Stakeholder Identification

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TCM 701 1


Exercise 3.1
Stakeholder Identification

This exercise continues your student project that will be used for several homework exercises.
The scenario is that you work for the fictitious company: Bear Claw Corporation. You are a
project manager assigned to a new project. You are in the defining and planning phases and
tasked to produce the project planning documents. This exercise develops a list of

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Develop a list of approximately 10 – 20 stakeholders; ensure that each stakeholder source is
represented in your list:
• Project – champion, leadership, team, consultant
• Internal – sponsor, functional, support
• External – vendor-contractor, government, interest, competitors, neighbors
• Client – end-user, customer

Produce a table listing your project stakeholders and indicate their source (project, internal,
external, client).

Exercise 3.2
Stakeholder Mapping

This exercise continues your student project that will be used for several homework exercises.
The scenario is that you work for the fictitious company: Bear Claw Corporation. You are a
project manager assigned to a new project. You are in the defining and planning phases and
tasked to produce the project planning documents. This exercise identifies and maps

Map each stakeholder by their power and interest. Group the stakeholders into common
interaction groups, such as:
• Monitor
• Keep informed
• Keep satisfied
• Manage closely

Produce a table listing your project stakeholders and their power and interest ranking or score.
Also indicate their interaction group.

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