STAT 500 Week 6 Topic 1 Research hypothesis – correlation/regression

Create a research hypothesis in your area of study that would be answered using either a correlation/regression.  Your response must be in question/asnwer format so that it is clear exactly which question you are answering.  Complete sentences, grammar, etc. and APA intext citations are still required for your response to each question.  Minimum acceptable response is no less than 500 words between all five questions being asked.  

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Your response should answer all of the following:

1. Introduction: Brief description of the study including the purpose and importance of the research question being asked.2. What is the null hypothesis? What is the research hypothesis?3. Participants/Sampling Method: Describe your sampling method. What is your sample size? Who is your population of interest? How representative is the sample of the population under study?4. Data Analysis: Describe the statistical analysis. (HINT: This should either be a correlation/regression depending on your research question). What is your IV(s)? What is your DV? What level of measurement are your IV(s) and DV? What is your alpha level?5. Results & Discussion: Did you reject the null hypothesis? What information did you use to lead you to your conclusion? Was your p value greater than or less than your alpha? NOTE: You can just make up numbers, but include your made-up p value.


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 What are the four levels of measurement and can you provide an example of each?
2. Does correlation imply causation? How do we interpret a correlation?
3. If given the following: r = -.4 and p > .05 given an alpha level of p < .05, would we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis of a correlation between A and B? How do you interpret the finding?


Assignment due by 11:59 PM on 6/21/13

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