Alcoholism is A Significant Impediment to Good Health
Alcohol leads to a number of ill health; excessive alcohol consumption reduces the immunity of the body which negatively affects the health of an individual. “Use of alcohol is contributory to wide range of acute and chronic health consequences (including alcoholism), plus it is influential in a variety of social ills ranging from domestic violence and traffic deaths to crime and victimization” (Moss, 2013). Alcohol is the leading cause of the largest cases of liver problems. Too much drinking of alcohol can damage the liver, brain and important body organs, it is, therefore, important to abstain from alcohol to lead a happy and healthy life. Alcohol use increases the chances of getting peptic ulcers, alcoholic dementia and nutritional deficiency due to poor absorption of nutrients in the body. Alcohol use negatively affects the immune system and increases the fragility of the bones which can lead to accidental injury and bone fractures. “The comorbidity of alcoholism with other mental disorders continues to be a clinical challenge for those on the “front lines” managing such patients.” Apart from the body related problems caused by alcohol addiction, alcohol has adverse psychological effects on the body. As people increase the consumption of alcohol their cognitive abilities also decreases at the same time (Omoegun & Alli, 2020). A number of dementia cases are closely related to alcohol consumption, alcohol literary damages the brain function and over time, psychological health can decrease.
Peer Influence During Adolescence Increases Alcoholism Amongst Teenagers
Peer influence and social influence continues to be major factors causing drinking problems for many adolescents who learn such behaviors by watching their peers and families. This means that in a family where family members abuse alcohol there is a significant likelihood that the adolescents in that family will develop a drinking problem and influence other adolescents into the vice. “Research has shown that those who start drinking regularly in early adolescence are at significant risk for alcoholism in later life. Some people, such as recovering alcoholics and those with family histories of alcohol abuse or alcoholism, may not be able to maintain moderate drinking habits” (Moss, 2013). Alcoholism is caused by peer influence and also a mixture of genetic factors, genes that are responsible for the metabolism of alcohol are also essential in influencing alcoholism. These can be indicated in the family history. Severe childhood trauma has also been linked with alcoholism causes as well as adolescence. Availability of alcohol is also a cause of alcoholism in many cases.
Moss (2013) proves that alcoholism is a major social problem that rocks many social relationships in the society, causes ill health and mental health problem and it is significantly associated with criminal behavior such as domestic violence, assault and child abuse. There is need to look at alcoholism from a multi-approach to understand the diverse ways that it affects the society. Alcoholism destroys social harmony and interactions in the society and immediate measures should be put in place to address the vice. Alcoholism require high investment in social systems to reduce the high incarceration of people due to social disturbance and misdemeanor criminal activities due to alcohol intoxication.
Le Berre, A. P., Fama, R., & Sullivan, E. V. (2017). Executive functions, memory, and social cognitive deficits and recovery in chronic alcoholism: a critical review to inform future research. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41(8), 1432-1443.
Moss, H. B. (2013). The Impact of Alcohol on Society: A Brief Overview. Social Work in Public Health, 28(3-4), 175–177. doi:10.1080/19371918.2013.758987
Omoegun, M., & Alli, K. (2020). Alcoholism and mental wellness among youths in Oyo metropolis: Implications for counseling. International Journal of Educational Research, 8(1), 69-82.
Wangui, W. C., Mariene, J., & Wamalwa, B. (2017). Effects of parental alcoholism on students’ education in public secondary schools-A case of Kangema Sub-County, Murang’a County-Kenya. International Journal of Education Research, 5(7), 101-122.