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King Abdulaziz University
The Applied College
Computer and Information Technology Department
ACNT220 – 2023/2024
Assignment 1 – Deadline: 07-10-2023. Submission through Blackboard only. – Total Marks: 6
Q1. Draw use cases for (Cars Rental System) using (https://app.diagrams.net/), Customer uses the
system to register and login, query the cars, select a car, select rent time, payment, and print the
invoice, if customer need invoice. Renting office employee show customers’ orders, and approve
the order. The system Technician updates the system and fixes the issues. Screenshot your work
and paste it here as picture and must upload the original file (xml) with this answer sheet on
blackboard on time.
(3 marks)
Q2. Draw class diagram for (Al-Rajhi ATM) using (https://app.diagrams.net/), including at least 5
main classes (Bank, ATM, Customer (Individual, Affluent), Accounts (General, Saving), Cards
(Despite, Credit)). Each class must contain at least 3 attributes and one operation. Screenshot your
work and paste it here as picture and must upload the original file (xml) with this answer sheet on
blackboard on time.
(3 marks)
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