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Mr Dennison.” |
Date: 08/25/2020 |
Time: 1000 |
Family Medicine case 02 |
Age: 40 yo |
Sex: male |
CC: “Persistent cough for two months.”
HPI: Pneumonia, Upper airway cough syndrome, Epiglottitis, Vocal cord dysfunction, obesity or overweight, obstructive sleep apnea, rhinitis or sinusitis, Asthma. |
PMH Allergies: None.
Medication Intolerances: None.
Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas – None.
Hospitalizations/Surgeries – None |
Family History |
Social History gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, stress, and depression. It appears that Mr. Dennison does have rhinitis or sinusitis which may aggravate his asthma |
General persistent cough
Cardiovascular Denies chest pain or palpitations.
Skin Denies bruising or rashes. Denies noted lesions.
Respiratory coughing and whistling noises that you are making at night may be due to asthma. |
Eyes : Normal sclerae and conjunctivae. No discharge or “allergic shiners” are present.
Gastrointestinal Denies N/V/D, ABD pain, or hemorrhoids.
Ears Tympanic membranes are normal. |
Genitourinary/Gynecological Has not had a previous mammogram. Last pap smear was 5 years ago.
Nose/Mouth/Throat Swelling of the inferior turbinates, pallor of the nasal mucosa with some clear drainage present.: Normal appearing; no signs of postnasal drainage.
Musculoskeletal Denies joint swelling or significant back pain. Denies diagnosis of Osteoporosis. |
Breast Denies breast lumps, discharge, or pain. |
Neurological Denies history of syncope or seizures. |
Heme/Lymph/Endo Denies easy bruising, swollen glands, or intolerance of heat or cold. Admits to occasional hot flashes. |
Psychiatric Denies suicidal ideation or anxiety. |
Weight 190lb BMI 28.9kg/m^2 |
Temp 98.2 |
BP 118/68 |
Height 5’8” |
Pulse 80 |
Resp 16 |
General Appearance Healthy appearing male, mildly overweight. |
Skin . No rashes or lesions. |
HEENT Unremarkable. Good dental hygiene, Swelling of the inferior turbinates, pallor of the nasal mucosa with some clear drainage presen. Normal thyroid without evidence of thyroid nodules. Midline trachea. |
S1, S2 normal without murmurs or gallops. Pulses equal throughout. |
mild scattered wheezes heard throughout |
No hepatosplenomegaly, masses, or tenderness. |
Symmetric in shape, free of masses and discharge. |
Genitourinary Non-distended bladder. External genitalia without concerns. |
Normal ROM throughout. Appropriate muscle development. |
Neurological Cranial nerves intact throughout. Normal sensation, reflexes, and strength. Normal gait. |
Alert and oriented. Dressed in clean slacks, shirt and coat. Maintains eye contact. Speech is soft, though clear and of normal rate and cadence; answers questions appropriately. |
Lab Tests :None |
Special Tests |
Diagnosis it can see ethmoid sinus opacification and maxillary sinus mucosal thickening.” |
Differential Diagnoses · 1- Asthma (J45.909) · 2- Chronic sinusitis (J32.9) · 3- Cough (R05) |
Plan/Therapeutics |
· Plan: · Medication for Moderate Persistent Asthma · Antibiotic for chronic sinusitis. |
Evaluation of patient encounter |