
PROBLEM 2A company hopes to improve customer satisfaction, setting as a goal “less than 5% negative comments”. A random survey of 350 customers found only 10 with complaints. Does this provide evidence that the company has reached its goal? Use a 5% level of significance.

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EXPECTATIONS – Draw graphs and charts when appropriate and necessary to demonstrate your reasoning! Label all graphs and charts! – Display formulas. Write complete sentences to summarize your conclusions. – If use any table values, clearly state which tables you used (e.g. Table A-2, etc.). -Attach excel output when appropriate or necessary (e.g. a scatterplot, etc.) HYPOTHESIS TESTING QUESTIONS Your work for all statistical hypothesis testing questions should include the following: 1. Established Ho and Ha. 2. Summary statistics (either computed or given in the problem) 3. The name of the test (e.g. 2sampleTtest or T-test about correlation, etc.) 4. A formula to compute a test statistic (e.g. 1Prop-Z test statistic, etc.) 5. A p-value of the test and/or a critical value from a statistical table. 6. Clearly state the decision rule you use the reach a conclusion. (You may have to sketch a graph to show rejection regions.) Do you “Reject Ho” or do you “Fail to Reject Ho”? 7. State your conclusion in plain language. Use complete sentences.


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