
– Finished 8 questions in the attachment

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1. Explain what Bayes’ Theorem is.  Why is it controversial?

2. What is Independent Probability?  Give an example using dice.

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3. What is Dependent Probability?  Give an example using dice.

4. What is the probability of finding the sequence “AAAAAAAAAA” in a random stretch of DNA? Show all the work.

5. Use the Sum-of-Pairs method with standard scoring (+5 Match, -4 Mismatch -16 to Open a gap, -4 to extend a gap) to compute the score for the following alignment:




6. Create a kmer table showing all unique 3-mers and their positions(s) for the sequence AATCAGACCTATAGCAAT

7. What is a Markov chain?  Provide an example, including a graph. Do not include any code

8. What is the difference between a Markov chain and an HMM?  Provide an example of each. Do not include any code

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